Dmetri got in his car and, before he knew it, pulled up in front of a little cabin, the second house on the right. He headed to the house with one intention in mind—getting a yes.

He knocked hard. No answer. No sign of movement inside. The sound of music reached his ears and he paused before following the sound. He walked around the side of the house and came upon a wood fence. With his height, leaning over the fence was easy.

He saw a large yard with slightly overgrown grass and lots of flowers, bushes, and trees that reminded him of a mini botanical garden. His gaze followed the sound of a rock and roll song and landed on her.


She was the sexiest thing he’d ever seen. He shook his head at the thought. Impossible, he’d seen countless women, fucked even more. Still, the thought popped in his mind again. He narrowed his gaze on her and leaped over the fence, landing silently.

She rested on her stomach with her face away from him. His fangs throbbed at the sight of all that delicious golden skin, and she showed a lot of it today since she only wore a bikini.

Where she was short, she made up for anything she might be lacking in curves. Her waist tucked in to offset perfectly big hips and a plump ass he could easily dig his fingers into. Christ, his cock was hard.

Laughing softly, he purposely moved in front of her to block the sun. She squinted then blinked up at him. When she saw him, she laughed.

“Back already?”

His damn eye twitched again. God this woman was strange.

“What are you talking about?” His accent grew thicker as it always did when he got angry or...emotional.

She shook her head at him and turned around so she could look up at him. Her cheek was red where she’d been lying on it and her skin had a sexy sheen to it that brought erotic images to his mind.

“I knew you’d be back here sniffing around.”

He had the urge to clean himself after that comment. “I do not sniff around. That’s a lykaen thing.”

Her eyes closed as she laughed. “It is,” she said coming to a stand. She stood mere inches from him.

Dmetri didn’t know what to make of her. She was a puzzle. No one had ever approached him so boldly—unless he ordered it. She didn’t seem intimidated by him in the least. It was as if she thought him like any other ‘fellow’. The thought curled his lip with disgust.

She leaned into him, closing her eyes, and softly sniffed his chest. Her breath let out on a delicate sigh that made his heart feel strange in his chest. And then she laid her hand on his chest and looked up at him.

“You smell rich—”

“I am,” he interrupted.

She clamped her lips together, but her eyes were laughing. He looked down at the tanned hand on his black jacket and noticed her nails weren’t long or painted but blunt. He’d always loved the look of long nails, but then he couldn’t really picture this wild woman taking the time to paint her nails. She’d probably find it...frivolous.

“Rich and...” she leaned forward and pressed her nose as close to his neck as she could.

She barely came up to his chest and damn he wished she were taller just then. When she spoke again her voice was a little husky. “Delicious.”

Dmetri’s skin coiled warm and tight. She was so vibrant and golden. He wanted to eat her up.

“Come to dinner with me.”

An eye roll and then she walked away to turn off the obnoxious radio.

“Don’t you know how to ask?” While she laughed at him all he could think about was bending her over his lap and spanking her until she apologized—with her mouth on his cock.

Striding to her, he grabbed her hand. She seemed startled but let him hold it. Her hands weren’t very smooth but homely with some calluses on the palms. He rubbed his thumb across her palm, feeling her warm skin against his cooler skin. The pulse at her throat jumped and he’d never felt more triumphant—she wanted him.

“Will you come out to dinner with me, millaya moya? ” Her eyes lit up with something, he hoped it was excitement. “Trying to woo me with sexy Russian, huh?”

He smiled. “If that is all it takes then I will speak in Russian from now on. Vse dlya vas.

“Stop or you’ll make me shiver.” She picked up the radio and headed towards the sliding glass doors.

Realizing she hadn’t answered his question, he asked again. “Will you come to dinner with me?”

She opened the door then paused to look back at him. One hand came to her chest as she cocked her head to the side to think about it. She hummed as her fingers rubbed closer and closer to her breast. Full, luscious breasts he planned to make great use of. Dmetri watched that hand move closer to the mound then stop just short of it. His mouth actually watered.

“No,” she said sweetly then turned inside.

Grinding his teeth, he snatched her arm. She looked up at him in surprise, her lips slowly curling into a little grin. God, she was going to drive him crazy.

“You said if I asked you then you’d say yes. I asked.” Her laughter trickled over him. “I didn’t say I’d agree, honey. I just asked if you ever ask for permission. I got my answer. Sorry, maybe your English is a little bad.” She gave him a pitying look.

Next she’d be signing him up for English as a Second Language classes at the nearest college. Dmetri had had enough. She was running circles around him, happily too, and he was done with it. Time to pull her to a stop.

He cupped the back of her neck and pulled her towards him. Her eyes widened in surprise and then her gaze fell to his lips.

She fluttered her eyelashes at him. “Why, Dmetri, are you gonna kiss little ole me?” His frown deepened at her insolence and then he kissed her. Her lips were soft and warm, very warm. He pulled back quickly because his dick was already hard enough to snap with that one simple touch. If he tasted her, he might not be able to stop.

He grinned as he saw she was slow to open her eyes. Her cheeks were just a little flushed and her fingers had curled gently into his jacket. Damn he couldn’t wait to have her.

“Dinner tomorrow,” he said.

And then he left before she could utter a word.

Chapter 6

Vane answered the door after the first knock.

“Come in, Dmetri.”

Dmetri strolled into the living room and saw an entourage waiting. This was supposed to be a small one-on-one interview with Vane’s cousin to make sure she didn’t have any contact with Claude before coming here. Instead, every one of the Kategans was here including their mates.

Jackson was the first to acknowledge him. With a grin, he came forward and clasped him in a brief hug. Jacks and he had grown a relationship of sorts after he turned him into a vampire.

The decision to turn him was made easily because—Vera had needed it. In the following month after turning Jacks, Dmetri and he had exchanged a few punches and, surprisingly, had grown close while he taught Jacks the ropes of being a vampire.

“Good to see you, old man.”

Dmetri smirked at the jab. “Rather be old than a young babe like you, drook.” Jacks laughed, clapping him on the back, and escorted him into the living room. He exchanged greetings with the big Kategan family and took a seat across from Vanessa.

Vanessa looked better today. She’d showered and wore fresh clothes—clothes that barely covered anything. A frown crossed his lips as he took in the young girl’s short skirt and tight shirt. She sat with her leg crossed kicking it constantly as if she couldn’t wait to get out of here.

“Why do I have to talk to the vamp?”

“I just have a few questions for you.”

She rolled her eyes and crossed her other leg, kicking faster.

“You came from California?”

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