
As always, I must first thank my wonderful editor at Montlake Romance, Eleni Caminis, whose name and feisty spirit were the inspiration for Eliana. You’re a joy to work with. To the rest of my friends and family at Montlake, you are an amazing team, and I’m grateful to have found a home there with you. I also owe thanks to my agent, Marlene Stringer, who gives the best advice. Here’s to future adventures! To Melody Guy, thank you for all your wonderful ideas and feedback, and to Jessica Fogelman, thanks for your incredible eye for detail.

Without my readers, of course, the stories of the Ikati would be gathering dust on a shelf. I am profoundly grateful that you have taken the time to buy this book and continue to support the Night Prowler novels with so much enthusiasm and generosity. And to the fantastic book bloggers who have introduced my books to their communities, I’d like to give a special thank-you. Your dedication to reading and reviewing books is such a crucial service to readers. I’m humbled and thankful so many of you have taken the time to recommend my books.

Writing a novel is a long, lonely process, and without the support of my family I wouldn’t be able to do it. Or much of anything else, for that matter. Mom and Dad, thanks for being cheerleaders and for instilling in me a lifelong love of reading.

And to Jay, my amazing, charming, brilliant, funny, capable, courageous, cheerfully combative, and most excellent husband…I’ve said it before, but it’s true—I’d be lost without you. You are the kind of person I’ve always wanted to be.

About the author

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Photo by Jay Geissinger, 2011

J. T. Geissinger’s debut novel, Shadow’s Edge, was published in 2012 and was a #1 Amazon US and UK bestseller in fantasy romance and romance series. She is a 2013 finalist for the prestigious RITA® award from the Romance Writers of America for best paranormal romance for her second book in the Night Prowler series, Edge of Oblivion. A native of Los Angeles, she currently lives there with her husband and is at work on her next novel.

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