She reached behind her and unhooked her bra, letting it slide away from her body. His gaze fell to her beaded nipples, and his fangs began to descend. His mouth filled with saliva as he stared at her chest, his body heating up as his new Ancestral power whipped through his veins.

He met her gaze. So you want to see my beast.

I want to see everything.

* * *

Claire had never been so revved up by anything in her life. She didn’t even understand what the hell was going on with her, why she was challenging Lucian like this. Except that she wanted him to let loose.

As for herself, she’d never felt so free or so wicked, but something about Lucian, the darkness that resided inside him as well as the toughness with which he battled in his world, had gotten to her.

His vampire nature called to an answering primal response within her body. She wanted him. And by the look of him, by the fangs that slowly emerged, she knew she’d struck the right chord.

She breathed hard as she watched his eyes dilate fully, his lips grow swollen, and his tongue stroke up and down his fangs. Nothing could have been more sensual, more inviting.

She moaned, closed her eyes, and arched her back. She thumbed the tips of her breasts, needing him to understand that she was offering herself up right now and that he could take her any way he wanted.

And that she trusted him.

Claire. Even within her mind his voice had dropped low and sounded hoarse. This isn’t smart. The blood-madness is back.

You won’t hurt me and I’m here to take care of your needs. I trust you.

A heavy vibration hit the space all around her. Then everything happened so fast.

Suddenly a pair of hands drew her arms backward over her head, while a second pair now had hold of her legs and began working the zipper of her pants.

He’d split for her, the way he had when he’d battled earlier.

He was now two men.

Oh, my God. Lucian, there are two of you.

She looked up and a secondary Lucian stared down at her, his expression wild, his fangs heavy on his lips. I warned you, Claire, now you’re going to have to do what we say.


Two of Lucian, two gorgeous men.

She shifted her gaze to the primary Lucian. His fangs were pressed into his lips, his straight brows low on his forehead.

He pulled off her shoes in quick tugs, then her jeans, her hips more than once rising from the island at his efforts. But the secondary Lucian held her in place, his knees on the island behind her.

She was essentially held captive by two men, two powerful vampires, and the thought made her clench deep within.

This is Lucian—that’s what went through her head. Lucian, all of him, the powerful being that she knew him to be showing the farthest reach of his truest nature. The primary Lucian planted both hands on her, kneading her abdomen, then bending low to lick a long line up her landing strip.

The secondary part of him held her arms taut, keeping her pinned down. And she loved it, she loved letting him have this kind of control over her.

Lucian slid his hands up to hold her waist, then swiped his tongue deep between her legs, moving up and up, flicking his tongue at the top of her clitoris. She groaned long and loud at the pleasure that spun in circles over what he was doing to her.

Encouraged by the sounds she made, he worked her low with his tongue, pushing at her folds, sipping the length of her, dipping inside her at times, then plunging.

Within minutes her breathing was choppy with erratic pants. Claire didn’t know how much more she could take.

“Please,” she murmured.

Lucian smirked then landed his tongue inside her, shoving hard and fast in quick, long strokes, faster than a human could move.

Pleasure hit Claire like a series of ocean waves that moved through her in heavy pulses, rising to a powerful orgasm. She cried out repeatedly, pulling on the arms that pinned her down.

She felt some kind of communication pass between the split-selves, and the next moment the primary Lucian moved up to her left hip. She felt his blood-needs rise as a tremor passed through him. Feeding would help.

When she understood what he meant to do, what his trembling body demanded, she called out a harsh, “Yes, Lucian. Bite me hard.”

He licked along her groin near her thigh, then bit down to her waiting vein. The eroticism of the act sent her to the moon, her body reacting as though he’d just penetrated her with his cock. It all felt so good.

She groaned low in her throat as he continued to drink from her. But it wasn’t enough. She needed more.

She tugged on one of the arms that pinned her, but only because she wanted to be free to touch him. The secondary Lucian tightened his grip.

He looked up at her while sucking. You’ll have to wait, Claire. All in good time.

Her body undulated in anticipation, her hips rising and falling as he kept his lips in place and sucked.

My breasts ache. Lucian, I ache everywhere. I need your touch.

He slid his hand up and rubbed each of her breasts in turn, back and forth. She arched against his hand but began to feel very needy between her legs.

She opened herself up to the shared blood-chains, to his Ancestral power, to his experiences of four hundred years of intense vampire living. He must have felt the shift because he drew back from her vein and rose up over her. He caught her thighs, one in each hand.

Is this what you want? He pushed his hips between her legs but rose up so that his cock, rigid and weeping, rode up her abdomen all the way to her navel. You want all that I am inside you, Claire, taking possession of you?

She looked first at his erect cock, then met his gaze. He looked ferocious, his gray eyes glinting, blood on his lips and chin, on his fangs. But he looked beautiful as well, like the warrior she knew him to be. You’re magnificent.

He flexed his arms, then the thick muscled wall of his chest, which left her weak with desire. So she said the one thing she was sure would keep him in just this state. Fuck me, Lucian.

Opening his mouth wide, he roared, a sound no human male could make. He then drew back, placed his cock at her opening, and—because she was so ready for him—drove all the way inside. He held her hips with his hands and pumped, letting her feel the length of him.

She writhed on the marble. Nothing had felt more powerful, more exquisite, more sensual. She angled her head, presenting her throat for him. Bite me.

Lucian grunted as he bit down. He struck her vein, then began to suck, the feel of his lips and the sound he made once more causing her to clench. She still couldn’t move, her arms held as they were by his second self, but Lucian’s hips did the work, driving and plunging.

Ecstasy began to roll toward her all over again. That was the only way she could think of the sensation, as though it existed outside her yet inside at the same time.

The chain at her neck vibrated with his profound arousal, another layer of sensation.

His mouth drank, his hips pistoned, and within her body she pulled on him, her muscles contracting and releasing, working to draw from his cock what he could give her.

She closed her eyes, lost in so many sensations. She cried out repeatedly and as the orgasm struck, she arched her neck and screamed. She felt Lucian’s release at the same time that he shouted, his hips in a steady rhythm. Ecstasy gripped her body low and flooded her veins. Waves of pleasure flowed again, crashing through her abdomen and upward to engulf her chest, until she screamed once more.

His shouts reached a pinnacle and after several short thrusts, his hips finally slowed, rolling into her several more times, savoring the last of the orgasm.

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