Lucas burst out laughing and several things happened that no one pointed out.

One, Felicity had to remember to tell Beth she was right. Lucas Blackmoore had a devastatingly gorgeous voice—a lovely rumbling tenor. His singing voice could only be magnificent, for sure.

Two, Dominic stood up.

Three, Julianna’s lips tightened in a pained expression.

Four, Lady Blackmoore sighed like an exhausted woman.

Felicity would remember this moment always and exactly in that sequence, because this was the moment her entire life changed. Well, later she might argue that it actually changed the moment Ian called her to interview at Blackmoore estate. Whatever, apples and oranges and all that.

Lucas’ laughter died out. “Well isn’t this all interesting. We have a planner looking to design your bonding ceremony, a bruid to be, a bonded male to be, and mother in the middle. I say we hire her.” He pretended to look over her portfolio pictures on the table but no way could he really be judging her work when he looked at them all for barely a second.

“No,” Dominic said.

Lady Blackmoore picked up several of the pictures and eyed them with a strong eye. She had been to many parties in her life. Her eye would be the real judge.

“She does do some fine work,” she muttered.

Felicity could feel the divide. Dominic versus the rest of them. The only one who had yet to say what they thought was Juliana. Felicity narrowed in for the kill.

“Lady Greenwich what would your colors be for the bonding ceremony?”

A light pink tinged her cheeks. “I suppose...I suppose I’d like ivory and gray.”

Elegant, strong, but beautiful colors. Also not very traditional which would make it stand out more. A color scheme and design plan started to form in Felicity’s mind like a spider slowly building a web.

Felicity leaned Julianna, a smile on her face. “Lady Greenwich, I promise you will have the most beautiful ceremony ever. People will be talking about it for years to come. You will be the envy of everyone. Grey and ivory will paint the room and paint you into a beautiful masterpiece, one that will take breaths away. I will work with you personally. I’ll be at your beck and call. Everything will be made out into the finest of details. It will be your perfect day. I promise I can do this for you.”

The room grew quiet. Then Julianna smiled. The look transformed her face from beautiful to absolutely stunning.

Knowing that one day Julianna would be the one touching Dominic’s naked body, feeling the heat of his gaze on her skin filled Felicity’s mouth with a sour taste.

The thought sent a surge of unpleasantness through her. For a moment all she wanted to do was stand up and leave. Leave the beautiful woman with her soon to be mate. They’d make incredibly beautiful children together.

Something hardened in her. This was the opportunity of a lifetime and she wouldn’t throw it away out of jealousy. No matter how badly she wished she was in Julianna’s place.

“Yes, I want her,” said Julianna.

Lucas grinned. “I second that.”

Felicity kept her back straight as she glanced between Dominic and Lady Blackmoore. Her fate rested in their hands.

Dominic crossed his arms across his chest and scowled at them all.

Well, she had his answer.

Lady Blackmoore was a different matter, and she was smart. She hadn’t missed the awkward exchange between Dominic and her. However, she also kept looking over her designs with a keen eye. Like she was actually considering it.

Felicity waited on bated breath.

“No.” That came from Dominic and didn’t surprise her.

However, Lady Blackmoore stood with her lips pressing into a firm line.

“I agree she’d make a fine planner for the occasion.” Felicity folded her hands together and squeezed to keep from bursting from the seat of her pants like she wanted to. “However, I have a few concerns.” Instantly Felicity’s shoulders sagged.

“Well I have more than a few concerns,” snapped Dominic. “I don’t want her working for us.”

Lucas looked at him with feigned shock. “And why not? You saw her work. It’s good stuff.”

Yeah, why not, Felicity wanted to say, but instead frowned.

“I don’t want her working for us because—” he stopped himself short and once again tension filled the room like a suffocating blanket.

Felicity yearned to crack a window and let some fresh air in.

“Perhaps you should let it be your bruid’s decision,” Lucas said. His eyes danced with mischief.

Felicity wanted to high five him. Thanks to him she might just get this job.

“Dominic, if you’ll come with me we can discuss these concerns together. In the meantime, Ms. Shaw you have the job.” Lady Blackmoore held her hand out and Felicity shook it, unable to hide her smile.

“Thank you so much.”

Dominic and his mother headed for the door, but at the last minute he turned around. “This isn’t over.”

It was a promise.

* * *

Dominic followed his mother into the library. He knew where this was going but that didn’t mean he liked it.

Only one thought possessed his mind—Felicity Shaw.

Even her name sounded good to him. It had an upbeat, feminine quality to it that pleased the ears. Something about Felicity Shaw intrigued him. After she left last night he found he wanted to know more about her. Hell, he wanted to know everything about her and not from some intel report but from her own mouth. Why he wanted any of this he had no clue, but like a hound catching the scent of prey, he had her scent locked inside him. And he wouldn’t stop until he caught her.

Was she trying to kill him wearing a dress like that? That had been his first thought when he saw her. Hell, she looked good enough to eat. At first sight his cock had sprung up like a boy seeing his first pair of tits. She did it on purpose. No doubt about that. She wanted to taunt him for slighting her last night.

Well, he had plans to take care of that. To take care of them both in the process.

For some reason he found himself enjoying this immensely. Anticipation and excitement filled his veins like hot, thick blood. Both were feelings he hadn’t felt in ages. Helena had turned from burning hot to lukewarm. Then as time passed lukewarm faded to frigid. One hundred years into their blood bond and he had a mate who couldn’t stand his touch, but would easily take his money to lavish herself with jewelry and fine clothes.

Oddly, thinking about her now didn’t fill him with the kind of anger it had before. He almost smiled. Soon Helena would be nothing to him. Not even a distant bad memory. She deserved far worse from him.

His mother turned to him. “What is she to you?”

Dominic crossed his arms. He adored his mother but being around someone for your whole life when that life lasted a very long time grew tiresome. His mother was the perfect political icon, which meant she knew when to be polite and smile and when to push straight to the point. Now she chose the latter.

“Yesterday I thought she was Julianna Greenwich and my soon to be bruid. Then I learn she’s the damn planner. How the hell was I to know? They both have long blond hair, and the only picture I had of her was fuzzy and old.”

“Why were you wrapped around each other yesterday? I will not hire her if this is going to be a problem, Dominic. Have you shared such intimacies with Lady Julianna or is this only a problem you have for Ms. Shaw?

“No,” he said. Just the thought of touching the immaculately beautiful Julianna made his fangs retreat. He had no curiosity in finding out what made Julianna tick. Just the thought of having a conversation with her made his head ache. Her life consisted of parties, clothes, and riches. So much like Helena.

Felicity Shaw was not like that. There was more to her. He saw that in the way her eyes spit fire at him last night and then today. No one dared to get angry with him aside from his closest friends and family. She didn’t fear him though.

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