Her words weren’t nearly as eloquent but they were her.

Smiling, she fell asleep thinking about Dominic Blackmoore and being with him in all ways. Thoughts of him even drifted into her dreams that night.

She dreamed in heavy slumber, limbs caught in her comforter and sweat slicking her body. None of that she knew as she dreamed, because she dreamed of him.

Their limbs were entangled, sweat slicked their bodies, his hips thrust. His hard, long shaft, so thick, slid into her wet and hungry. He caught her groan with a hungry kiss, taking it and mixing it with his own. As he brought her to pleasure, taking her on a ride she never wanted to get off, she clung to him with her chin buried in his shoulder.

Her eyes dazedly closed on a particularly delicious thrust. Then he spoke her name and she opened her eyes and froze. Over his shoulder she met the eyes of a beautiful redheaded woman—Helena—crawling across the bed towards them.

Felicity curled her fingers into Dom’s back to warn him of the danger but he only groaned and moved faster inside her. She opened her mouth to scream but nothing came out. Helena’s eye flashed red with evil and then she was upon them. Felicity was caught underneath Dom’s heavy body.

In the blink of an eye, Helena stood on her knees with her arms raised in the air, a long, silver blade glinting between her palms. She smiled, her sharp fangs flashing, and then she thrust the blade down just as Felicity reached her peak. Dom shuddered above her but not from pleasure. The blade stuck out from his back. Felicity knew the long blade had reached his heart.

A different kind of wetness, not sweat, flowed across her fingers clenching his back. She lifted her fingers, shaking to see his blood coating her fingers. As he lifted up from her, his face hidden in shadows, Helena smiled with satisfaction and slinked away.

Shaking like a leaf, Felicity’s gaze went to his chest. A brief sense of relief hit her but was quickly vanquished by the sight of the silver tip, not even a quarter inch long, protruding from his heart. With trembling fingers, Felicity touched the sharp point and felt her skin give on her thumb.

Then as if waiting for her touch, blood seeped from the wound in great rivulets running down his chest, landing on hers until they were covered in his blood.

Screaming, she kept screaming but no sound came. She shook him, tried to grab onto his face and bring it into the light but it wouldn’t move.

Felicity shot awake with a muted scream that evening. Her nightmare still clung to her. She swore she could still feel his thick blood on her fingertips. She climbed out of bed silently and didn’t tell anyone of the nightmare.

Chapter 14

“You look lovely tonight,” Dom said.

Julianna sent him a surprisingly heated look. Lady Greenwich had been taught from an early age to hide her emotions, just as his mother had. Only another reason why she’d make a perfect political bruid. Right now, though, her eyes snapped at him.

“I told you I do not like this, but thank you, Mr. Blackmoore.” She couldn’t even make herself not thank him for the compliment. Such was her nature.

Dom shook his head and grabbed her hand to lead her up the steps to the Maracado house. Gioni Maracado put the blue in blue-blooded. His family came from some of the oldest vampires in the world. There may be some older than his family, but none who had the documents to prove it. Gioni also kept very traditional views politically, and had supported Dom’s father. As long as Dom played it straight, he should be able to secure Gioni’s vote, and thus his followers. And the man had many.

Dom nodded to the valet holding open a large iron door. It looked like something straight out of a dungeon. Gioni did miss “the old days”. His house was proof of that with dark gargoyles crouched on stone pillars around the house, a wrought iron fence enclosing his land, and dark stones making up his mansion. Inside had more dark colors. Incredible crystal chandeliers hung from the vaulted ceilings, and heavy, dark carpets cushioned his feet.

Dom led Julianna into what used to be a ballroom but had since become a party room as the times had changed. Dom began making rounds. Julianna fit in perfectly. Holding out her hand, bowing her head, and smiling when needed. She said not a word unless asked something specific and then she kept her answers simple and quiet, never stirring a conversation. She’d make a perfect bruid. If only she was Felicity.

They received many congratulations as they met with old faces and some new ones. Their engagement had already been announced the day after he met Julianna and Felicity. By now every vampire and were in the world knew they were to be bonded before the election. The deed would be done just in time to secure him the necessary votes to beat Zeke.

A sudden deep and gravelly voice cut through the room. Dom halted in his conversation with an old family friend to glance over his shoulder. His lip twitched with anger but that was the only emotion he showed at seeing Zeke’s presence.

Zeke didn’t have to come to these political parties, but he’d been campaigning as viciously as Dom over the past few weeks. The man at least wore a suit this time though it looked like he’d forgotten to put a shirt on underneath. He wore only a jacket, his pants, and shoes. Yet, when he spoke, people listened. The man had magnetism about him that Dom did not like.

Dom made his way to Zeke who held the attention of many prominent figures in both were and vampire society.

Fucking great.

Dom broke into the circle which naturally parted for him and Julianna. Zeke caught his gaze and Dom noted his eyes looked slightly more sane than usual, not quite as shaky. Maybe the were was getting medicated.

“Hello, Zeke.”

The were grinned. “How’s the lip?”

Dom frowned. “What are you talking about?”

Zeke tilted his head far to the side as his eyes grew faraway in thought, then it snapped back. “I socked you good in the mouth. It’s healed but I know that one hurt.”

Dom stiffened as anger rose high and fast in his blood. He’d forgotten. So much had happened, especially with Felicity, that none of his thoughts seemed organized anymore.

Zeke thought to embarrass him and his pride in front of voters, to make him look weak. He didn’t hide the fact that he’d sent one of his men to try to assassinate him, rather poorly Dom might add. Everyone here already knew about it and not one person mentioned it. It was a man verse man competition to become president and if one died in the process then he was considered weak. If Zeke managed to murder Dom he’d probably end up with more votes because he would look strong.

“How’s your throat?” Dom asked bringing up the vicious bite he’d torn into Zeke’s neck.

Zeke smiled, looking completely at ease that Dom had caught onto his game. “I don’t mind getting bitten every now and then. It’s a were thing.”

Gioni, a short, thin man with slick backed russet hair, and a pointy goatee lifted his glass to get the circle’s attention. “Enough of that now. Zeke was just telling us about his plans for were reform if he gets into office. He already has the backing of Anthony Bennet and Olivia Cash.”

“Of course he has the were support of the council. What he needs is Edgard and Philips’ vote if he wants to get elected.”

Zeke smiled showing a mouth of sharp, white teeth. “Philips is lost to you, Blackmoore. You’ll stand by as I take this race.”

Dominic didn’t let his shock show. “Don’t underestimate me, Zeke.”

Zeke’s eyes glittered, glowing like an animal's. “It’s you who underestimates.”

Gioni tried to lure Zeke into a question of what kind of reforms Zeke would implement if elected, but Zeke ignored him and ran out onto the balcony as if he’d been commanded. Gioni’s question trailed off in surprise as Zeke leapt off the terrace and transformed in mid-air. He ran off in beast form without so much as a goodbye to the very people he wanted to vote for him.

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