She tried to keep her mouth sealed to his neck, but then she had no outlet to release the steam building up inside her. So she just squeezed her arms tight around him and rode and rode as cries and sounds she’d never made before came from her. Her entire body flushed hot, like the sun beat down on her, sweat dampening her skin, and she didn’t care, because he whispered to her, because his touch urged her on. Because he wanted her as much as she wanted him.

The bubble of pleasure expanded deep inside her each time he filled her, every movement she made to move faster. Then, something amazing happened.

Brayden shouted a hoarse, growling cry. His arms wrapped around her waist squeezing tight, nearly strangling the air from her, and then he thrust up into her and a hot gush of liquid filled her. She moaned with him, her hips writhing with need. His choppy breathing pushed her hair off her shoulder. A flood of liquid escaped her sex. His pleasure. A part of her wanted to laugh giddily, to kiss him madly, but one pervading need toppled all those. That need kept her at the top of a precipice, trembling eagerly for the little push she stilled needed to jump.

She did a tentative wiggle and still found him hard and lodged deep inside her. His breathing came under control and she rubbed her cheek across his until their lips met. Then she got busy kissing him as her hips wiggled. A little push forward, a little push back. Her breath caught. The sensitive bundle of nerves rubbed against his pants, teasing her, sending electric jolts through her body. She moved faster over him.

Then tore her mouth away. “Oh God, I can’t breathe.” She couldn’t. She could only pant like some kind of dog. But as she worked faster, his hard cock still planted firmly inside her, his release mixing with hers, the erotic sensations bloomed hard and fast. One second she was humping him, urging her body to feel the same release he did, then the next, her head shot back and a scream unlike anything she’d ever made came from her own throat.

Her entire body seized up, then quaked. Hot liquid burst inside her. Her skin seemed to explode from her and then come back in a sweeping glide. She held on to him for dear life.

After it was over, she felt completely depleted, like she could sleep for a whole day, maybe longer. A goofy grin covered her face and she couldn’t make it go away.

“Ah, fuck,” he cursed.

That sound broke through her dream-like reverie. Her eyes opened as she sensed movement. Then her back hit the bottom of the couch and Brayden lay atop her. The look on his face is one she’d never forget—utterly lost to passion, uncontrollable. He maneuvered her below him without slipping his cock from her. And once he had her there, his mouth slanted over hers and his hips worked hard and fast.

Oh, God. No way! The pleasure built up again. His big body caged her in making her belly tighten in a gleeful way. He took her hard, his hips working doubletime. How could the man even have stamina left? The question was fleeting as he reached between them. A finger stroked across her sensitive bud and everything tensed. She swore even her hair straightened.

Her sex felt so tight around him, even with all the wetness surrounding him. Her legs flexed then clamped around his thighs, threading them together. Still, he kissed her. It went on and on, his tongue thrusting in time to his cock. She moaned around him as he wiggled his finger faster. Then her breath caught and a strangled cry came somewhere from deep within her chest.

He pulled away from the kiss just in time for her to let the growling sound out. Her arms banded around him and then her body shook. Deep pleasure, white-hot, exploded inside her. She came around him in a quivering, panting, shouting mess, but he was right there with her. His arm caged her in, his lips found her neck, his hot breath blowing hard across her sweat-slicked skin, and then he thrust hard. He barely made it six more thrusts before he jabbed deep and held himself there. His arm shook next to her. Hot liquid gushed inside her and she wiggled against him. The fact that she, a young nobody with nothing really going for her, did that to him made her smile.

He pulled out slowly, then half-collapsed on top of her. He kept most of his weight on his arms and legs, but she felt the tremble in them transfer to the couch.

She knew her smile was lazy as she looked up at him. “Wow.”

His chest jerked, as if he laughed, but no sound came. Then his eyes turned serious. A chill seemed to breeze through the room though no windows were open. She suddenly wanted to cover up and put her clothes on, wipe away the reminder between her legs.

“I take promises very seriously.”

The chill left just as quickly. “Okay.” She blinked. He blinked. Then he lowered his head and kissed her softly, gently, just lips and no tongue. He moved them around until he had her curled up against him. His arm wrapped across her waist, his hand flat on her stomach. His heat and scent enveloped her. She liked it so much her heart seemed to expand in her chest, growing bigger than she could take.

After a while, when her body had cooled and breathing became normal she asked, “Aren’t we leaving tonight?”

“Fuck if I’m going anywhere after that.” His voice sounded deep and husky, like he’d been half-asleep.

She laughed and smiled until her cheeks hurt, then fell asleep in his arms.

Chapter 12

They were in the car and headed to Dmetri’s the following morning. What they’d done last night clung to her skin and thoughts like glue. A part of her almost wished she could forget it, but she’d have better luck trying to forget ever being mated—yeah, right. Then the other part of her really didn’t want to forget it. Not at all, not ever. Something had happen between them last night. They’d shared something that was more than physical. She just didn’t quite know what it was yet.

In truth though, it frightened the hell out of her. In her daydreams, which seemed so innocent in comparison to actually being with Brayden, she’d had girlie thoughts of falling in love. He’d fall in love with her and it’d be all smiles, sweet words, and happily ever after. Yet when she’d awoken this morning, she’d felt none of that. She’d felt a bit cold, even with his arm wrapped around her waist. Things felt distant. She’d taken a quick shower as he ‘fed’ himself and few words were spoken. How could things feel so awkward after sharing what they’d done last night?

How could he look at her like she was just any other woman in his house? Like how he looked at Gail this morning when she came in for work. He’d had the same deadpan glaze to his eyes, the same nod of his head when he said hello. He hadn’t even kissed her good morning. Isn’t that what real couples did?

Hell, that only brought on another probing question. Just what were they? She’d committed adultery by sleeping with him, not that she cared about that. She could almost laugh. Maybe if she told Joseph, he’d be so disgusted with her, he’d give her a divorce. But she couldn’t actually laugh at it, because she knew it was untrue. No way would he give her up. She was a prized possession to him. She made his life so much easier, doing everything he wanted, even as she felt like she was shoveling her own grave with each task she did.

So, what were they? A fling, a couple, dating? What did he mean when he said things couldn’t go back to how they were?

She glanced at him from the corner of her eye. He looked tense. His eyes were pulled forward, lips pursed, and his index finger on the steering wheel kept tapping a constant beat. A thought dawned on her that rocked her world. He regretted it. Her chest squeezed so tight she couldn’t breathe. He regretted it. The words were like a haunting melody chiming over and over again in her head. Her heart hurt and she had to turn away because tears filled her eyes.

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