My teeth chattered. I wanted to believe it wasn’t me forcing him to continue to touch me. “Maybe. I don’t know.” I shivered, unable to stop. Rain soaked through my hair and my clothes and trailed down my face.

“Control it, Beatrice. Deep breaths. Calming thoughts.”

I’d never been so cold in all my life. Or scared. I nodded and took a deep breath. Blew it out. It didn’t help. Thunder rumbled across the cloud as though mocking me. “It isn’t working,” I said, crying, my tears mixing with the rain. “Help me, Adam. Please.”

There was a loud noise. The door to the hotel room shattered. Wood flew everywhere, splintering against and into my skin.

“Isn’t this better than awesome?” Will walked into the room followed by three more men I’d never seen before. They all wore similar attire—black suits, white shirts, and black ties.

“Will?” The rain and wind stopped as abruptly as it started. I blinked water out of my eyes and wiped the hair off my face.

Adam’s body relaxed as the spell or whatever I’d commanded his body to do dissipated. In the same second he tensed again, growling at the men in the doorway.

“Beatrice, get out of here,” Adam said, his voice hard as steel. One of the men standing behind Will flicked his hand and Adam’s mouth was clamped shut.

“What’s happening?” My gaze flashed between Will and Adam.

Adam rushed forward, placing me behind him. One of the men raised a palm and moved his fingers slightly. Thick rope coiled itself so tightly around Adam’s body he fell onto his back, smashing the coffee table in the process. Unintelligible sounds came from Adam’s throat. His lips tried to move and I realized he was trying to say something. I rushed to his side, pulling at the ropes, but they wouldn’t budge.

“Stop,” I shouted. “Will, why are you here and . . . involved?” He appeared older somehow, and the kind face he’d always shown me was completely gone.

Will’s eyes glimmered bright blue and I knew. Will was the werecat that had tried to kill me a few days ago. “You’re a Vaktare.” Shock chained my feet to the floor. Now I understood why Adam hadn’t like the guy. I didn’t like him either.

“Bingo.” Will stepped over pieces of broken glass that had been the coffee table.

Two of the three men moved to either side of Will. The one with short black hair picked Adam up and tossed him over his shoulder. Will grabbed my arm. There was a quick rush and we were no longer in the hotel room. We were at Cavanaugh Mansion, standing in the entryway.

“What the freaking hell?” I muttered, shocked that I was home but even more shocked at the disarray my house was in.

“That’s better.” Will let go of my arm. I had so many questions, but I was paralyzed with fear. Adam’s eyes glowed. I wondered why he wasn’t changing. In his werewolf form he could easily break the ropes.

Will punched Adam in the face and laughed. “I bet it’s killing you that you can’t transform.” The three men with Will joined in the laughter. “It’s because of Rhem, you know. It’s his gift. He has the power to bind not just the body, but also the Vaktare’s ability. Pretty cool, huh?” He kicked Adam again.

Adam twisted and contorted his body, trying to get out of the ropes. His eyes were twin balls of rage. I knew if he got out of those ropes, Will was dead.

“All right, let’s get down to business.”


The Wolf Pays

“What do you want, Will?” My voice trembled with fright. “Is this because I threw your birthday present in the pool?”

Will’s eyes burned with fury for a brief moment and then he laughed. Addressing the three men with him he said, “She thinks I’m angry because she’s a bitch.”

They joined in the laughter.

“No, Bea. That definitely isn’t it.” He cupped my chin in his hand. “I’m not angry. Why would I be angry? I’ve been your friend for years. We’ve been a couple for the past six months. I’ve put up with your shit. I’ve been patient, supportive, and an all-around good guy.”

He leaned in and kissed me.

“Don’t,” I mumbled and tried to push him away.

Will’s hand shifted into a beastly paw. He yanked my face forward and slammed his lips onto mine, trying to open my mouth. When I wouldn’t budge, he let go. “No warmth. You are one cold-blooded bitch, aren’t you?” He didn’t wait for my reply but kept going. “I did what I did to get close to you.” He grabbed hold of my head, forcing me close as he licked my face, our noses touching. The hair from his paw tickled my cheek. His breath seemed to burn my skin. “Where’s the red diamond, Bea?”

“Diamond?” I asked trying not to breathe.

I kept hoping I’d shift, or that I’d be able to use one of my abilities. My thoughts kept going to Cole and what he’d said. That I needed to think about something happy, that I needed to breathe deeply. I kept trying to recall the kiss between Adam and me but I was too scared and the memory was marred by questions. There were trust issues as well. He’d been sent to kill me. That was a fact. Sure, he’d chosen not to go through with it. He’d said he changed his mind when he got to know me. But what was to say he wouldn’t change his mind again? His sister’s life was at stake. If he killed me, she’d be set free. Why wouldn’t he choose her?

Will shoved me, letting go. My head smacked against the door as I hit the ground hard. “Give me what I want, Bea, or the wolf pays.” He nodded at Adam and two of the three men picked him up. The third, the man Will had called Rhem held out a hand and turned it slowly.

Adam started to writhe, letting out a snarl.

“Stop,” I shouted, crawling toward him.

Will grabbed me around the waist and held me fast. “If you’re a good girl and give me the diamond, maybe I can talk to the King, put in a good word. Maybe you won’t have to die, maybe he’ll let you be my lover.” He leaned in, running his teeth against my neck.

I spat in his face. “I’d rather die.” I grabbed hold of his shirt and tried to push him off.

He yanked on my hair. “Oh, that’s going to happen, don’t worry.” He bit my shoulder with mock playfulness. “Besides, I’d tire of you before too long. I mean you did fall for a worthless dog.” He shoved me into a wall, my head going through the plaster before he yanked me out by the back of my neck.

My forehead was bleeding as well as my nose. I grabbed hold of his arms, scratching and clawing, but I wasn’t strong enough to do any real damage. Will led me over to Adam. He was still writhing. Occasionally, he would moan.

By the faraway look in Adam’s eyes I knew whatever Rhem was doing to Adam was killing him.

Then Will kicked Adam in the stomach. The men hooted. “If I wasn’t under orders to bring his ass back alive, he’d already be dead.” He kicked Adam in the stomach again. “But there might be an accident. Sometimes shit happens, right?”

“Fine,” I yelled. “I’ll take you to the diamond.”

Even through the pain, Adam heard me, and he seemed confused. I’d told him Celeste stole the diamond. “Sorry, Adam.” Then to Will I said, “The diamond is upstairs.”

Will took me by the neck and forced me to walk up with him. I didn’t fight him. When we got to my bedroom, Will smiled. It was sinister.

“It’s in the closet,” I said, pointing.

“Go get it.” He shoved me and I flew forward, falling onto my hands and knees.

I crawled into my closet and over to the section where my pants hung on hangers. I pushed them aside, clicked the secret door open, and entered the safe’s combination. My hands shook as I pulled on the safe’s handle.

“Figures,” Will said, his voice hard.

I took the diamond and stood, handing it to him.

“Let’s make sure you’re telling the truth.” Will lifted the red stone into the light. The diamond sparkled as he turned it back and forth. “Excellent.” He pocketed the diamond and grabbed my arm, dragging me out of the closet. I watched his gaze linger on the bed. He licked his lips, glancing from me. “After the hell I put up with playing your boyfriend, I deserve payment.” He hauled me onto the bed.

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