Drak considered that. “Send someone to my suite with her breakfast. I will take her when she has eaten. In the meanwhile, you can round up the youths for training and then set the men to their tasks.”

Kulle nodded unhappily and left.

He was pretty sure the men weren’t going to be any happier than he was about the Prince’s orders and that a good portion of them would end in the brig for insubordination.

Noelle had expected that Drak would remain angry and insulted and possibly dislike her intensely for her observations regardless of the fact that they’d spent most of the night having sex. She wasn’t surprised, therefore, to discover she was alone when she woke.

She was relieved, though.

Not that the sex between them hadn’t been beyond the most wonderful thing she’d ever experienced! But they’d explored their passion pretty damned thoroughly throughout the night and she was exhausted. She was relieved beyond measure that he didn’t expect to spend all day having sex, as well.

There was a tray of food on the table beside the bed when she limped out of the bathroom sometime later after standing under the near scalding water for upwards of half an hour in the hope that it would beat the soreness from her muscles.

Her stomach instantly set up a clamor for the food—even though it was far from being the most appetizing that she’d ever seen!

After dressing quickly, she settled down to eat.

Drak arrived about the time she finished and she slid an uneasy glance at him. Surprised when she discovered he seemed more thoughtful than angry, she relaxed.

“Are you ready to return to the vault?”

Excitement immediately replaced Noelle’s lingering uneasiness. “Yes!” she said, getting up immediately from her seat and searching for the cloak Drak had brought her the day before.

“You will have helpers today,” Drak said conversationally as they headed toward the rear stairs.

Surprise flickered through Noelle, but she decided not ask whether Terl would be one of them or not. Drak hadn’t seemed terribly pleased that they were getting along so well with one another. And he seemed to be in a better mood now than he had been the night before. She decided not to say anything that might spoil his good humor and merely nodded.

She discovered she had a good half dozen helpers.

She was somewhat taken aback at first, but then decided Terl must have talked to his father about their discussion the day before and he must have approved of it.

She explained to them that they were going to organize everything according to how likely it seemed to be fixable. The things that seemed beyond help could all be put together toward the back of the room. Those that looked as if they might actually be in working condition already, or close to it, would be moved to the front and everything else would be arranged back from there from least work needed to most.

This required that they stop and examine each piece fairly well just to determine the likelihood of fixing it. She wasn’t especially surprised to discover that most of the boys seemed interested in the mechanics—at least to a degree, although some were noticeably more interested than others. It was the sort of thing, in her experience, that had a wide appeal among boys.

Not that there weren’t plenty of girls, like her, who also found mechanics fascinating, but it seemed boys were more inclined toward it.

They spent the entire time they were there at that task, but by the time Drak returned to fetch her in the evening they had pretty much examined everything and sorted it and she’d discovered several of the boys seemed to have a real knack with mechanics.

The following day the boys who’d shown the most promise returned. Those who hadn’t didn’t, but there were new boys to take their place.

Shrugging, Noelle focused on finishing the sorting and then settled down at the bench to resume the restoration of the piece she’d started the first day. She carefully identified each piece she was able to and explained to the boys that it was of utmost importance to remember the order of disassembly so that you’d be able to reassemble the piece in the opposite order after you’d carefully cleaned everything and checked it for damage. She also pointed out parts that shouldn’t be touched at all since they might be dangerous electronics. She wasn’t certain she’d correctly identified those components, but they looked suspiciously as if they might be something like capacitors and she didn’t want any of them hurt—or worse, killed—by touching the wrong thing.

Because if she was right and the parts were capacitors they could easily carry enough electrical charge to kill the unskilled and unwary.

After the first week, her escorts began to vary. Sometimes Drak would arrive to escort down in the morning and sometimes Kulle or Terl. Sometimes Drak would come to collect her in the evening and sometimes she would simply leave with Kulle and/or the boys who’d been working with her.

Noelle was so wrapped up in her ‘work’ that it was a while before she noticed that the castle was slowly but surely being transformed.

Very slowly.

The stench didn’t exactly disappear, but she noticed she wasn’t stepping on nearly as many disgusting things on the way to the table and the animals that generally roamed the hall, squatting to do their business wherever and whenever it suited them, vanished.

The men weren’t nearly as rowdy and boisterous.

In fact, they seemed surprising sober and subdued.

And not terribly happy.

And Drak seemed preoccupied and brooding by turns.

Except when he got her into the bedroom.

Regardless of how much room there still was for improvement, the things that had been done were a very definite improvement over the conditions of before.

It occurred to Noelle after she’d encountered a few unpleasant looks from some of the men to wonder if it had anything to do with the assessment she’d made to Drak, but she couldn’t imagine he would pay much attention to anything she’d said. Particularly when he’d been so pissed off about her comments.

The women, she finally noticed, didn’t seem any more fond of her than Drak’s men.

It made her uneasy, but then she was alien to them. She hadn’t really expected them to feel warm and welcoming toward her.

And she thought, maybe, the women disliked her because she had the run of the castle after the first couple of weeks and could go where she liked and explore as much as she liked. Of course, she wasn’t exactly allowed to wander alone. Someone generally escorted her if it was only one of the boys she instructed on mechanics.

Or the little one, Jules. Somehow, he’d made his way to the vault to watch and listen and play at helping. Not that he was much help. He was very young and not as dexterous as the older boys, but he was certainly very willing and eager to learn.

And to teach. He said very little at first, but once he grew accustomed to her, he relaxed his guard enough to chatter like a little magpie.

It was from him that she learned more about the customs and history of the people that occupied the twin worlds than from anyone else.

She also learned that he’d only recently been ‘weaned’ from his mother—the year before—and that he was horribly homesick and hated everything about Aiper, including his father and brothers, and he wanted to go home.

His homesickness infected her. She hadn’t even realized, before, that she’d gotten used to the colony enough to think of it as home, but she missed all of the people and things familiar to her.

Beyond that, his situation absolutely horrified her. She’d been appalled before she’d considered that it might actually affect her own life, but when Drak appeared to have reversed his earlier decision not to breed her and seemed to dedicate himself to doing just that she began to feel far less confident that it was beyond his ability to impregnate her.

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