Breathing heavy, he sucked at the skin of her neck. The action pulled her already tender nipples into throbbing, aching points. Like a bow she arched her back for him, needing more.

“Dom,” she said, breathless.

Her thighs parted for him, giving him more room to put his big hand in her tight jeans. His tongue licked at her, sucked at her as his fingers so slowly slid across her wet flesh to cup her.

A hard shiver raced down her spine. He cupped her like a man claiming his possession. A man who was saying this is mine.

And she fucking loved it. Every single fiery second of it.

Sharp fangs grazed her neck and she mewled. “Please,” she begged.

Hot breaths panted against her neck. “What do you want?”

He knew. He knew she wanted him to bite her, to take from her in such an intimate way. The bite of blood from one vampire to another was considered almost as intimate as sex. And she wanted him to so badly she quaked for it.

His fingers petted her. “Tell me what you want, sweets.”

He wanted her to ask him for it. She released her death grip on the desk to wrap her hands around his shoulders, holding on to him for dear life. “I can’t.”

He buried his face in her neck, groaning as his fingers parted her wet lips, found her slick bead and circled it. He knew exactly how to touch her. Exactly what to do to make her come apart, and she did right there in his arms.

Hands curling into his jacket, she screamed his name as hard shivers raced through her and liquid heat burst inside her. Dom worked her faster, prolonging the peak, and then slowing her down with nothing but his fingertips.

“Fucking drenched my fingers,” he said with pride. He breathed as if he too had just come. His tongue licked up her neck again, and then he crushed her lips with a kiss.

He didn’t stop touching her. His slick fingers roamed her folds, grazed her sensitive bud, and then as he filled her mouth with his tongue as his fingers thrust inside her.

He swallowed her needy moan. That’s what she needed. To be filled. He pumped his fingers inside her. She’d never felt so possessed.

She was in his clutches, literally. His hand still holding her head where he wanted it, and now his fingers rocking inside of her mimicking what she knew he’d give her if she only asked.

The monotone beep, beep, beep at his desk brought her back to the real world.

Dom tugged on her hair until her foggy eyes met his. Then he kissed her hard and leaned over her to pick the phone. He answered with his fingers still pumping inside her.

“Dominic,” he answered. His voice was hoarse.

His fingers worked her faster making her breath catch and her hands curl into his jacket.

He watched her. Watched the pleasure drench her features with the look of a starving wolf.

“Yeah, good,” he said to the caller.

Did the caller not hear how different his voice sounded? How laced with passion it was?

“Make sure she gets home all right? Yeah, I’ll take care of it.”

Fingers pumped, filled, curled. It’d been so long since someone touched her like that. She couldn’t keep it from coming. She’d sooner be able to keep the sun from rising than stem the explosion about to happen. A slow eruption took place in her body. Dom slammed the phone back in the cradle just as it took place. His fingers moved harder, faster. His eyes raked over her face with the hungriest look she’d ever seen and then he kissed her. His tongue filled her mouth as pleasure so intense it bordered on pain ripped through her, stealing her breath and making her dizzy. She came apart in his arms a shuddering, trembling mess. His lips caught her cries, swallowed them.

Two orgasms. He’d given her two orgasms with just his hand.

Slowly, he broke the kiss but his lips kept returning to hers as if he didn’t want it to stop kissing her. Or maybe it was her fault because each time he lifted his head, she found his lips again, tasting and kissing him with her hand buried in his soft hair.

“Dom, this is dangerous.”

“Tell me what I have to do to get inside you and I’ll do it. Name it. Anything.”

Her heart constricted. “I—you’re getting bonded to Julianna Greenwich.”

His jaw clenched, eyes turned flat. “And?”

Just like that she felt cold. Awkwardly she pulled her hands out of his hair. “And I don’t mess around with non-single men.”

“I can’t give you that. I need her.”

She winced. Why did those words feel like a blow straight to the heart?

“Yes, well, I’m not going to be a home wrecker. You can’t touch me anymore. We need to keep our distance.”

He turned his head away. Anger bounced off him in waves. Their arousal still saturated the air around them with that mouth-watering scent.

“She means nothing to me. I only met her for the first time the night I met you.”

“Yes, but she’s still going to be the one you’re bonded to a month from now.” Not me.

His dark eyes came back to hers. “I can’t change this. I’m running for the presidency. I need her to get my nomination. We can’t lose the seat to the weres. The alpha, Zeke Hunt, is gunning for it. I need all the political power I can get. Julianna’s father packs a lot of votes under his belt, ones I need.”

“I’m sorry.” Why did her heart feel like it was breaking? “I can’t see you anymore.”

She pushed against his shoulders and he moved back so she could head for the door. As she turned the door handle, he spoke.

“I’ll take you home.”

She squeezed her eyes shut. “I really don’t think that’s a good idea.”

She could already hear his steps coming up behind her. “That was Vas on the phone. He found them. Beth’s fine. He’s taking her home.”

Felicity spun around. “What happened? Where was she?”

He opened the door, tagged her hand once again then dragged her back to the car. This time she didn’t fight him. All the fight had left her back in his office.

To the driver he said, “412 Spruce Avenue.”

Felicity lifted a brow at him. “How do you know my address?”

He gazed outside.

“I asked you a question. And tell me what happened to Beth.”

“I’m not sure yet.”

“What do you mean you’re not sure? Where was she found and what did your brother do to her?”

Finally he looked at her. Only when she breathed a sigh of relief did she realize she had been waiting for him to look at her again. She didn’t like it when he wasn’t. God, she was so screwed.

“Vas found them at Luc’s place. Said Luc was getting heavy with her. Vas grabbed Beth and took her home.”

Felicity dug her phone out of her book to check for messages. Beth hadn’t even called her back. What the hell?

“What does ‘getting heavy’ mean exactly?” She stiffened thinking of pounding fists and blood. It wasn’t a pleasant picture.

His eyes darkened into the look as he raked his eyes over her breasts then lingered between her legs. She pressed her thighs together to keep from squirming.

“What do you think it means, Felicity? We just shared a taste of it in my office.”

She swallowed hard and turned away.

The night had started strange, but before she knew it, Dominic Blackmoore had his hand in her pants, and she’d come twice. Lucas Blackmoore had supposedly gotten heavy with Beth. Really nothing could have surprised her.

Oh, how wrong she was.

Chapter 8

He could still smell her luscious scent on his hand. Fuck, he wanted to suck his fingers clean.

Screw it. He did it.

Even as Felicity’s eyes flared at him from the seat next to him, he watched arousal grow in her eyes. She was such a perfect woman for him. She liked what he just did, and judging by the flash of hunger in her eyes it turned her on too.

One hell of a woman.

A woman he wanted in his bed. Not just for one night but every night so that he could learn every inch of her body. Learn what she liked and how she liked it. Until he knew everything about her.

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