She immediately crossed Montgomery off the list. Too many X-rays, she told herself. What if her baby came out with radiation poisoning? Worse, what if he'd fried his junk by standing too close to the camera? For some reason, the thought of having sex with a sterile man repulsed her. Hell, if she was going to have sex for fun's sake, she wanted someone more like Vic…

She shut down that train of thought immediately and turned to Nelson. "So, what do you like to do in your spare time?”

Estrella could have sworn he flexed, just a bit. "I do some rock climbing and work out at the gym," Nelson said between bites of barbecue. "I like to stay fit.”

She brightened at that. "You do? That's terrific. Did Vic tell you? I teach yoga and fill in as the Zumba instructor at my gym."

Nelson gave his brother a sideways glance that seemed a bit too competitive, and turned his smile on her. "Well now, I like to do real exercising. You know, get a sweat going." That time, he definitely flexed. "Bench presses and the like."

She bristled at his tone. "I see." Well, she could cross Nelson off the list. Arrogant prick. Like the father of her child was going to be condescending about what she did for a living. She was probably in better shape than Nelson was, if his muscle - or lack thereof - was any indication. "You must have just started lifting recently," she said sweetly. "When will you start to see results?"

Nelson frowned.

Montgomery smothered a laugh behind a mouthful of barbecue, which made her appreciate him a bit more. Shame about the possible sterility.

She turned to the third man. Tall. A bit on the lean side but still fit. Quiet, but good looking enough. He had pleasant features and serious eyes. "You're not speaking," she told him, forcing the smile to stay on her face.

He gave her an almost shy nod. "Cory."

"That's a nice name," she said conversationally.

"Cory Janitor," Montgomery broke in with a smirk. "You want your kid to be named Janitor?"

"I...what? Really?" She gave Cory a startled look. His bright red flush told her everything.

Oh. Oh no. If she were picking men for selfish, silly reasons...a horrible last name was definitely up there on things to avoid, in case her child wanted to hyphenate their last names at a later date. "I'm sure there's nothing wrong with that," she said politely. "So what do you do for a living, Cory?"

He shrugged. "I'm a manager at Super Burger."

"When he's not smoking weed in his parents' basement," Montgomery said with a snort. Cory elbowed him and gave a nervous laugh.

These were her prospects? A misogynistic narcissist, a possibly sterile asshole, and a pothead with the last name of Janitor?

Three men and she didn't want any of them. Estrella didn't think the day could get any more depressing.

* * *

To be fair - and because she didn't have any other options - she gave them the weekend. Against her better judgment, she went out on dates with all three and tried to make the best of things. After all, she didn't have to marry the guy, right? He just had to get her pregnant.

Even after her date, she couldn't stand Nelson. He was polite enough, and he held doors open for her and acted like a gentleman. He was also controlling and a bit too old fashioned for her taste. They'd gone to a restaurant - his pick, since her pick wasn't 'any good' according to him. Once there, he'd promptly ordered for her before she'd had a chance to look at the menu, and when she'd tried to order a cocktail, he'd told her that he didn't find it appropriate for ladies to drink in public.

Of course, when she'd snarled at him, he'd changed his tune.

Montgomery was not much better. They'd gone out to a restaurant; the exact same one that Nelson had taken her to. Once there, Montgomery had grilled her about his brother. Had she liked Nelson? Had he purchased her dinner or had they gone dutch? Did she think his brother was the better-looking one? Everything seemed to be a competition between the two of them, and that was a major turnoff for her. She just imagined trying to sleep with the man. He'd probably quiz her on his technique and ask her who her best had been. Nor did she want to subject her future child to a lifetime of his father's competitiveness.

Cory had taken her to a bowling alley, and they'd played a few games while chatting. To her surprise, she genuinely liked Cory. He was nice, low-key, and easygoing. He was also a pothead who lived in his parents' basement, but she supposed she couldn't have everything.

Too bad his last name was Janitor.

Cory was nice enough, but just because he was the lesser of three evils didn't mean that she wanted to have his baby. After the bowling date, she headed back to her apartment -- alone -- and stared at her phone, debating. After a moment, she sighed.

In desperation, she called the dating agency one more time.

In what seemed to be par for the course, she got Ryder's voicemail. "Hi there! You've reached the desk of Ryder St. James," a perky voice chirped. "I'm unavailable to take your call at the moment, but leave me a message and your account number and I'll call you back as soon as possible. Have a super day!"

"Hey, um, Ryder? I don't remember my account number, but this is Estrella Townsend. The liger that's about to go into heat. I'm guessing you don't have many of those at the agency so I'm hoping you'll remember who I am. Anyhow, I wanted to say that I didn't mark down anyone on my card at the speed mating the other night, but..." She sighed, hating herself for even bringing it up. "But I was wondering if anyone marked me down. If so, can you let me know? I'm willing to reconsider dating anyone who put me down. Anyhow, call me back." Estrella rattled her number off and then hung up, hating that she'd had to stoop to this.

Pickings were definitely slim and getting slimmer all the time. Maybe she needed to make a list of attributes she was looking for in a man, and then she could narrow down her (rather sparse) selection. After all, she could always go turkey baster and raid a sperm bank or something, she supposed, but that wouldn't help with her heat much. She needed to have sex, period.

Her apartment was too warm. Fanning herself with a notebook, Estrella opened all the windows, letting the icy winter air breeze in. Sweat beaded on her forehead. Maybe she could make her list while having a nice, relaxing, chilly soak in the tub to bring her internal temperature down a bit.

Estrella undressed and filled the tub, adding some bubble bath. She gave a soft sigh of pleasure when she soaked her limbs in the cool water. It immediately felt better. Picking up her paper again, she tapped her lip with the pen and considered.

If she was man-shopping for herself, she liked tall men. Dark hair. Muscles. A little bit dangerous. Someone with a take-charge kind of personality who wouldn't be overbearing or condescending. She liked a man who knew what he wanted, but trusted her enough to make her own decisions and wouldn't try to override her. She wrote down a few notes, then considered. Tattoos? For some reason she'd found tattoos sexy lately...

She froze in the icy water, and stared at her list. Dark hair. Muscles. Tall. Tattoos. Take charge.

Vic. It was all Vic.

Damn it. She tossed the notebook and pen to the far end of the bathroom and sank into the tub, cheeks flushing with embarrassment. She supposed she could lie to others but not to herself. Did she really want Vic that badly? When had her appreciation for him turned to full-blown desire?

It was bad to want your alpha. Bad bad bad. It mucked up a relationship that she couldn't afford to muck up. Things were awkward enough for her as one of the few females in the tiger clan. Mix in her liger heritage and things were already weird. Crushing on her alpha? Just made things even worse.

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