Smoke blackened the sky, raging fires burned, and people from the pack milled about in the streets like lost orphans. Dmetri’s gut tightened.

It was Sarina who screamed. Vane ran to her, his eyes wide with fear and panic. Dmetri could practically hear the man’s thoughts: is the baby okay?

He grabbed Sarina by the shoulders. “Where’s Vince? What’s wrong?” She was crying, babbling but finally the words became clear. “Vanessa’s gone. Someone took Vanessa. Oh, God, Vane she was holding the baby!” Vane stood so still he might have been dead. His mate pushed herself into his arms, burying her face in his chest and cried. That seemed to snap him out of his shock. Slowly he wrapped his arms around her. He pulled away and spoke something into her ear and she nodded quickly then ran back to the field where the other women waited.

Vane never moved. He was rooted in place. Dmetri and Brayden came up to him just as the other Kategan males did.

“What’s wrong?” asked Darien.

“They took two of ours.”

“Who was it?” asked Rome, cracking his neck like he was ready for a fight.

Vane swallowed but when he tried to speak nothing came out.

“Vanessa and Vince. We need runners out now. They’ll be taken as hostages,” Dmetri said.

Vane nodded slowly but he looked shell-shocked. Rome and Darien stepped forward to embrace their brother.

“We’ll get them back,” Rome said.

Darien hugged Vane hard enough to crack ribs, then all of them, including Jacks, took off into the woods. Shouts sounded, giving orders to search for the missing.

Vane still hadn’t moved. His eyes were glued to the grass.

Brayden stepped forward. “Your mate was almost killed!” Dmetri almost jumped at the sound of Brayden’s shout. The man never shouted. Vane met Brayden’s gaze.

“Your child has been taken. They will kill them. Do you hear me? They will die if you don’t move.”

Vane started trembling, first at his shoulders then down to his hands.

“Do you want them to die, Vane? Go! Go and get them back. Now! ” Vane stumbled back a step as if he’d been pushed. Then he nodded slowly, then faster.

His eyes darted off in the direction his brothers had gone. He took off at an impressive sprint a moment later.

“You yelled,” Dmetri said.

Brayden looked at him with hard eyes. “I know how to treat soldiers in shock.” His words rang true but there was something else to them, something in his eyes that said there was more to the story.

The next several hours were a mess. Fire trucks were called in, and Dmetri watched as Christine rushed person-to-person until it was too much. She called an ambulance and sent some of the worst to the hospital. She couldn’t treat them all. He’d never felt prouder of anyone.

The pack came together quietly and started gathering wood from the exploded cabins into big piles.

Two were dead. A mother and daughter who were outside of the second house when it exploded. Mourners already surrounded the house with flowers, their heads bowed low. He wanted to kill that bastard again for murdering two innocents, but the dead could only die once.

Thunder boomed overhead and when the rain started pouring no one was bothered by it.

Chapter 13

As though everyone needed to stay together, the pack fortified themselves in the field in the center of town. The rain had stopped but the ground was soft with mud making each step a slippery challenge. Dmetri stood at the edge of the crowd watching Christine work on the injured. Some of it was bad. Most of it not too terrible. Many had cuts from flying glass and debris, some had been knocked back by the blast and suffered severe burns and broken limbs.

Luckily the lykaen healed faster than humans so with a little treatment they’d be better in a few days.

A sudden hush fell over the crowd.

Dozens of faces turned at once to the edge of the field. Dmetri’s gaze followed as well.

The Kategan men walked towards them. They’d finally gotten back after hours of searching.

Vane held a small bundle in his arms. Sarina stood from the crowd with a soul-wrenching cry and ran to him. He stopped with a pained expression on his face when he saw her. Her steps slowed as she neared him and even Dmetri’s gut tightened.

She looked from the baby to Vane’s face again and again, and when he finally held out the bundle, she took it with shaking arms. A harsh sob, tears streaming down her face she looked at the baby’s face.

A heavy silence settled over the pack.

Then she turned and flashed the whole pack a brilliant smile. “He’s alive!” For the first time since the violence started the pack let out cheers and smiles.

She turned back to Vane and cupped his neck, pulling him down for a long, passionate kiss. Dmetri’s chest tightened as if something was trying to burst from it. They held each other close, the baby between them protectively, and just stayed that way. The rest of the Kategan men followed suit with their mates.

Brayden came up beside him, a dark look on his face. “Where’s Vanessa?” Dmetri shot him a look. Shit. He’d forgotten about the young Kategan.

Dmetri and Brayden made their way to Vane. When Vane spotted them, he slowly released his mate, but kept his arm around her shoulder.

“What happened to Vanessa?” Dmetri asked.

Vane looked torn, his eyes raw with pain and anger. “We finally caught up to them. They were in two groups. They split when they saw us. We went after the one with Vince first, got him back. We searched for her scent for hours but we couldn’t pick it up again.” Rome stepped forward after kissing his mate. “Don’t worry, we’ll get her back. They’ll be taking her back to Claude’s clan. Or some place in between. We won’t stop searching for her.

We just needed to get Vince back.”

“I’ll bring her back.” Brayden leveled his gaze on Vane.

Vane blinked. “Why?”

“Because I’ll find her.”

Chapter 14

Christine finished the last stitch on eight-year old Garrick’s leg.

“You’re a champ, Garrick.”

The boy had been brave this whole time. No tears or whimpers as she stitched closed the nasty gash on his leg so it wouldn’t scar.

He tilted his chin up. “I’m a man.”

She chuckled softly. “Yes, you are. Think you’ll be as big as your dad some day?” His chest poofed up. “Even bigger.”

Christine put away her kit and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “All right, get out of here.

You’re all done.”

The boy sat up and limped back to his mother. Christine sighed, rolling her neck to ease the stiff muscles in her shoulders. It worked, but the second she stopped rolling the pain shot back through her neck feeling ten times worse.

The night air was damp and thick with the smell of fire. The fires had long been put out but the humidity in the air refused to let all of the smoke dissipate, shrouding the town in a foggy cloud.

Her leg muscles were tight and when she stood sharp prickles like needles stabbed her.

The feeling in both of her legs wasn’t quite there so she teetered and waited as a burning rush of blood filled her legs. Her head pounded with an angry headache, her hands hurt, and even her arms felt heavy and limp.

A big hand wrapped around her shoulder. The relief she felt at seeing Dmetri was so great she could have fainted.

“Hey,” she said, attempting to smile. Her lips wobbled though and she didn’t quite manage it.

His lips were pulled into a hard line as he looked at her. “Come on.” She let out a surprised squeak as he picked her up into his arms and started carrying her.

It was on the tip of her tongue to protest but hell, it felt too good, so she kept her mouth shut and enjoyed the ride.

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