The roof caved in with a boom as something heavy and solid landed on it. Everyone flew into action. Dom moved too. He ached for a fight after his night and now that Felicity wasn’t with him he didn’t have to worry over her. He let loose.

He darted out of the car to the sound of howls. Weres were strong, but transformed weres were damned powerful. Dom took in everything in less than a blink of an eye.

Five weres surrounded them. They’d dropped down from roof above. They were heavy, muscled beasts, snarling and growling. They also had enough strength in their jaws to literally bite through the neck of a vampire and kill them by decapitation.

Calmly, Dom shrugged off his overcoat leaving him in nothing but his suit. He took on the first were he saw. The beast leapt at him from the roof, but Dom used his speed to slam his shoulder into the were’s gut in midair. The beast flew back into the car sending it skidding across the lane into the blonde woman’s car. The woman watched the whole scene with her jaw hanging open and eyes like saucers.

Stupid human was going to get herself killed. Should be running.

A heavy animal landed on Dom’s back, claws bit into his shoulders and back viciously ripping at skin. A garbled shout ripped from his throat as one claw ripped into his side at his ribs and tore a length down.

Dom reached behind him, grabbed hunks of fur, then tossed the beast off him in an overhead throw. The beast flew across the ground, its heavy body rolling until crashed into a streetlight, coming to a stop.

More came at him. Dom’s guards killed one, then another leaving only two left. One of the weres got in a surprise slash with its heavy paw at his guard. The guard twitched as he fell to the ground. In the next second the were opened its jaw and bit through the vampire’s neck. His guard died in a nasty, bloody crunch of bone and tendon.

Roaring, Dom fought harder. Facing off with a were they went neck to neck ducking and dodging blows, Dom slammed his fist into the were’s face as it came at him  and knocked it backwards in a flip. He jumped on the beast as soon as it landed not giving it a second to think, then buried his fangs in its hairy throat and drank in fast, hard pulls. The fur filled his mouth almost making him gag but still he drank, seeing only red and fury. The beast twitched and growled, then its legs stopped kicking. Satisfaction filled him like good drink. The pleasure of winning, of overcoming in a fight was as great a high as the best drugs in the world.

Dom stood and found his last guard facing off against the last were. Together, they approached the beast, each breathing hard, fangs extended, and clothes torn and bloodied. They were ready to fight. Ready to kill.

The beast looked at them with glowing yellow eyes, and then sped off down the street in a furry blur.

His guard started after it. “Leave it,” Dom panted.

Nodding, his guard dialed Grayson and ordered a cleanup. Dom cursed. He felt jacked, blood sang in his veins, his senses were on high alert. He wanted to keep fighting, he wanted to fuck, and he wanted to run wild, or do all of them at once.

He needed Felicity.

With that thought in mind, he stalked to the blonde girl’s car. She screamed as he neared her.

“Hush,” he commanded.

She clamped her mouth shut with a snap of teeth.

“Move over!”

Panicked but obedient, she moved over to the passenger seat. To his guard he said, “I’m going to Felicity’s.”

“Sir, you should wait—”

He never heard the rest of the guard’s warning. He put the little car into drive and tore off for Felicity’s house, jacked, more excited to see her than ever, and driving a red Volkswagen Beetle with a butterfly steering wheel.

* * *

Felicity knew something was wrong. She’d just finished packaging up the finished centerpieces and stacking them against the wall when Graham stood. In a flash, he was out the front door without a word.

Damn but he could move fast. Felicity knew she could too but to move fast and quietly like that still took a lot of practice, even for vampires.

She heard the squeal of tires, then low voices as she made her way to the front door. She didn’t have fancy tinted windows so hers were boarded up inside and covered with heavy drapes. It was a common enough thing for vampires. She opened the front door and gasped at what she saw.

Dominic Blackmoore was striding up to her front door in long strides, covered in blood, radiating sex and anger, and his eyes were locked on hers.

Suddenly her heart raced, her breathing became hard to catch.


He walked right into her, his chest brushing against hers and pushing her backward. His hand shot out and the door slammed closed behind them. Something or someone had torn his jacket; it hung in shreds around him. Blood covered his face and ran in red pools down his white shirt. His clothes looked extra fancy, aside from all that, as if he’d been out at a party.

“What happened to you?”

Big, strong hands caught her waist then he lifted her up to the level of his mouth as if she weighed nothing to him. His mouth slammed down to hers and his thick tongue curled inside. Felicity moaned at his heady flavor and her body reacted on its own. Arms entwining around his neck, legs wrapping around his waist, she slid her tongue against his. He groaned.

The kiss went on and on growing wetter and hotter by the minute. They ate at each other. He kissed her as if she was a lifeline he needed, as if he wanted to do it forever. The heat of his hands holding her never dipped down to cup her bottom or reached up to caress her breasts. He simply held her and kissed her.

That alone made Felicity’s feelings for him blossom like a flower in the sun. He’d promised her she was his now, she’d agreed, and that meant he was hers. She had Dominic Blackmoore. They could finally be together.

He chose me!

He ended the kiss slowly with less heated kisses until he gave her one last lip bite, and then finally he just pressed his lips to hers and breathed unevenly.

Her eyes opened, met his, and a slow smile curled over her lips.

“I think this is a great way to say hello.”

“I had to see you.” His eyes bared his soul to her and she gulped. He truly wanted her. This wasn’t pretend; this was real.

“Let me clean you up,” she said.

Nodding, he let her go but seemed hesitant to do so. As her toes touched the ground, she reached up one more time to snatch his head in her hands, and brought his mouth down for a kiss. Feeling happy and a little giddy, she couldn’t stop smiling as she pressed kisses along his jaw, cheeks, and nose.

His voice was rough as he said, “I’m trying to be a gentleman and not take you right now, but you’re making that much more difficult than it should be, Felicity.”

BOOM, BOOM, BOOM, banged her heart at his words.

“Okay.” She gave him a little, sweet smile then tugged him into the kitchen. “Take a seat. I’ll get you cleaned up then you can tell me all about why you’re covered in blood and smell like a were.”

He pulled out one of her chairs, gave it a scowl, and then sat down in it. Felicity froze as she heard an ominous creak, but it was too late. She could do nothing to stop it.

The wood splintered. With a snapping-crack the chair caved in sending Dominic sprawling across her kitchen floor.

Felicity stared, stunned. Dominic Blackmoore, covered in blood, wearing an expensive but torn suit, was slumped on his ass on her kitchen floor in a pile of broken wood.

His lips parted, his eyes glared at the floor, and his hands were held up in the air as if asking how did I get here?

The first giggle came. Quickly followed by another.

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