As the night grew, Christine rested atop her messy bed and contemplated, planned.

Because she had finally found a man worth fighting for, and she wasn’t about to lose that so easily.

* * *

The knock came just as sleep was about to take her. Christine blinked several times as she groggily got out of bed. She peered out the window and saw the sky still dark with night.

Mumbling to herself, she stumbled against the wall and bumped her shoulder. The knock came again, harder than before.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m coming,” she said, rubbing her throbbing shoulder. She reached the door and pulled it open. Then the breath she was taking left her on a whoosh.

Dmetri stood there, tall and imposing, his face drawn into a fierce look. Christine’s heart started racing at a deadly speed.

“This is...unexpected.” She flinched at her voice, which was hoarse from crying.

The muscle over his right eye ticked and she almost smiled. “Indeed. May I come in?” Confused, she nodded and let him in. Dmetri usually charged in, taking command as if he owned any place he was in. Tonight he stood in front of her sofa for a moment, and then sat in it hesitantly. His eyes met hers and it was like an electric connection shot between them.

Christine’s heart raced, her breaths came quick and short. She felt as though something profound was happening, but she hadn’t figured out what it was yet.

“What?” She wanted to run to him, crawl into his lap until he wrapped his strong arms around her again and made everything feel okay. But she didn’t.

“I’ve been thinking about what you said.”

Her eyebrows flew high and once again, hope fluttered its big flapping wings in her chest. Bitterly, she knew she was only setting herself up for disappointment again.

But he’s here, isn’t he?

He ran a hand through his long hair. “You’ve shoved me into a hell of a dilemma, millaya moya.

Hearing her nickname fall from his lips was too much for her, and she went to him. His eyes narrowed on her as she came, but she didn’t care. She fell into his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck. It was only with some great amount of strength that kept her from falling into a sobbing mess.

He came back!

She buried her face in his neck just inhaling his wonderful scent even if it would be for the last time. Slowly, one hand came around her back then touched her spine. Then finally the second arm came around her, as if he couldn’t help himself, and held her—she wanted to cry out with joy.

“You had me thinking a lot after you left tonight.”

Christine pushed his hair away from his neck and buried her face in his warmth, pressing kisses and licks across the thick tendons of his neck. The hands at her back flexed against her even as his body relaxed into hers until they meshed perfectly. He tasted so good, she felt crazed with the need to taste him at least one more time. So she scattered kiss after kiss from his ear to his jaw, down to his neck. The response between his legs was quick and hard. She only held him closer, pressing her core as tightly against him as she could.

“Thinking about what?” she asked when he didn’t say any more.

He coughed to clear his throat while his hands started making passes up and down her spine, over the soft material of her shirt.

“Whether you love me or not doesn’t matter, because I’m still taking you with me.” He might as well have said that he loved her with how giddy his words made her.

Frantically, she trailed kisses up his jaw then covered his lips with her own. A soft moan, hers, passed over them.

His lips parted beneath hers and she went wild, thrusting her tongue greedily inside to taste him. Masculine and rich his taste flooded her senses like a drug. Christine felt consuming hunger flood through her blood, her body. She couldn’t keep still, couldn’t stop touching him, kissing him.

His lips became ravenous against hers, kissing her back, biting her lips until she grew too restless. Pressing her lips harder against his as if trying to sear him into memory, she reached for his shirt and grabbed the front, then gave a hard yank. Buttons flew across the room, material ripped, and the sound was better than any music.

Dmetri’s hands grew impatient. They ran under her shirt finally touching bare skin. He touched her everywhere, from her back up to her neck, then stroking her sides. He swept up her sides, a scant inch away from her breasts and Christine froze, lips hanging against his to see what he’d do. Her breasts were pulled tight and firm, ready to be molded, stroked. But he didn’t touch them. His hands passed back down to squeeze her waist in a possessive touch.

“Dmetri,” she whispered.

“Mine,” he growled against her lips.

Christine whimpered, writhed in his lap. All too soon, it wasn’t enough, not nearly enough. She gave him one more hard kiss, then sat back and began furiously pulling open his belt and zipper.

He was just as hungry. He grabbed her shirt by the collar and ripped it with one hard pull.

The material split raggedly down the middle, baring her naked breasts to his ravenous gaze.

Fingers trembled, and it took her twice as long to get the damn button out of the hole of his jeans.

Finally, she reached in and grasped the hard shaft of his cock.

Dmetri groaned roughly, the sound like sandpaper. Then in a quick move, he wrapped both of her wrists in one hand and held them behind her back, thrusting her tight nipples towards him. He leaned forward, and Christine sighed blissfully, letting her head fall back.

The touch, when it came, was pure sexual fire. His mouth closed around her nipple like a wet vise. The sucking pressure came and an answering pull throbbed from deep in her core, wetting her sex until she was sleek and hot, vibrating with need. With his free hand, he squeezed her breast and took more of her into his mouth. Her nipple became his delicacy as he sucked, flicked, and bit the small point.

Christine couldn’t handle it. She wanted him inside her now. Hard and fast. She wiggled in his lap, trying to press her core against his erection, but his arms held her in place so his mouth could trail a wet path to her untouched nipple.

His mouth, so very warm, so wet, coated her nipple, spreading a rack of chills down her body and curling her toes.

“Dmetri, please.”

He grunted against her breast, and then slowly pressed kisses across the top of the mound. She struggled against the hand holding her, but he only tightened his grip until she stilled. Then his free hand was at her bare thigh, pushing up, underneath the denim skirt. Once again she was glad she didn’t wear panties; she moaned as his fingertips teased the bare skin at her hip.

Kisses pressed along her collarbone, the soft curve of her shoulders, her jaw. That dangerous hand of his which could so easily drive her crazy slowly drifted towards her center.

Her center that sat open and poised as her knees braced against either side of his hips. His fingers found the patch of short hairs there and played with them as if he were petting a new toy.

“Dmetri,” she said, warning in her voice.

She had no control over him now. Unlike before where she’d taken control of the reigns, he had all the power now. His lips trailed up to her neck, and a hot wet lick trailed over her jugular. She shivered, anticipation burning hot in her veins.

“You tremble before me, Christine. So beautiful.” Sharp points pressed against her neck, no, not points— fangs.

The pressure at her neck grew slowly, steadily as the fingers in her curls drew down and into her creamy heat. Fingers stroked like a butterfly’s caress across her swollen lips as the pressure at her neck reached an almost unbearable level--and then his fangs broke through. The break was clean and sure. His fingers swirled once over her needy bud then sought out her entrance as he sucked from her in greedy, hungry pulls.

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