He kissed her back, his arms encircling her. “This would work so much better if you got my shoes off,” he whispered.

“Think I want you in charge?”

The challenge heated his blood. He gave her a rueful smile. “Don’t you always?”

She traced his mouth with a stroke of her tongue. “Maybe I don’t want this over fast.”

He stuck out his tongue and flicked her bottom lip. Her breaths deepened, and she came down on her elbows, her mouth locking with his.

Suctioning against her wet lips, he knew he had her. Her hips rolled, sliding on him, unable to capture the tip of his cock because it was trapped between their bodies. And he wouldn’t allow her the room she needed.

Cait nipped his chin, her eyebrows drawing together in a sexy frown. “Dammit, I hate it when you’re right.”

He chuckled, sliding his hand to the back of her neck, still keeping her close.

She licked his teeth between his smiling lips. “Tell you what,” she whispered. “Let me go, and I’ll slide off. Get off the last of your clothes, and then we’ll wrestle to see who’s on top.”

Sam grunted, knowing the only way she’d win would be if he let her. “Think you can beat me?”

Her eyelids swept down, and she gave him a rare, flirting glance from beneath the fringe of her dark lashes. “Three, two, one!” She rolled away.

He jackknifed up to reach for his boots, sending them flying, and then shoved his trousers off his feet.

She was on him before he had a chance to face her, her arms clamping around his shoulders from his side and pulling him down to the bed, her sturdy, slim legs slipping over his hips. With a triumphant laugh, she came over him.

With his large hands, he cradled her hips. “Think you’ve got me now?”

Her hips lifted. Her slick sex slid along his cock and then wriggled at the tip to center it. With a sexy roll of her hips, she impaled herself. “Don’t I?” Then she groaned. “Sweet Jesus, that feels good.”

Sam heaved up, his arms coming around her as he stood. Her thighs gripped his hips; her legs crossed behind him. He took a couple of steps forward and flattened her back against the bedroom wall. “Sure about that now?” He bent his head toward hers, locking with her sparkling green gaze.

“I do believe I have you right where I wanted you. I win,” she whispered, her lips an inch from his, her hot breath wafting against his mouth.

“I control every move,” he countered, giving her a swirl of his hips that brought him deeper.

Air hissed between her teeth. Her lids fell halfway. “Waiting for something?”

“For your surrender.”

“Why does that sound so sexy coming from you?”

He shook his head, enjoying the moment, because they both knew she’d concede, but she liked drawing out the foreplay—a long tease that fired both their senses.

Sam slipped his hands to her rump and gave both cheeks a hard squeeze. Her breaths came faster. Her nipples were spiked and poking at his chest. He dropped his gaze for a look, then groaned. What he wanted was one of them in his mouth, and he couldn’t bend that low, not with her staked on his cock and crammed against the wall.

A warm, husky chuckle shook her.

Glancing up, he caught the smile twisting her lips.

“Just ’cause you’re bigger doesn’t mean you’re in charge,” she whispered, and then gave him a squeeze with her inner muscles, one so strong his cock pulsed inside her.

Suddenly, waiting for her to cry uncle wasn’t a priority.

His mouth slammed on her smiling lips, and he began to pump his hips, pushing deep then dragging away. The sensation of gliding in her hot, silky depths… indescribable, mind-blowing.

Reduced to grunts and groans, he pounded her, letting her have her victory, ready to concede all for the pleasure of being with her like this.

Cait’s slender hands glided up his chest and around his neck. Fingertips scraped his scalp. He ended the kiss to press his forehead against hers and watch her expressions as he continued to thrust hard inside her.

Her cheeks were red, her mouth pouting. Her eyelids dipped and rose with his movements, tiny mewls of pleasure escaping as their bodies writhed together. “The bed,” she gasped.

He shook his head and tunneled deeper, not wanting to pause the drugging motions for even a second.

“Please, Sam.”

Christ, he loved to hear her beg. But she wasn’t desperate enough, wasn’t clawing at him, fighting him. Her head bounced back against the wall, and she arched her back, trying to make space between them, trying to deny him.

“Sam, Sam.” Her head lolled, side to side; her lips trembled.

At last, he felt the faint ripples in her channel, and she tightened around him.

He bit her shoulder to halt her orgasm, backed away from the wall, and turned toward the bed. Then with an arm wrapped tightly around her, he crawled onto the mattress, all the way to the center, before stopping to free his hand. He planted both on either side of her shoulders and glanced down at her heaving chest.

“No,” she moaned, wrapping her legs around him to hold him inside.

But he was stronger. And although he was close to exploding himself, these sexy battles they waged had a purpose. One he was a little too lust-addled to name right this moment.

With an effort, he got his knees beneath him, pushed up, and pulled away, slowly dragging his cock from the haven of her moist, hot depths.

Her hands gripped his shoulders, pinching his skin. “Never took you for mean,” she grumbled, but her eyes sparked with heat.

Sam wrapped his fingers around her forearms and forced her hands from his body. He dragged them above her head, brought them together, holding them in one of his. After giving her one hard kiss, he moved downward, determined that this time, he’d stay in control.

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Cait’s legs quivered as she bent her knees and slowly slid up her feet. She let her thighs fall open, knowing the sooner she gave him what he wanted, the sooner she’d get what she needed.

Sam on a mission was the sexiest sight to behold—tanned skin stretched over a burly, powerful frame. She reveled in his strength, in the hard, heavy muscle that so easily overpowered her. And yet, despite his rough handling, he was careful. Maybe not even aware that he was, because she’d seen him in action before, knew the damage he could do when he let go.

While he claimed she pushed him past the brink, he delivered measured punishments, hard thrusts that never left her feeling bruised inside. A clutch of thick fingers that left only the sexy kind of marks, something she loved because afterward, each tiny twinge reminded her of his careful domination.

And although she’d just complained because he’d arrested her orgasm, her body blossomed anew beneath his attentions, pleasure curling tighter and tighter inside her core.

His mouth trailed the edge of her jaw. His tongue laved her neck, the jut of her collarbone, then he moved lower, licking and nipping the sensitive skin of her breasts until he hovered over one engorged nipple.

She gave a husky shout when his teeth closed around the tip, but dug her fingers in his thick, dark hair and pulled, letting him know she wanted him right there.

When his lips latched around the areola, her body stiffened, hips pumping upward but halted by the weight of his torso pinning her to the mattress.

As helpless as a butterfly pinned to a mounting board, she struggled to move and ease the ache pounding between her thighs. “Dammit, Sam.”

“Huh,” he gusted, releasing her nipple to bite his way along her abdomen, the shock of his targeted nips causing her belly to quiver.

When he scooted down her body, he paused, centered, his face just above her sex. His head tilted, and he captured her gaze. Without looking down, he used his thumbs to spread her folds and extended his tongue to lap at her clit.

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