A Beauty So Beastly

The Beastly Series - 1


RaShelle Workman

Author’s Note

While A Beauty So Beastly is a new story with new characters, the world is the same as that of the Blood and Snow world. So don’t be surprised if Snow, Cindy, Jasmine or one of the many characters from those stories makes an appearance in this series.

You don’t have to have read the other stories to appreciate and enjoy this story though.




This story is dedicated to my children. They inspire me to make use of my crazy imagination.


A great big thank you to Sarah Hansen for the gorgeous cover, Ali Cross for the amazing formatting on the print books, Jen Hendricks for her incredible editing and my amazing family. Without them, I wouldn’t be able to do what I do.

Nearly eighteen years ago…

“Go, Lenora! They cannot catch us.” Fisher pressed his nose against her furry cheek, urging her on. His whiskers tingled with the realization that the Locanis were close. Too close.

They were being hunted by his father’s servants, the worst of the worst of the Locanis. And Kevoney had not been a kind master. He’d been ruthless. Fisher knew if he and Lenora were caught the werewolves would slaughter them without remorse.

Fisher and Lenora had to survive. They were all that was left of the Vaktare royal family, and his mate carried the child that could save their species.

He looked back, peering into the dark night. A strong smell of smoke wafted through the air and Fisher knew the werewolves had burned their home.

“I can’t do it.” Lenora stopped, panting. She swayed, her swollen belly nearly touching the ground before she caught herself. “Our child is unhappy with all the running. It’s making her sick.” Lenora fell onto her side. “It’s making me sick, too.” As though to prove the point, she retched on the ground.

Fisher moved close, taking a protective stance, sensing the Locanis were getting closer.

A quick glance at his chest showed him the pendant was still there, the red stone gleaming in the moonlight. It was their only chance, the one significant advantage they had over the Locanis: each Vaktare was born with a unique preternatural ability.

He had been given the gift of conjuring, which was why he could use the pendant. Lenora could control the elements, but couldn’t use her power now for fear the strain would harm their unborn child.One of the Locanis howled. Others responded. There were at least a dozen, and they were getting closer.

“Please, Lenora. Get up.” Urgency caused him to roar. “If we can get to the top of the mountain, we’ll be able to jump realms. It isn’t far.” Fisher helped her to stand.

Lenora’s legs shook and wobbled.

“Oh,” Lenora cried. “I think the baby is coming.”

“How much time do we have?”

Her ears twitched and she shook her head. “Minutes, possibly just seconds.”

Fisher knew there was no way to predict when the child would come but he wouldn’t let them give up.

Another set of howls. The werewolves were gaining fast. He paused, closing his eyes. Unlike Lenora’s gift, his usually required additional components in order to work. He needed a spell that didn’t require any ingredients, something that would slow the werewolves down. If only Lenora could use her talent and create a thunderstorm to conceal and wash away their scent.

“What is it?” Lenora asked, her breathing heavy.

Fisher opened his eyes, considering his mate. Could he ask such a thing of her, especially in her condition?

Lenora swayed, but held her ground.

His mate seemed to understand. She closed her eyes, focusing. And Fisher immediately felt the winds pick up. Dark thunderclouds appeared in the already opaque sky as it began to rain heavily.

He wrapped his furry arms around her swollen body and lifted Lenora with his front paws as he began walking the remainder of the way up the mountain. He debated changing into his human form, but tossed the thought aside. If he and Lenora were caught it would be easier to fight the Locanis in his werecat form.

This high up, the wind whipped fiercely against their faces, slapping through their fur, stinging their skin. He kept going, bowing his head against the tempest his wife had created.

“Stop you mangy cat!” Even through the downpour it was easy to hear the Locanis’ words.

It had been the leader of the pack, Adam, who shouted. The werewolf was young and arrogant, but he was also fearless and exceptional in the art of killing. Many Vaktare had died with their throats in his mouth, their blood dripping from his fangs.

“It’s okay. Keep breathing.” Fisher spoke softly to Lenora, keeping his back to the werewolves.

Lenora opened her eyes with a look of amused irritation. It said if she had more strength she’d lovingly claw his eyes out.

“I know. Sorry,” he whispered, a wisp of a smile on his face.

She rested a paw against his cheek. He leaned into it, setting her down. He would use the pendant now. If they weren’t close enough to the gateway, it wouldn’t matter. They were dead anyway.

“Turn around, Fisher. Don’t be a coward like your father. Face your death honorably.”

Fisher’s hackles rose. He wanted to make the werewolf leader pay for his insolence. Instead he chanted the words for the incantation. The wind and the rain kept the portal hidden until it was nearly big enough to jump through.

“Go,” he shouted ferociously, shoving Lenora into the opening.

But Adam was suddenly on his back as Fisher took a step toward the portal.

“So you are a coward,” Adam hissed, sinking his teeth into Fisher’s shoulder.

With a mighty heave, Fisher pulled Adam off him, trying to snap his neck in the process. “You’re a lot of talk, Adam.”

The gateway was beginning to close.

Adam stood, shaking his head. Then he charged. Fisher planted his feet. Adam lowered his head, preparing to ram Fisher. At the last second, Fisher sidestepped and leapt into the closing portal.

He heard Adam howl in frustration just as the gateway locked behind him.

It was dark in the new realm, like it’d been in Hiraken, but Fisher’s enhanced vision allowed him to see that Lenora was on her side, breathing rapidly.

“Lenora,” he shouted, running to her. He was in his human form now, as was Lenora.

She didn’t speak, all of her attention on birthing her baby. As the child came, Lenora let out a loud roar. Then she fell silent.

Fisher picked up the human child. “Lenora,” he whispered, when the baby started to cry. “Our baby girl.”

It was strange. While he’d been so terrified for the child moments before jumping realms, he now found he had no emotion at all. He remembered he’d had emotions, that he’d once known what it was like to smile, to love, but he couldn’t find where they’d gone. The medicine woman had explained that in order to shut away the werecat part of them, when they crossed into the human realm the enchantment would seal away all emotions as well.

“I feel nothing,” Lenora said.

“Neither do I. This is what she said would happen.” Fisher looked down at the baby. “What should we call her?” The question seemed appropriate, though he couldn’t understand his need to name the child now.

Lenora closed her eyes, nodding. “We’ll name the child Beatrice.”

“Agreed.” Fisher glanced down at his naked chest. The pendant was gone. He remembered when Adam rushed him, as he’d moved to the side, he’d felt a tugging. “Adam has the pendant.”

“He won’t be able to use it. He has no power. We are safe.”

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