He settled between her legs. Every muscle in her body pulled tight until she strained beneath. What was he doing? Oh, she had an idea and she felt utterly mortified by it. He couldn’t possibly think about putting his mouth on her there. God, she felt like such a prude, but she couldn’t help it. No one had ever done that...especially not Joseph.

And boy did he seem to have no problem touching her down there. His slid over her, cupping her. This his chin dipped down against her inner thigh making her open even more for him. She couldn’t watch. No way. She slammed her eyes closed and clenched her breasts in a hard grip.

He continued to touch her as if he were petting her. His palm would occasionally press hard against her and sparks exploded inside her, behind her eyelids. Her breath would catch. He tugged on the thatch of hair above her sex, then something very soft pressed over her. Light as feather, but not tickling like a one. She peeled her eyes open for a moment to find him pressing his lips across her.

It started to feel good. Inside, something was growing, building really big.

Then something wet and much firmer darted over her. Fast at first, then slowly, lingering. Her back shot off the bed and her hands flew to his head. She panted, couldn’t catch her breath. Her hands had curled hard into his hair, but she didn’t care. That feeling, oh, that feeling!

His eyes opened to look up at her, his mouth releasing her. Slowly, she uncurled her fingers, then jerked them away as if scalded.

He lifted himself up, something incredibly hot and wicked glazing in her eyes. “You’re going to lie back now. I’m going to make you come with my mouth and then I’m going to fuck you. You got that?” His eyes glanced back between her legs and he groaned as if he couldn’t wait to be back there.

“Are you sure?”

He stared at her until she gave in and lay back on the bed. There was no relaxing. Not at all. Not when she knew he was going to lick her again. It’d felt so strange. Soft and wet against her own soft wetness. It’d also felt strangely good and entirely wicked and naughty. He settled back down between her thighs, but when he touched her again, it was different. Harder. Hungrier. As if, he was trying to prove something to her.

His tongue found that spot, that sensitive bundle of erotic nerves and he played with it. He didn’t stop. He didn’t relent. Once her breath caught and she started to get swept away in the pleasure, he’d change the motion until she was squirming, sweating, panting. Her entire body trembled beneath his tongue and lips. He nuzzled that spot, applying pressure then relaxing it, darting quickly, then slowly twirling around and around. Her head was swimming. He’d completely swept her up into a pool of throbbing pleasure. And when his finger passed over her entrance, she cried out and threaded her hand in his hair, this time not to jerk, but to coax and beg. He passed it over her again and again, sometimes dipping just a little into her wetness.

She couldn’t take it. She needed him inside her. Needed that tongue to keep that same spot and move faster. “Oh God, please!”

He pushed in at her cry. One finger, no two, dove inside, thrusting slowly, like he had all the time in the world. His tongue slowed and she growled. Now she had the pressure inside she needed, but not the other.

“You’re a monster,” she cried, her head turning on the bed.

She heard a chuckle from between her thighs. Before she contemplated his death though, he moved his fingers faster, did that twirly, erotic thing around her clitoris and there it was. Her entire body tightened, pulling taut as a bowstring until her back arched off the bed, and then she snapped. Screams escaped her throat, her body bucked under his mouth, muscles jerking, then she flooded his fingers. He licked her through it until she twitched from the sensitive feeling.

He withdrew his fingers and then he was climbing up her body, her legs having to spread even further to accommodate hips much wider than her own. His lips slid across her, tongue thrusting deep, and she tasted herself and him in that kiss. Then he slid in deep and hard. She gasped into his mouth. It felt different than it had the first time, even better. Her chest pressed against his, her nipples scraping against him, and their tongues winding together in a passionate embrace.

He didn’t stop moving. He took her body hard and unyielding, stirring passion inside her she didn’t know she had left. Her legs twisted until she clenched around him. Her arms winded until she dug her fingers into his back. And still they kissed, and still he moved faster, more forcefully. She titled her hips into it and then he hit something deep and powerful inside her. She moaned wildly, breaking their mouths apart. When she went back to kiss him again, he darted to her neck.

She felt the press of sharp teeth only a moment before he sunk them into her. Her entire body spasmed as engulfing pleasure soared through her, blinding her. She choked on sounds, moans, and gasps. He growled against her, rocking faster, harder in her depths. He drew from her neck in hard pulls, and with each one, she felt her body drawing tight again like a bowstring. She didn’t just snap this time—she flew apart. Her body jerked hard, rocking. She held onto him for dear life as something hot and wet gushed inside of her, spreading from her fingers to her toes. His deep groan vibrated along her neck and deep inside her until he pulled back and took her lips once more, as he pushed deep and held himself there. Wet licks spurted inside her as his muscles flexed and tightened under her touch from the strain.

They stayed together for a while, softly kissing and holding each other. Her heart felt near to bursting in her chest. It took everything in her not to spill the words and ruin everything, but God, she wanted to tell him so badly. Was it love? Maybe; she didn’t know yet. But what she did know, was that for the first time in her life, things were finally looking up, and she didn’t have to go through it alone. She had Brayden.

He rolled off her and pulled her across him. Their bodies cooled and she could feel the essence of their passion between her legs. She smiled a little and ran her hand down his chest, feeling the hard waves of his abs.

“You’re sexy,” she said.

He snorted something like a laugh. “You’re the one who makes me wild.”

“I don’t know. I think you make me pretty wild, too.” In fact, she could think all kinds of naughty things she’d like to do with him...to him. She pressed a kiss to his chest, then put her head back on his shoulder. With his arm wrapped around her, his thumb stroking her arm, she felt the safest she ever had, certainly the most content. “Tell me what happened with the car yesterday. Everything’s so jumbled…I can’t remember much.”

His hand stilled on her arm for a moment, then resumed stroking her. “Just an accident by all accounts. First car got cut off and went swerving right to avoid hitting the asshole who cut him off. That sent him flying onto the shoulder and into us. The car behind him slammed on their breaks, the one behind them did the same, but one of them still hit us.”

Oh. She almost felt like she’d been worried for nothing. After all, she did have a bad guy after her. Since that was taken care of her, body sunk even further onto him. Her eyes closed and didn’t want to open. A big yawn left her. “I’m tired now.”

“Get some rest then, beautiful.”

So she did, falling asleep right there in his arms. And when he woke her some time later and nudged inside her again, she saw stars, whispered his name, and heard hers from him. Afterward, they dressed slowly, casting little smiles at each other from across the room. She liked his smiles. If the stout Brayden Erickson, Justicar to the council, could smile, then everything could be okay. Everything would work out.

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