And just like that, his finger presses down in one slick motion and I can feel how wet I am and how every inch of me feels so damn full and I am coming. I’m coming loud.

The orgasm rips through me and I know I’m trying to hold onto the car door or maybe I’m just trying to hold on in general because I feel like I’m being flung somewhere very far away where there are stars and music and my skin is blistering as the need melts off of me. I feel reduced to nothing but a shining light and then Bram is still going, still working away at me even though my muscles are rocking with spasms, muscles clenching around him.

“I’m too sensitive.” I try to tell him this and catch my breath at the same time but he doesn’t stop and it sounds like he’s operating on pure instinct now, driven to fuck, to come.

And somehow, I don’t know how, but my sensitivity melts away and even though I’m still full and swollen, I’m coming again for the second time.

This time Bram comes too. It seems violent, surreal, bigger than the both of us. His sounds, those gorgeous, crazed sounds, fill the car and as I come down from yet another high – the greatest high – he’s holding my sweaty back against his damp chest. He kisses down my spine in between trying to catch his breath.

“Fuck,” he swears, trying to clear his throat. “That was unbelievable.”

“You’re telling me,” I tell him, my own chest heaving. I peel myself off the car door and nearly collapse onto the seat. “I’ve never come twice in a row like that.”

“Then next time we’ll have to shoot for three,” he says, smiling against my skin. He places his hand around my waist and then slowly pulls out. I automatically feel empty without him.

We sit down next to each other in the backseat, the air filled with the hot and musky scent of our sex. I’m totally naked and drenched. He looks both slick and disheveled at the same time.

“Let me know if you want a ride next time,” he tells me as he opens his door.

“Will I ever.” I quickly slip on my clothes and he drives us the rest of the way home, no more pit stops.

When we finally make it there, however, we disappear into his apartment for a quickie. I know, I know. We just had mind-blowing sex and should leave it at that. We’re fucking greedy, what can I say. And it’s bad of me since Lisa is on the clock, but I can’t help it. Even just leaving his car, his hands were all on me as we climbed the stairs and though car sex was as steamy – and ground-breaking – as anything, there was something about the comfort of a bed that called to me.

Plus, you know, the man was making me damn insatiable. When I was with Phil, I rarely felt this turned on all the time. Even when we first started dating, everything was so controlled and, let’s face it, my physical attraction to Phil was never off the charts. He was cute, albeit skinny, but I think I was more attracted to his indifference and brains than anything else. And it’s not like he made me feel like the sexiest woman on earth. If I ever gained a bit of weight – and this was back when I was so damn thin – he’d comment and it would set me off for days.

So where sex with Phil had been adequate – I mean, it produced Ava – it was never that bone-melting, must have, orgasms all night, kind of sex. Not like it is with Bram. I wonder if this is what sex in general is supposed to be like or I just got the luck of the draw with Bram. I’m going to assume it’s mostly the latter.

Finally though, it’s time to return to my apartment. Bram says he’ll freshen up and then come over to sleep once Lisa leaves and I’m ready for bed.

“Sorry I’m late,” I tell Lisa as I step inside. “Missed my bus.”

She looks a bit cross but says, “That’s okay.” She gets up off the couch. “Ava was an angel, as always. Her levels were fine, too.”

“That’s great, thank you.”

She walks past me to the door but stops and stares at me with a discerning eye. “You look different.”

“Do I?” I ask. I checked my hair and makeup in the car back from our “shag spot” and after the quickie, so I don’t think I particularly look like I’ve just had sex or done something wrong.

“You’re all flushed,” she notes.

“Must have been the walk from the bus stop,” I tell her, wanting to add that it’s cold outside but I don’t want to keep talking and make her suspicious. It’s not that I’m trying to keep us a secret, it’s just that I don’t know what us is yet. And screwing your landlord doesn’t look very good to the outside eye.

She opens the door and then jerks her head toward Bram’s apartment. “You know, your neighbor has some pretty loud sex.”

I nearly choke. “Oh yeah?”

She nods gravely. “Yeah. I don’t know how you sleep with that racket. Got to admit, he makes for a good show. And whatever woman he’s with.”

I feel my cheeks burn. “Have a good night, Lisa. Thanks again.”

I have no idea now if she suspects about Bram and I, but I know at some point she’s going to put two and two together. I make a mental note that just because we’re in Bram’s apartment, doesn’t mean I can’t cry out his name at the top of my lungs. I should ask him to gag me next time and then that thought itself turns me on.

But when Bram comes into my bedroom later, I’m exhausted and it seems like he is too. He doesn’t push me for sex, he just wraps his thick arms around me and holds me to him. It’s nice. It’s so nice, just to be held, to be wanted.

“You comfortable?” he whispers in my ear.

“Very,” I tell him. “I’m used to Ava crawling over me or just sleeping on me like a sack of potatoes. But this, this is very nice.”

“Good,” he says. “Because I don’t plan on letting go.”

“I had no idea you were such a cuddler, Mr. McGregor.”

“Oh, there’s probably a few things you don’t know about me, sweetheart,” he murmurs. “But you will, in time.” He kisses my earlobe. “Besides, it’s hard not to hold onto you. I’m afraid if I let go of you for one minute, you may just slip through my fingers. And then where would I be?”

“Jacking off?”

“Aye,” he says. “But you can’t do that forever.”

“Really? I’ve tried.”

“You really need to show me your dildo collection one day.”

“Only if you promise to behave with them.”

“Nicola,” he says in mock indignation. “I can’t believe you think I would do anything that would jeopardize your fair virgin beauty.”

I giggle. “Shut up. Who knew you were such a dork?”

“Not many do, so please keep it between us and I won’t tell anyone about your dildo collection.”

“It’s just a few toys,” I say, playfully slapping his arm and settling back into the mattress. It feels so, so good just to be in his arms. “Besides, I think everyone I know has an idea. Steph says men think of me as an ice queen. Ice queens don’t get laid.”

“Mmmm, that’s not true. They do get laid. It’s just on their own terms. This was on your terms, Nicola, and you know that. Maybe I oughta thank you for letting me between your legs. Or maybe I oughta congratulate myself for saying all the right things, though for the life of me I don’t know what they were.”

“I’ll just say, whatever you’re doing—”

“Which is you,” he interjects. “Over and over again.”

“—keep doing it.”

“And tonight?”

Now I feel a bit guilty. “I’m actually kind of tired.”

“Same,” he says, propping up his pillow. “But that doesn’t mean I won’t wake you up in the middle of the night the only way I know how.”

I smile at that and let this absolute feeling of peace settle over me. The moment, as simple as it is, is pretty much perfect. It is perfect. I’ve got my daughter in her own room, responding well to the insulin and shots, taking the whole thing like the trooper she is. I’ve got a wonderful apartment, more than just a roof over my head. I’ve got the opportunity to really get my life on track, to start over and end strong, and I’m doing just that. And now I’ve got Bram, this wonderful beast of a man who keeps my brain guessing and my body coming.

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