“The only reason you’re still alive is because your precious Warrior signed away his soul to keep you that way. If he dies, there’s nothing left to stop others from coming after you. And that’s what they- we all want. We all want you dead.”

“Then you should know that I’m going.”

“I wouldn’t have expected anything less.” But it sounded like an insult coming from him.

I spun around on my bare feet and moved to the door. His hand snapped out and caught my forearm. “Where are you going? I thought we were leaving?”

I narrowed my eyes on the hand that was holding me and said caustically, “I’m saying goodbye to my friends and grabbing my clutch.”

“You need your purse?”

“I need my cell phone so I can call for back up.”

He seemed to accept that answer but then his eyes dropped down my body, raking upwards in a slow slide. “You’ll need to change too.”

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. “I’m well aware I can’t fight anything in this.”

“Good,” he rasped and then immediately let me go.

My arm burned where he was touching me and I realized it was actually burning. His skin had been super-heated while he touched me.

“Wait here for me,” I ordered.

“Your wish,” he muttered and pulled out another cigarette.

I slipped back into the dance, even though this door was supposed to be locked. It wasn’t and I assumed it only opened because other students were using it to leave for…. various reasons. This was prom after all.

As soon as I was back inside the gym I was assaulted by Piper. “Where did you go?” she demanded.

“I pissed Jude off and then I felt bad.”

She smiled knowingly at me. “He has it so bad for you, Stel.”

I rolled my eyes, “Trust me, we could not be more different. We’re on like opposite sides of the spectrum. He doesn’t have it bad for me, he’s fascinated by a decent person that doesn’t need to spread evil to every corner of the globe.”

She giggled, “And by that you mean, he is fascinated by the gorgeous good girl that he can’t seem to stop stalking.”

“That’s it exactly! He’s stalking me.”

She just shook her head at me, “Well, we’ll see.”

“Where are the boys?” I asked in a blatant attempt to change the subject.

Piper pointed and we started walking over to them while I battled with what to tell them. They were sitting at a table we had claimed in the corner and laughing while discretely passing around a flask. I watched Tristan pass it on without taking a drink, and had to wonder if that was for him, or for me.

Piper immediately slid onto Lincoln’s lap and greeted him with a very enthusiastic kiss. I met Tristan’s eyes and watched the expectation in them turn to accusation. He handed me my clutch.

“I’m sorry,” I mumbled, kicking his shiny dress shoe with the toe of my bare foot.

“Duty calls,” he sighed. His green eyes met mine and heated suddenly. His eyes drifted to my lips but then immediately snapped back up. This was the end of it. The end of our night.

The end of us.

“I love you,” I mouthed, with my head dropped so no one else could see.

“I know,” he smirked at me. He stood up and pulled me into a warm hug. His lips brushed my cheek and then he buried his face in my hair. “Be safe,” he murmured. “Stay alive.”

“Always,” I promised.

“Call me tomorrow?” He seemed to think better of that and the moment suddenly grew awkward, “Or whenever you can.”

“I will. I’ll call tomorrow.” If I was still alive. But one step at a time.

I stepped out of Tristan’s embrace, out of the comfort of his arm and the familiarity of his touch. I held his gaze for one moment more and then I turned and left the dance without saying goodbye to anyone else or picking up my shoes that were somewhere by the punch table.

I pushed through the heavy metal doors and met Jude in the darkness. “So I need to go home and change.”

“I’ll come with.”

“Jude, I-“ I turned not really knowing what I was going to say, not really having an idea of how to address the fear Piper had planted in my head.

But he shot me an impatient look and then gestured with his hands in an “I’m waiting” move. I decided Piper was out of her damn mind and finished with, “Thanks for the heads up.”

“Well, he still might die,” he answered gruffly. “Let’s go.”

I held up a finger and dialed Jupiter first and then Serena. Jupiter was already with my parents and Serena had already been instinctively notified that something big was about to go down. Serena and Nate were just about to conference with Jupiter and my parents. We decided to meet at my parent’s farmhouse and go from there.

Jude and I took off into the night- true Angel style. He kept up with me even while a dark light surrounded him. He wasn’t totally muted of color, like other Fallen I had seen, but there was definitely something different about the aura of power that surrounded him.

I thought through the night ahead, about how I would face this threat, how I would protect Seth even while he might not want to be protected.

And was this another plot by Aliah? Or were there more forces at work?

Either way I was in this to win. I wouldn’t let Seth die tonight without me. Fate and destiny be damned, because without Seth there was nothing for me.

Chapter Twenty-Five

We hovered in the sky over the white, sparkling beach and an ocean that seemed to stretch on infinitely- even from my lofty vantage point. The sun was just rising on the eastern horizon and painted the sky with pink, purple and orange brush strokes. The bluest water in the world glistened like a mirror below us and all around puffy, misting clouds were turning from gray to white as the sun rose higher in the sky.

Sri Lanka.

The island lay before us- particularly the isolated stretch of beach we were deciding what to do with. Green-leafed palm trees dotted the shoreline and the sand was virtually undisturbed, silky and smooth as it wrapped around the water’s edge. White-crested waves crashed against the beach in a hypnotizing dance, creating a soothing lapping sound that betrayed the true danger of the morning.

I wasn’t exactly surprised to be at the place Seth called his childhood home. Somehow meeting Seth and his Fallen friends on this stretch of beach seemed appropriate, if not a little messed up.

I looked over at Serena to check out her reaction to this obvious trap- and for us, not Seth. Her bright orange hair whipped around her pale, ethereal face in the rushing wind, her ocean blue eyes matched the color of the water below us and met mine with a startling intensity. Gone was the cool, confident warrioress, with her disturbing excitement and anticipation for battle. She truly looked concerned for what lay ahead of us.

And that made me more than a little anxious.

I could handle not understanding her enjoyment of conflict or sword play. I could handle feeling amused at the brightness in her eyes whenever bloodshed was involved. I could not handle her being afraid.

My eyes moved from Nate to Jupiter, to my parents- who all wore that same unsure expression. Finally, I found Jude’s dark gray eyes and raised an eyebrow at him. He brought us here. He played my emotions and fears like only a true master manipulator could.

And now this.

I watched a thousand different emotions begin and then quickly fizzle behind his shuttered gaze, until he finally decided on the one I expected the most- indifference. He shrugged a casual shoulder and then his mouth twisted into a cruel smirk.

“I didn’t know about this,” he started, looking down at the gathered Fallen surrounding Seth, Aliah and Seven. Shadows slithered in and around their feet, turning that particular part of the beach black with their inky evil. “But I have to say, well done.” His smirk lifted into a full grin and I could hear his deep chuckle even over the rush of wind in my ears.

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