Take Me

The Untouchables 1


T. A. Grey


A special and rowdy thank you to my Alpha Squad who has the best ladies anywhere! You guys rock! Thank you to Brandi for her excellent opinions and revisions. Thank you to Hallie for creating such an amazing cover, and most of all thank you to all my fans who support me. I can’t tell you how much it means to me.

Chapter 1

“You made the wrong choice, Felicity.”

Strong hands surrounded her, brought her body flush against his. There was no mistaking the hard prod pressed into her back.

Felicity gasped, struggling to control the need burning inside her like fire. “We can’t.” Long-fingered hands swept up to cup her breasts—the touch possessive as Dominic Blackmoore molded the flesh. She shivered, her knees nearly giving out. She might have fallen if not for his hold on her.

“Yes we can, and yes we are. I’m not waiting any longer.” His voice held no room for argument. He’d finally decided. This was really going to happen. Could she stop it even if she really wanted to?

His hands released her and reason came flooding back with it, her last chance to resist. No, they couldn’t do this. So many lives would be destroyed including her own. She shoved hard against his chest knocking him off balance with the action. She didn’t hesitate, but sprinted down the hall and away from him. She had to get out of here. She had to get outside. If she could only make it outside she could escape.

She slowed as she rounded through the kitchen, her stupid heels slipping on the marble tiles. But she didn’t have time to damn her poor choice in shoes because a hard, heavy body slammed into her back.

Rough hands caught hers, planted them above her head on the garage door. She was already panting and he hadn’t even touched her yet. Her eyes squeezed shut—this was so wrong and yet she craved his touch with every fiber of her being.

“I’m done waiting. We end this torture now,” he said, a growl covering the words.

A shiver swept down her spine, and she couldn’t catch her breath. Her body burned like the sun blazed around her and her core was wet, aching. She gave into him then—into his addicting caresses. It was so much easier than fighting it. She shouldn’t do it, but she’d never wanted anything more in her life.

“Dom,” she murmured. The name that had been haunting her for what felt like an eternity. The name she hated as much as she loved.

Her skirt slid to her ankles at his touch. Her fingers curved into the door as cool air touched her bare bottom; her underwear hid nothing from his gaze. She could feel it burning into her skin like beams of light. Those addicting hands caressed her bottom, squeezed, and plumped.

“You have the greatest ass, sweets.” He groaned deep in his throat as he tucked his fingers inside her panties and sent the black satin fluttering down around her ankles.

A heavy pulse beat between her legs. An equal weight beat in her heart...for him. No matter wrong this was, she wanted it. She wanted him

He swept her hair over one shoulder, baring her neck to him. A wicked thrill shot up her spine and she arched her neck for him—a small taunt, beckoning him, daring him to take from her. He growled so much louder, and she heard the hiss of his zipper so loud in the quiet house.

“Don’t tempt me, Felicity. Not now. My control is at an end and I will take your vein.” His voice was as deep as a pit.

Her body relaxed, a smile crossing her mouth, and her eyes fluttered shut. “I trust you, Dom.” His voice always held magic over her and like a wand he could cast it and make everything better.

Another groan, this one deeper and impatient. She wondered what he thought of her words. Would he do it? Would he finally take from her?

Hot hands spanned her waist, sliding down to cup her hips and arch her back towards him.  It only figures that their first time would be like this with her chest planted against the door and her back to him—so submissive.

His hard shaft dipped over her drenched folds eliciting a moan from her dry lips. This was it. This was the moment she’d craved from the very first day she met him. She’d finally have him, finally know what it felt like to have him moving inside her.

An eternity passed and then he found her entrance and slowly pushed his way inside. He spread her, the pressure so intense it bordered on pain. Her forehead fell into the door as her body adjusted around his length. He glided inside her using her slick arousal from her traitorous body.

He pressed hot open-mouthed kisses over her neck while his tongue sucked and teased her. He did not move but kept himself buried hard and full inside her. A shocked cry tore from her throat, one mingled with pain and pleasure. And his hands, those cursed, wonderful hands, entwined with hers on the door, securing her place in his arms. Caging her so she couldn’t run.

Then he started moving. Gentle, but unforgiving in long, pounding strokes that dragged through her tight muscles, awakening warmth and erotic pleasure she’d never felt before.

“Dom.” Her breathing hitched.

Each stroke she felt down to her soul. Her heart had never beat so fast, and when her body couldn’t burn any hotter, couldn’t handle any more of the wet hard glide quickening inside her, it locked tight around his cock. With a rush of bittersweet pleasure, she exploded around him.

Vision fled, thoughts fled. She was suspended in a moment of time as he plummeted into her again and again.

He cursed in a ragged voice. “Felicity, fuck. I can’t,” he said in gasps. He landed deep then grinded his hips against her. “I can’t stop.”

Before she knew what he meant, he broke the skin of her neck with his fangs. The two sharp points sank inside, breaking skin. Strange warmth flooded the surface around the wound like a little sunburn yet it did not hurt. She could feel his mouth working against her and the sensation crashed into her shooting out her own fangs. Her fading pleasure spiked once more and her body bowed into his until they were in perfect sync: him commanding her body and her submitting to him.

He surged inside her faster, harder until the sounds of pounding flesh and ragged breathing echoed in the room. Growling deep, he wrapped his hands around her waist to hold her to him.

She shouldn’t like it. It was all so very wrong. But she never wanted him to stop.

Then his warm mouth locked tight to the wound on her neck, and he planted his cock deep spurting his release on a husky growl. His fangs dislodged then as his tongue licked at the wound to seal it. That quickly it was over.

They caught their breaths as the aftermath started to creep in. Felicity’s mind still hadn’t returned to normal. She knew she should be running right now, but she wanted this so badly—these few moments of them together, closer than they’d ever been. Her heart was leaping in her chest reminding her of how deep she had it for this man.

“So beautiful,” he said, kissing her shoulder. “So perfect.”

He caressed her collarbone. His touch was gentle, lingering. He reached down and cupped one breast then the other before caressing her stomach and trailing down until his fingers curled around where he was still planted deep and firm inside her. His fingers caressed her wet swollen flesh, dipping and sliding along her lips and bud.

The sound of the front door opening and slamming closed was like a bucket of ice water thrown on her face.

In a flash, Felicity righted her clothes but she couldn’t quite keep the tears of hurt from coming to her eyes.

“How could you?”

It took even less time than she would have expected to see regret flash across his face. That alone made her flinch like she’d taken a punch to the gut. His head jerked towards the front of the house at the sound of high heels coming their way.

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