“Do you mind?” Adam took the diamond from my clawed hand. “It possesses very strong magic. It’s one of two diamonds in existence that can be used to jump realms. I believed there was only one—until I saw yours.” He smiled sadly. “Obviously, you have no need for such trivial magic, but for most Vaktare, it’s a much desired stone that makes up a very powerful charm. I recommend keeping it close.”

“I will,” I said, taking it back. Then I really thought about what he said. “Where’s the other diamond?” I remembered he’d said he took it and my dad’s powers. That meant he still had the other one.

Adam glanced down. “It’s safe,” he finally said. “And that diamond? I thought Celeste stole it.”

“I lied. I wanted to make her suffer.” I turned away, disgusted by the guilt.

Adam shook his head. “So you had it all this time?”

“Yes,” I nodded.

“It’s a good thing I believed your lie, otherwise I might not have had the opportunity to get to know the real you.”

An electric bolt of anxiety shot down my spine at his words. There it was again, the reminder that he’d been sent to kill me.

“So what next?” Adam asked.

I glanced around the entryway. Thoughts of my parents, the new king of Hiraken and those Vaktare who wanted me dead, worry over my new friend Cole and even my friends Eva, Ashley, and Cassidy swirled through my mind. Life was going to get even more complicated. Of that I was sure. “I should probably have this mess cleaned up. Bring Mrs. Dotts and Isaac back, and . . .” I looked down at myself, at the thick fur, and my hands that were more beastly than human. “I guess first I’d better figure out how to shift out of this form. As soon as I do, I’m going to take a shower.”

“Maybe you should get to your room right away just in case you shift sooner rather than later.” Adam hugged me. “Not that I’d mind.” He winked.

I snuggled into his shoulder.

“Your fur is so soft, Beatrice.”

Heat burned my cheeks. “So is yours.” I ran my hands up and down his back. Embarrassment gave way to desire. Sexual tension snapped the air around and between us. But kissing in our were-forms, at least kissing the way I liked to kiss, wasn’t possible. It seemed my body understood. I felt my skin tingle and immediately I shifted.

Adam quickly turned away.

“Humiliating,” I said, feeling my whole body heat with mortification as I carefully picked my way through the debris and made my way upstairs.


See Me Naked

Fizban appeared as soon as I walked into my room, or what was left of it. “That was awkward,” she said, glancing with distain around my room.

I let out a belated scream, covering my girly parts. “You scared the freaking daylights out of me.”

Fizban laughed, picking up and tossing large chucks of plaster off my bed and onto the floor. “Nothing wrong with a little nakedness.” After brushing off a portion of my bedspread, she sat, crossing one leg over the other and began to pick at one of her long nails. “You are rather jumpy though.”

I thought about everything I’d just been through. Being a little jumpy seemed appropriate, considering. Before I could express such thoughts, I heard Adam yell.

“Beatrice!” The sound of claws scraped against marble stairs and then Adam crashed through the door, teeth bared, and growling.

Fizban tutted him. “Calm down, Adam. I just surprised our Beatrice.”

I yelped. I didn’t want Adam to see me naked, even though I knew he had before, mostly, when he ran me up to the house after the first time I changed.

Fizban laughed as I jumped over broken furniture and pieces of the wall, climbing into my closet. Surprisingly, it was still in tact.

I pulled a silk robe in the darkest blue off a hanger and tied it. When I came back into the room, it was to see Adam pacing, his body between Fizban and the closet, protecting me. “Adam, meet Fizban, the . . . What are you exactly?”

She smiled. And then Greg appeared on the bed next to her. Adam growled again, preparing to attack.

Greg sat beside Fizban. “Relax, Locanis. No harm will come to you or Beatrice on this day.”

The hair on Adam’s back stood on end. “That does nothing to comfort me.”

Standing beside him, I stroked his fur, trying to help him relax.

Fizban and Greg exchanged a look.

“We are called the Unknowns. We are the creators of your realm, of your magic, and of your species,” Greg said.

Fizban met my gaze. “I wasn’t too happy about how things were going, what with what a jackass your grandfather became, so Greg and I decided on one last hurrah.” Fizban winked. “It was either that or destroy all of you.”

I rocked back on my heels, astounded. “Creators? Like Gods?”

“Something like that,” Fizban said with false modesty.

“The legend of the Unduyee was our creation and we brought you, Beatrice, in to being.” Greg smiled, his turquoise eyes dancing with happiness.

“I wasn’t sure you were going to live up to your potential, but you came through.” Fizban’s eyes locked on Adam. “Didn’t she?”

Adam—who was still in his werewolf form—growled.

“And you weren’t so bad yourself,” she went on.

Greg’s gaze never left Adam as he spoke. “We were worried when you first showed up, especially when the two of you seemed to have feelings for each other.” Greg tsked. “You know better.” Adam gave a low snarl. “Beatrice, now you know better as well.” He stood. “So, let’s put this craziness behind us and get you to Hiraken where you can become Queen and begin working on your destiny.”

I didn’t know what to say. I wasn’t ready to begin working on my destiny. I didn’t even know how control my ability to shift. “Fizban. Greg. I really appreciate what you’ve done.” That was a large overstatement. But I was at least glad to be alive. Since they were Gods of some sort I felt obligated to lay the graciousness on thick. “The curse, reverse curse thing you did has helped me become a better person.” I gave Fizban a pointed glance. “I think I understand what you meant when you said sometimes those that appear the most beastly are the most beautiful.”

Fizban smiled. “Of course you do.”

“But I’m not ready to be Queen. I don’t even know how to control the were part of myself, or my abilities, for that matter.”

The Unknowns turned to each other. They seemed to be communicating without talking. And then their bodies started to change, to shimmer, and become like mist or ghosts.

Adam hadn’t seen them change before and I was worried how he’d react. But when I glanced over I saw he was no longer in the room. It was probably for the best. The Unknowns and I had come to know each other slightly.

“Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. How dare you question those more powerful than you?” The voice sounded like Greg even though I couldn’t see his mouth anymore.

“If you wish to see your parents again, you will obey our commands and go to Hiraken and take back the kingdom that is rightfully yours.” That was Fizban’s voice.

The mists hovered in the air, their scent like that of a rain shower. I stepped backward, trying to keep my distance, but I’d run into what was left the wall next to my bathroom.

My parents, I thought. It sounded as though they knew where my parents were.

Adam came back. “Hold on, Fizban and Greg.” He was in his human form and dressed in jeans and a short-sleeved black tee shirt. “The curse . . .” He paused, shaking his head. “Or the reverse curse you put on Beatrice gave her a year, right?”

The mists both changed direction and headed toward Adam.

“Perhaps.” Fizban said, floating around him.

“What business is it of yours?” Greg hissed.

“Well, right now she’s way ahead of schedule. So what if you allowed her to train?” Adam glanced at me. I nodded. I liked the idea. “I will teach her to control her werecat form and assist her in learning how to use all of the abilities she’s been given. Then, when the year’s up, she’ll be more prepared to fulfill her destiny.”

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