She shook her head. “I don’t regret what you did but I haven’t been able to make sense of why I enjoyed it so much. I feel very confused by all of this, especially by what Sebastien said earlier about the chains not lying.”

He stepped closer and the chain at her neck began a new vibration as desire for him rose in a crisp, sharp wave. Was it possible this was more than just a result of the blood-chain?

His desire returned as well, flowing in waves over her body, which lit her up even more despite her fatigue.

“What about what Sebastien said?”

“About how the binding with his wife made things worse between them.”

“And this hasn’t been intolerable for you? You haven’t hated this experience, hated being with a vampire?”

“I did at first and I’ve despised the situation, being forced together, but you already know the pleasure I experienced, that I…” She couldn’t finish the thought; she was too embarrassed.

But her desire for him kept building and the chain almost shook now. She felt his need and knew that, as before, he hungered for her blood.

“Do you need to feed?” Please say yes.

He thumbed her cheek. “It’s not critical, not like before. But right now, I’d give just about anything to have another taste, in every way, including your blood.” He slid his hand down her neck and over her breast, caressing her.

“Adrien,” she whispered. Her need had become an ache that echoed through her bones, her blood.

She shivered. Whatever fatigue she felt melted away, so that when he leaned into her and slanted his lips over hers, a soft warbling sounded in her throat.

Her hands found his arms. She stroked slowly upward, feeling the size and strength of his muscles, to shape her hands over his powerful shoulders. Adrien had a wonderful mouth, sensual, moist lips.

He cursed, drew back, and removed his Glock and harness. His shirt went next, which meant her hands got busy again as she smoothed her fingers over his thick, fleshy pecs. His muscles flexed and relaxed, which caused her to spasm low.

Was she doing this? Having a consensual experience, not just feeding Adrien out of his desperation, but agreeing to make love with him? What did it mean?

Confusion once more swirled through her mind.

Yet whatever bewilderment her head experienced, her body knew exactly what it wanted—to feel Adrien, to touch him. She’d never been with such a physically imposing man before.

His tongue played in her mouth, teasing every recess, thrusting, teasing a little more, showing her with each flick and push what he could do to other parts of her body.

Flames leaped at her now, teasing her deep within, heating her up, tightening one part, releasing another, building the tension, seeking the release.

She pulled back and stripped off her shirt, then her bra. She would have gotten rid of her pants at the same time, but he moved closer and put a palm between her breasts. Though she wanted to touch him, she stopped and let him look at her, to stroke her breasts with his hands and his fingers, to pinch her nipples, then to lean down and swirl his tongue over each tip.

“Sit down on the edge of the bed.”

His hoarse voice took out the remaining strength in her legs and she did what he wanted. He pushed her thighs apart and, dropping down to land on his knees, he got a better angle and suckled her breasts, taking turns.

She arched into his mouth and he took as much of each breast in as he could, suckling, licking, biting until she moaned heavily. She dove her fingers into his hair and used pressure on his head to force him to take more. He put a hand on her back and pushed at the same time as well. For several minutes, a sucking sound filled the room.

Her body contracted deep within, almost spasming at the erotic feel of his mouth as he nursed on her.

Without warning, he stopped and pushed her onto her back. He worked her pants off, struggling with her shoes for a few seconds. She sensed his mounting desire, and as he removed her thong she spread her legs wide.

You’re bare, drifted into her mind.

I am.

Without leaving his knees, he growled, slid his arms beneath her thighs, and started to feast on her low. He used his tongue to separate the folds of her body and tease the outer recess of her sex. He grunted and drove his tongue inside her, doing what he’d said he wanted to do, to taste every part of her.

He used his mouth and his tongue, devouring her hard. His tongue moved swiftly in and out, faster and faster. She’d never experienced this kind of hard, driving speed, not with a tongue.

Her body seized and she cried out. She was close.

He went faster, gripping her hips with his fingers, squeezing and driving until ecstasy tightened within and released in a driving flow of sensation that sent her cries up to the ceiling.

He sustained that incredible speed and sensation until the last of her whimpers filled the room and her knees grew lax.

Kissing her inner thighs, he was suddenly in her mind. Did that please you, Lily?

She looked down at his slow-moving head. Speaking to her telepathically, he didn’t have to stop the kisses. Yes, she responded. Adrien, that was amazing.

With his lips, he plucked on the inside of her leg, then using his right hand he massaged beneath her thigh, rubbing and smoothing her skin, kneading her muscles, and working his way to the center of her body. He began licking her low again, only this time he used two fingers to penetrate her, stimulating the outer part of her with his tongue while he began to slowly tempt her once more, thrusting his fingers into her.

She was almost too sensitive, but as he worked her, pleasure mounted once more. The tip of his tongue teased her clitoris, while his fingers worked her faster and faster.

Does this please you, Lily?

You’ll make me come again.

There’s something I want to do.

Oh, God, Anything, Adrien.

I just need to warn you. I want to take blood from your vein, here, down low. You should be prepared.

For some reason, she hadn’t considered just how many places on her body could give up the blood he sought. A shiver ran through her, increasing the pleasure of his flicking tongue and driving fingers.

May I?

And there was only one answer. Do it.

He shifted slightly, balancing his free arm across her hips and moving to the skin to the side of her mons. He began to lick in long sweeps of his tongue. All the while he kept his fingers pulsing inside her.

Deep within her body, she felt her vein respond, vibrating and swelling, as though part of what he could do was call to her blood. Maybe he could.

He breathed heavily, a raspy sound as his fingers thrust into her. Pleasure began to build once more. Her abdomen rose and fell as her vein responded to him.



A quick sting of fangs, a withdrawal, and she felt her blood rush from her body. A new sucking sound followed as well as a pervasive sensation of pleasure in her lower abdomen like nothing she’d known before. Flames once more licked at her, this time over every part of her.

As she listened to him suck, as she heard the wetness of her body with each drive of his fingers, as pleasure rose, her back arched and she cried out. Almost there.

I can feel you tight in your channel. Come for me, Lily.

Something about his voice in her head brought her, only this time the sensation of ecstasy ripped through so that she screamed now, her body gripping his fingers, contracting and releasing, sensations of fire and pleasure driving through her, spreading across her abdomen, unequaled sensations.

As the climax eased, and her hips grew quiet, she heard him grunting as he sucked down her blood.

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