Alfonse shook his head, and his frown deepened. “We’re unsettled by these events and by rumors that Daniel has been stripping some of our most powerful leaders of their businesses, selling them to humans.”

“I wish I could tell you differently.”

“Doesn’t Daniel understand that if our wealth departs, so does the ability to feed those in each system? We’ll be forced out into the open. That can’t be his plan.”

Adrien’s voice grew quieter. “I’ve never understood his mind.”

Alfonse clapped him on the shoulder. “Of course not. No one can understand the thinking of a madman.” He glanced at Lily. “I’ll show you to the vault.”

A woman’s voice sounded to Lily’s right. “Now, is that any way to treat guests that Sebastien has sent to us, my dear? I insist they receive refreshment, and if you continue to stand there like a statue and scowl at our human visitor, she will no doubt make a report that will do none of us any good.”

Lily found herself swept away by the woman, who took her arm, introduced herself as Giselle, and drew her back down the way she’d come. She felt the tug on her chain, which quickly relaxed since Adrien moved to catch up.

“Giselle, we can’t stay for your hospitality,” Adrien said. “Time is critical.”

“So I understand, but you haven’t seen how my grandson has grown. You’ve been a favorite of his since birth and he’s missed you.”

Lily’s astonishment grew. Grandson? Which meant children. So there were vampire children here.

Her gaze took in the walls as Giselle led her away from the entrance. They appeared to be decorated with some kind of elegant polished quartz, and went on and on, for at least an eighth of a mile, with many offshoots of more halls, or tunnels, more carvings and more crystals, more beauty and civilization.

This wasn’t a cavern system, this was a palace.

After a series of descending steps, taking them deeper into the earth, the hall opened up into another vast underground cavern, also carved and gleaming with a soft light from several oil lamps. Her vision adjusted, so that once more she saw the space in a soft glow. She also felt the flow of warm air, fresh air. “You have electricity.”

“Some, and as carefully hidden as possible.”

Lily turned in a circle. “This is a magnificent room.”

“And Alfonse works hard in his business so that we, and all the families living in our system, can maintain the necessary repairs. We’re constantly battling the effects of water, and of course the moment a stalagmite appears, I’m calling in a work crew.” She laughed as she spoke.

Giselle had long black hair with a straight line of bangs. Her skin was very pale. Her clothes were casual enough, but she looked stunning in a pair of black tailored pants and a soft, clinging purple top. She wore thick silver bands on her wrist and a matching piece around her neck.

She led Lily to an elevated living area on which were grouped red velvet sofas and chairs. Beneath the furniture lay an enormous carpet.

“Please, sit down. My husband is glaring at me but I insisted on inviting you to our private quarters.” She had wine waiting and goblets.

When she offered, Lily accepted because to do anything else seemed wrong. But Giselle had knocked her off-stride. She’d had one opinion of vampires, and little about Adrien’s powerful presence and temper had altered that.

Yet here was a woman who, in any other setting, might have become Lily’s friend.

Lily took a sip and found the Cabernet flavor almost perfect. Adrien moved to stand near the chair in which Giselle sat. He held his goblet tight in his fist, his brows drawn together as he watched her. She sensed his uneasiness, but couldn’t figure out the cause of it.

Then she felt it, a kind of energy emanating from Giselle. She shifted her gaze to the woman, who sat with one leg tucked beneath her. Then, leaning forward as she searched Lily’s eyes, she finally murmured, “Sebastien told me you shared the bonding chains with Adrien, and I can see that you do, I can feel the bonds between you and they’re powerful. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever felt anything like this before. When did you put them on?”

Some part of Lily didn’t want to answer the question, but she felt compelled to speak anyway. “Earlier. Just after sunset when I brought Adrien out of the prison.”

“I see.” More of Giselle’s power flowed toward Lily in soft entrancing waves. “And why did you bring him out?”

Again, Lily wanted to hold back, but the words flowed out of her as she spoke about her mission, that she had to get the extinction weapon. She even told Giselle about Kiernan and Daniel—everything, except Josh.

“I can sense that you’re a tracker, that you have the locating ability. I want you to extend your powers to our system right now and focus on the weapon. What do you see?”

Lily did as she was told, closing her eyes. She reached out with her mind and focused on the weapon. She felt the familiar tendrils flow from her once more, but much stronger this time and extending in all directions. But as before nothing happened—as though she simply didn’t have enough power to get the job done.

Opening her eyes, she said, “I can feel this ability at work in me, but I can’t seem to locate the weapon.”

Giselle glanced at Adrien. “Perhaps there isn’t enough power yet for that to happen.” Shifting her gaze back to Lily, she asked. “Did you agree to your mission because of money?”

She shook her head. Panic set in. By now, she knew that Giselle had some kind of power over her, but she couldn’t reveal the whole truth. She couldn’t. Trembling set in. “Not … money.”

“Then what? Why do you do this thing? Are you afraid of Daniel?”

“Yes, that he’ll kill me. Kiernan as well.” She bit back the rest of the truth, but she broke out in a sweat.

“And what else?”

The woman’s voice cajoled and coaxed Lily, the powerful vampire waves beating at her mind, compelling her.

Lily glanced up at Adrien. Help me. I can’t tell her. Please. Make her stop.

But Adrien’s gaze was hard as he responded, mind-to-mind, We have a right to know why you’re set on destroying our kind.

I can’t tell you or anyone.

But Adrien pressed her. You’re after the weapon, acquiring it on behalf of one greedy human and one maniacal vampire. We must know what’s going on.

Please, Adrien. I’m begging you. I can’t give the reason. Too much is at stake.

“Lily,” Giselle called out, more waves pounding on her this time.

Lily turned slowly in her direction, under the strange spell all over again. “Tell me why you must find the weapon, if not for money?”

Lily’s trembling increased. Her lips formed the words. She would try to say them, but her heart forced them back. Sweat poured from her now, streaming down her face, her back. She shook hard, resisting Giselle’s power.

She couldn’t betray her son. One of the terms of her arrangement was that she keep the terms confidential. If she revealed the truth, Kiernan would kill Josh.

Suddenly a new power flowed toward her, but this time possessing and strengthening her as the blood-chain vibrated heavily. Though Giselle continued to pummel her, Lily now siphoned Adrien’s power. She could resist Giselle.

“Enough,” Alfonse said. “Giselle, stop.”

Giselle ceased suddenly and Lily weaved in her seat, but caught hold of the arm of the chair with her free hand to steady herself. That Adrien’s power still flowed through her made her feel dizzy. She met his gaze once more. Thank you.

She set her goblet down on the table next to her then wiped the sleeve of her shirt over her face. She leaned forward and put her head in her hands.

She didn’t understand why Adrien had stepped in to support her. She looked up at him once more. Why did you do it? I think she could have broken me.

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