Seth was only a fifteen-minute drive from my farm. During that time I thought over why he had bad dreams to begin with, because the source of his problems, was also the source of mine.

When Seth was little, his parents had been murdered in front of him by the same bad guy that hunted us today- Aliah. And if that weren’t enough to scar him for life, his older sister had stepped over their dead bodies- quite literally- and joined Team Evil. Seven haunted my thoughts on a daily basis, but she also haunted Seth, not physically, but in his dreams, in his thoughts, in every part of him. Seth still mourned his lost sister and the pain of her betrayal.

Now Aliah’s mission in life was to recruit Seth to the dark side in the whole, “Luke, I am your father” bit. Only, he wasn’t Seth’s father. He murdered Seth’s father.

And even though Aliah made his plan absolutely clear, I was surprised he was able to fit in head-hunting my Counterpart, when he had so many other things on his plate- like world domination, destroying the entire realm of heaven and turning Earth into another desolate wasteland.

Obviously he had a personal assistant.

The early spring air chilled me as I jumped from the truck. Just like last time, even though oppression settled around the house, nothing physical had manifested yet. There were no Shadows lurking through the night or Fallen waiting to fight. It was just Seth’s dark thoughts and haunting dreams.

I used my own key to let myself into the small ranch farmhouse Jupiter and Seth shared. I’d been gifted one shortly after Seth’s first episode, when I’d entered the house, Chuck Norris, style and broke down the front door with my foot. Jupiter thought it would be easier if I didn’t have to do that every time- not for me but for him, the man that had to replace all the broken doors.

As soon as I walked through the front door, I felt the physical oppression that weighed on Seth. My heart clenched tightly in my chest and my lungs froze as I empathized with his pain.

Quietly, I crept through the darkened house, even though Jupiter probably already knew I was here. I opened Seth’s door and paused for a moment to take him in. He was completely transformed in sleep- sweet, gentle, off-guard. He looked perfect all the time, but something about watching him sleep tugged on every heartstring.

He was shirtless in bed and his sheet had slipped below the waistband of his plaid boxers- his only pajamas. His hands were tucked under his pillow and he rested on his side with his knees pulled partly up. His skin was tanned and golden-esque, but while deep in one of his nightmares there was no healthy glow illuminating his dark room.

I sat down next to him as softly as I could and ran my fingers through his unruly hair. “Seth,” I whispered, hoping to wake him gently. “Seth.”

He stirred, but just barely. He shifted to his stomach, stretched out on his mattress and made an unintelligible grunting noise.

I smiled, unable to stop myself. He was absolutely charming like this. I moved my fingers through the silky waves of his hair again, loving the feel and texture of his thick waves. “You’re having another bad dream,” I whispered a little firmer this time.

He made another sound and then reached out for me. His arms wrapped around my waist before I could protest and he had me tucked into the spoon of his body before I could even process objecting. His body was hot against mine, so hot and comforting. I fit against him perfectly, and our feet tangled in each other instinctively, as if this were the most natural position in the world.

“Mmm,” he sighed contentedly; his words rumbled against the nape of my neck. “You came to me.”

My heart jumped at his words and how peaceful he sounded now that he was awake. He’d told me how terrifying his dreams could be, how messed up they could make him. I was thrilled to know that I made it easier for him to detox from the evil that seeped in his subconscious mind.

And more than that, I was elated that he was happy I was here. The pleasure rushing in my stomach felt a lot like butterflies and a lot confusing- considering I was holding back as much as I could from Seth.

Still, I promised, “I will always come to you, Seth.”

He acknowledged me with another sigh. “Stay with me,” he pleaded, pulling me tighter against his strong, muscled body. “I need you tonight. Stay with me.”

“Alright,” I agreed instantly. His voice was deep and raspy with sleep. His face had just the shadow of a beard and it scraped against the bare skin at my nape.

“You’re my Light, Stella,” he murmured in a voice that proved he was falling asleep again. “When I’m lost in Darkness, you are my Light.”

I felt his breathes even out against my back, his arms relax their hold. He was asleep again. But it would take me a long time to fall asleep after those words. I wanted to fight this bond between Seth and me, this future that I wasn’t ready for. But when he said things like that and held me like this, everything felt so natural I wondered how I survived without these things- without him. He was meant for me.

He said he needed me, but I needed him just as much.

I just didn’t know what to do about that yet.


“Stella,” Seth’s voice breeched the deep nothingness I was floating in. “Stella, wake up.”

Gentle fingers were running across my bare stomach, I was hotter and more content than I had ever been. And I felt safe.

And these days, I never felt safe.

I realized then how afraid I’d become of my everyday life. How thoughts of Seven or Aliah or awaiting evil had crept into my bloodstream and started controlling the flow of blood to my heart.

I hated my weakness in that moment.

But I hated Aliah more.

My eyes fluttered open and immediately met Seth’s golden gaze. His eyes were bright with affection and his skin a warm, soft heat that wrapped around every part of me.

Somehow in the night we’d turned to face each other and our limbs had tangled in an attempt to press as tightly together as we could get. His head was propped up by one hand and his other wrapped around my waist, holding me to him.

“Sorry,” I nuzzled my face into the pillow so I sounded muffled. My morning voice was hoarse and scratchy, but my morning breath was worse. “I didn’t mean to spend the whole night.”

“I’m glad you did,” he murmured, pulling me tighter against him. I sucked in a breath at hardness of his body. Every inch of him was firm, taut muscle from where my feet wrapped around his calves to his thighs pressed against mine, to where my arm wrapped around his waist. He was so…. manly, even though he wasn’t technically a man. So maybe he was more male- all testosterone and alpha-instinct.

“My mom is going to kill me,” I groaned.

“And Jupiter won’t exactly be pleased,” he chuckled.

I buried my face in Seth’s chest at the thought of having to walk out of this room and face Jupiter this early in the morning. Awesome….

“But I needed you, Stella,” he whispered.

I lifted my face to meet his golden gaze again. “I know.”

He stared down at me for several moments before he whispered, “I think I’ll always need you.”

My heart stuttered in my chest and I didn’t really know how to respond to that. So I tucked my face back against his heart and let the steady rising and falling of his chest soothe my tattered nerves. That was a lot to wake up to.

He sighed, but tugged me impossibly closer for just a moment before releasing me completely. With quick, swift movements he was out of the bed and yanking on sweatpants over his boxers. He took his delicious heat with him and I felt the coldness as it seeped into my very bones.

But I got up too, knowing I was the one forcing us to keep our distance.

“Last night… I mean, you haven’t woken me up in at least three weeks. Are you…. is everything alright?” I crossed my arms and watched as he tugged a white t-shirt over his head.

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