God she was gorgeous when she was angry. Who’d have thought he’d like something like that? When Helena would get mad it’d make him tense because hew knew wherever she’d lead him would be to hell.

Felicity was like a bright light he didn’t want to let go of.

She finished shoving a bag of toiletries into her suitcase then turned to him crossing her arms. She probably thought she looked fierce. To him, she looked adorable. She leveled him with a hard look he couldn’t take it. He had to move.

He caught her up in his arms and kissed her until her breaths came fast, her hands curled into his jacket and the luscious scent of her arousal started to fill the air. Only then did he pull away.

Her eyes were slow to open, hazy.

“I’m going to have you, Felicity. I’m going to take care of you and give you everything you deserve. Just say you’ll be with me.”

Wariness crept into her eyes and he wanted to curse or punch a hole through the damn wall. He knew what her answer would be.

“Don’t answer me yet. Think about it. Give me a chance to persuade you.”

She already started shaking her head.


The front door opened and Grayson came in with a few tall men behind him. Some of his bodyguards. “We’re ready to escort you home.”

Dom nodded then leaned down to pressed a soft kiss to her sweet lips. Just as her eyes started to flutter closed, he pulled away. “Think about it.”

He grabbed her suitcase in one hand, her hand in the other. They followed Grayson.

He wouldn’t get her answer for another week.

Chapter 9

Felicity moved into the Blackmoore estate.

Or rather, Dominic moved her into the Blackmoore estate himself. His mother protested then quieted at a few harsh words from Dom. Felicity blushed the whole time and stared daggers at Dom’s back. She did try protesting, but he turned his glare on her and she’d clamped her mouth shut. She wasn’t stupid. If someone wanted to hurt her they could and Dominic had the power to protect her.

Ian came along and showed her to a wing of the house. Yes, it was actually called the East Wing according to Ian. He set her up in a room worthy of being on MTV Cribs then ducked out of the room.

Felicity called Beth only to get no answer. Worried, she started biting her lip as she unpacked her suitcase into an empty dresser. She checked out the room and found a lavish four-poster bed with white gauzy curtains hanging from the ends. Two tall windows had that same protective tinting over it, and the room even had an en suite bath that was literally the size of her living room at home.

This was starting to look like a good idea. The bathtub had jets in it and could easily fit at least three people. There were two sinks, a closet filled with fluffy white towels, and amenities for a man or woman.

Felicity could easily see herself living here. This kind of home and lifestyle was exactly what she’d always dreamed. If she never made it in the designing business then at least she’d have the memory of this house to remind her that she’d once had it for a little while.

Four days passed and she didn’t see Dom once. This put Felicity in a tough spot seeing as she had a wedding plan. She went on with it even though she had about a thousand questions to ask. Such as where did you want to have the ceremony at? Vampires sometimes chose modern locations, but Felicity had a feeling the Blackmoores would want something old and vampiric. In the meantime, she compiled notes with ideas on fabrics, designs for the centerpieces, goblet choices, and so on.

She kept to her room and the dwindling supply of blood that had been stored in the warming oven before she got there. It felt weird being in someone else’s house, and like a coward, she stayed in her rooms. She didn’t want to go searching around for Dom because she didn’t know what to do if she ran across Julianna who also stayed here. Worse, what if she ran into his mother? No way did she want to have to answer any curious questions about her and Dom. Nope, no way. So she hid like a little coward.

Hiding had its downside, she learned. Being cooped up in the same room for four days made her a bit stir crazy. She’d been steadily working in her shopping list for supplies for the ceremony. The list grew and grew until it covered the paper front and back in two columns. She couldn’t stay in the house any longer. Her work here was done. She needed supplies.

Felicity grabbed her briefcase with her shopping list and set off. She still hadn’t discussed the financial account for the ceremony with Dom because he’d ignored her after he dropped her off, but she had over a hundred grand in her own account to get started. Besides, she needed to buy some blood too.

Felicity opened the bedroom door and peered down the empty hallway. A lavish rug with a dark design of red and gold covered the hallway. It had to be over hundred feet long and cost a fortune. Paintings rested in sturdy frames on the wall and small side tables sat on either side of the hall holding vases and little statues.

Felicity quietly slipped down the hall then turned at the intersecting hallway and made her way towards the spiral staircase that would led downstairs. As she neared the stairs and passed closed bedroom doors, probably all unoccupied, she heard voices. One in particular sounded like a woman. A very unhappy woman whose voice nearly shook the ceiling from her shouting.

Felicity perked up a bit. The Blackmoores didn’t seem like the yelling type. She moved to the top of the stairs and peered over the railing. The front hallway was empty. The chandelier above lit the area up with bright golden light. The study stood to the right and its door was open, light coming out of it. Seeing no one else around, Felicity made her way down the steps, her curiosity getting the best of her.

“How could you?” the woman seethed. “I gave you everything! If you think you can just—”

“I know I can because I did,” came the sharp reply. Felicity blinked fast at the voice. Dom’s voice, though now he spoke in an impatient growl than with his usual baritone.

“I have rights, dammit! I will not let you cast me aside as if I’m nothing. And who is this woman I’ve been hearing about? So quick to replace me are you?”

“Damn right I am, and she’s none of your concern.”

“It’s Julianna Greenwich. Everyone is talking about your new bruid,” she spat the word out.

Felicity went down the last of the stairs and slipped across the floor to flatten herself against the wall by the study doors. This had to be his ex, Helena. She shouldn’t listen, but no way was she going to pass up this opportunity. This was the juiciest thing that had happened since Lucas leaped off the stage to chase after Beth.

“I care nothing for Julianna.”

Silence for a moment. “Then it’s someone else?”

Dom didn’t say anything.

“Who is she?”

Felicity tensed. Her entire body froze as she waited for his answer.

“She’s none of your concern. Leave it, Helena.”

“I will not just leave it. You are mine!”

He laughed; it was a cruel, mocking sound. “I haven’t been yours for a long time, and officially I am very much not yours, Helena. Tell me what you want and be gone from my life. I never want to see you again.”

Helena gasped as if he’d struck a blow and Felicity rolled her eyes at the obviously fake sound. “How can you speak to me like that after all this time? After all we’ve been through?”

“Rather easily after all the shit you’ve pulled.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Another scornful laugh. “The men, the jewelry, the clothes, the houses, all of it.”

“Men?” Helena said, a hint of fear in her voice.

“Yes, I know about your affairs, Helena.”


He said nothing, and Felicity knew the answer: because he was Dominic Blackmoore and he got whatever he wanted. Information would be easy for him.

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