“They think you’re the new leader of the Expurgari because your father was the old one.”

A quarter turn of the blade against his back. A slight hesitation, then, very quietly, “And what is it that these purifiers purify?”

He inhaled. He exhaled. “Us.”

“That makes no sense,” came the instant response. The knife pressed deeper into the flesh of his back. He felt it like an exclamation point on the end of a sentence, emphatic.

“It’s complicated.”

“Nine.” She sounded as if she’d like to shove the blade through his spine even sooner.

“They’re a militant branch of the Church, trained assassins—”

“More assassins!”

“Who’ve been led since the Inquisition by an Ikati disguised as a human—”


“Which was a very ingenious way, if you think about it, to use humans to kill their own kind without drawing attention to the real culprit—”

“To what end? For what reason?”

“Vengeance, Eliana. Vengeance.”

“Seven.” Her voice, hard as granite.

“Why do you think your father was so devoted to Horus? God of vengeance, god of war…ring a bell? He used humans as a spy network to gain information about the other colonies so he could overthrow them, all the while disguising himself as a devout disciple of the Church, a spiritual warrior against evil. Against human heretics and that nonhuman scourge, that abomination against God and nature…shifters.”

“Six, five, four—”

“I have proof,” he said abruptly, and he felt the knife at his back give a little jerk.

“What proof can a liar give?” Her voice was bitter.

“Written proof. Straight from the horse’s mouth.”

The point of the knife drew away. He sensed movement, and then from around his left shoulder, he saw it and caught his breath.

She was there, but only just, beginning to take shape against the darkness behind her with little crystalline sparkles of light like motes suspended in a sunbeam. Her face appeared first, ghostly pale, and then her body began to take form, a growing mass that gathered around a core of shifting particles, ethereal as smoke. From one heartbeat to the next she became fully realized—flesh and bone and clothing—and began to move, slowly, carefully, watching him with eyes intense and unblinking.

“Ana,” he breathed, “that’s incredible. That’s so beauti—”

She said, “Which horse?”

It wasn’t a knife she’d been holding, he saw now as she paused and stood just beyond arm’s length with the weapon held out, leveled at his heart. It was a sword. A short sword, elegant and curved with a bone hilt banded in silk cord and a tapered carbon steel blade. It looked vaguely Asian. And deadly.

He drew in a lungful of the cool cavern air and replied, “Your father’s. We have your father’s journal. You left it behind.”

He saw the way she faltered, just the tiniest furrow drawn between her arching dark brows before it was erased. Before she could respond, he said, “You’ll recognize the binding, you know his hand. It will answer all your questions.”

“Where is it?” she whispered, staring at him. “Give it to me.”

He shook his head, once, and slowly lowered his hands to his sides. “It’s not here. I’ll bring it tomorrow. I’ll bring it here—”

“No,” she insisted vehemently. “Not here. Somewhere else. Somewhere public.”

He studied her face. Drawn and pale, she looked suddenly terrified, but not of him. No, of something she was thinking. Of what she imagined inside that journal.

“The Eiffel Tower.”

Her brows flew up.

“Second-floor observation deck. Meet me there at sunset tomorrow. I’ll be alone.”

“I’ll know it if you’re not,” she warned. She still hadn’t lowered the sword. “I’ll know if it’s a trick.”

“I know,” he agreed softly. “I know you will. It’s not a trick.”

“And if you try and search for any of my—”

“I told you, baby girl. I don’t want them. I came for you. It’s only you. It’s always been only you.”

Her eyes closed for just longer than a blink. Before she could speak, he murmured, “Don’t you know?” He stepped forward, slowly, until the blade of her outstretched sword rested against his chest, cold and sharp against the flesh over his heart, the flesh tattooed with her name. Her nostrils flared with her inhalation, but she didn’t retreat or move.

Looking deep into her eyes he said, “Ego mori tibi.

I would die for you.

Latin, because that’s how they were both born and raised. Catacombs, darkness, secrets, and dead languages, apart from the rest of the world.

Eliana twitched and exhaled a little, stunned breath. Her eyes were very dark and wide.

Still in Latin, still fierce, he continued, “I would kill for you. I would tear out my own heart with my bare hands if that’s what you asked, because your pleasure is my reward and a smile from you is worth more to me than gold. I’ve searched for you every second of every minute of every day since you disappeared, and all I want now is for you to be safe from the others who are searching for you, too—others who want to see you dead. I won’t let them hurt you, and though you don’t believe me, I won’t hurt you, either. Ever.” His voice grew even deeper, huskier, and he swallowed. “Because I’m in love with you, baby girl, and I have been for as long as I can remember. You’re the one ray of sunshine in the total darkness of my life. You’re the only thing that matters.”

She made a low, anguished sound in the back of her throat. He saw her grip tighten on the hilt of the sword, saw her fingers go white with how hard they squeezed, saw her intention to run him through right where he stood.

Just before she lunged forward, D Shifted to Vapor, and Eliana’s thrust was met with empty air.


Invisible Flame

The first thing Gregor heard was the beeping.

Loud and insistent, the electronic noise was so irritating it had worked itself into his dream. He’d been having the most wonderful dream, distinct as daylight, in which he was visited by someone vaguely familiar. A woman, standing at the end of his bed. But she was more specter than flesh, scented of nighttime and the outdoors, silent as that damned beeping was not. She’d drifted to the beside, surrounded him in calming, cool mist, murmured his name into his ear, then other things. Lovely things.

“Rest, old friend. Heal. We’ll see each other again soon.”

But the beeping wouldn’t let up, and finally the beautiful vision had disappeared, only to be replaced by the sight of a room, eye-wateringly bright when he opened his eyes. He squinted against the glare, disoriented, saw white walls and a fabric curtain hung from a track on the ceiling, smelled the sharp, chemical bite of disinfectant and the more subtle, homey scent of freshly laundered cotton.

When he turned his head left he spied the source of that infernal noise: a heart monitor, rectangular green, on rolling metal legs next to his bed.

His bed. In the hospital.

With a jerk he sat up, and pain, searing hot, tore through his chest.

A murmur of disapproval came from his other side, and Gregor, growling his displeasure and gritting his teeth against the pain, allowed a pair of gentle hands to push him back against the mattress. The nurse leaned over him, smoothed down the neck of the pastel flowered gown that covered his chest and body, and inspected a square of white bandages taped to his chest.

“Try not to tear your stitches, Mr. MacGregor,” she admonished in a husky, accented voice. She was fortyish, dishy, with a cap of shiny dark hair that accentuated a pair of cheekbones so chiseled they could cut glass. She turned smiling, warm brown eyes to his. “We don’t want you staying here any longer than necessary, now do we?”

He hated it when people asked rhetorical questions. But in the dishy nurse’s case, he figured he’d let it slide. “How long have I been here?” He let her plump the pillow beneath his head, fuss over his blankets. She lifted a plastic cup to his mouth and helped him sip water from a bendy straw, all the while making little noises of encouragement. He began to like her more and more.

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