“You don’t understand. I can’t risk being in a relationship with a woman. What happens when I get mad? Do I have to make you and I learn the hard way whether or not I’m like my dad?” Vera closed her gaping mouth, her heart went out to him, wanting to comfort him, but she knew he’d reject her touch right now.

“Have you ever felt the urge to hit a woman you’ve been mad at?”

“Of course not, but it’s different when people are actually in a relationship. I tazered Sandra after I learned she was part of a hoax to get me away from the mansion that day at Conlin’s. If I was willing to do that in a split second, then I don’t know. I have no idea what I’ll be like. What if I can’t control myself?” He looked at her with such raw intensity that tears warmed her eyes. Oh, baby.

“But your father drank and you don’t. That was his catalyst. I’m sure you don’t have the same one. You hated what he was like; you are in control of yourself, not him and his actions.”

“No, I don’t drink much anymore, but I used to...a lot. The marines helped to straighten me out, and so did Rome, but don’t kid yourself Vera. It took a long time for that to happen. I was out every night I wasn’t working whether Monday or Saturday pounding them back until I was too shitfaced to see straight.”

Tears fell down her face and there was no stopping them.

“I got into fights with any and all motherfuckers who crossed me. Did Rome tell you that I was shitfaced when we first met? That’s why I was so pissed off he ran into me. I didn’t want to tell you before, but now you know. I was a fucking drunk, just like him. Drowning my bullshit problems. And you know what? My problems were still there when I came out of it. Mom was still left alone with him while I was passing out on the barroom floor.”

Vera choked back a sob and he turned to give her a disgusted glance. All the passion and sweetness was completely wiped from his face and all was left was raw pain that had been festering for far too long. Years too long.

“I’m weak, Vera. Susceptible just like he is. I’d hate myself if I ever hit a woman like that.” Vera wiped futilely at her tears, desperately feeling like she was quickly losing him.

“But I’m not weak. I wouldn’t let you hit me if it ever came to that. Don’t you see, I’d be the perfect woman to try to see how you are? And you don’t drink. Did you ever have the urge to fight when you weren’t drinking?”

Jacks cut her an angry glare. “Do you hear yourself woman? Are fucking crazy or just stupid? Sure you’re strong, so maybe you’d have a fighting chance, but I got one off on your brother when I was drunk. He didn’t let me hit him, I was that fast. If I can get him, then I can sure as fuck hit you. And what is wrong with you? You want to sign up to be my girl and test out if I’d fucking blow my shit and hit you?

“I do drink on occasion, a beer here or there. What happens when I finally lose control and go on a bender? Then I come home to you and I get mad at you because you not sitting straight enough or you didn’t laugh at my joke. What will you do then, Vera?

Will you leave me or will you just stay with me year after year as it gets worse and worse.” He was close to shouting in the car, his words ringing off the windows. Vera cried silently, shaking like a leaf in the wind, trying to get warmth back into her body.

“You’re not your father, and I’m not your mother.” Her teeth were chattering hard. It took focus, but she calmed it enough to speak. “You would never hit me, Jackson. You’re not like your father, and I am not your mother. You wouldn’t hit me for not laughing like your dad did to her. I can’t explain it, but I know in my heart it’s true. I’m just so, so sorry you can’t see it.”

She turned away and dried her tears on her shoulder. He said her name softly, but she didn’t turn to look at him. She obviously couldn’t help him to solve his demons—only he could do that.

Vera rested her sweaty temple against the cold pane of the window, watching as rain started pouring down. She almost sighed at the sound of it beating hard against the car. The silence was killing her, but this gave her something to focus on.

A yellow blur came out from the tree line. Jackson cursed and slammed on his breaks as the car barreled into something hard. The crunch and bend of metal was piercing in the night air.

The car lurched forward, then whipped around hard in a circle. They spun once more then landed off the shoulder of the highway. Vera had only a moment to see the deep ditch below her window, and then they were plummeting towards it.

Chapter Eleven

Vera opened her eyes just so the incessant voice nagging her would shut up.

“Fuck off,” she said and settled deeper into her seat.

“God dammit, I said get up now!” Vera’s eyes popped open one by one at the urgency in her mate’s voice. She looked left and right but then the world spun hard. Her head felt like a small explosion had gone off in there and her face felt scratchy. She saw the white air bag exploded in front of her and sent a silent prayer up to heaven.

Suddenly she sat up in her seat, quickly removed the belt, and leaned over to Jacks who was grimacing as he tried to undo his seatbelt. Blood was on his forehead and his bottom lip.

“Baby, oh my God, what happened?” She crawled towards him and the car screeched and dropped another foot. Vera yelled and clung to her seat.

“It’s fine. Are you okay?”

“Mmhmm,” she said, nodding a little too fast.

“Listen, we’re at the bottom of the ditch. We can climb up no problem. And we won’t drop any further, what you just heard was the car settling in to the divot. Look at me baby, look at me, Vera.”

Vera’s panicked eyes swept to the rain pounding on the windows, then to their headlights shining off into the trees, and finally settled on his.

“I already tried to open the door and it won’t open. So I’m going to go out the window, and you’re going to follow me on my side, okay? I don’t want to take any chances of you slipping over there and the car moving on top of you.” He gave her a quick kiss then started to roll down the windows.

Vera said a silent thank you that the windows were manual. He turned back to her looking every bit in charge. Vera trusted him completely. He would get her out of here and everything would be okay. He rolled down the window, then anchored his hands on the edge.

Two hands latched on to Jacks’ shoulders and pulled him from the car like a sack of potatoes. Vera cried out and reached for him when suddenly her door was torn off the edges with a nasty metallic sound. She had only a moment to see the Ariss when she was grabbed and ripped out from the car.

Vera was flying through the air, and then landed hard on her stomach in the middle of the street. The front of her dress was soaked with dirty water and her knees and hands skidded hard on the black road.

Her beast rose to the surface and broke free. She hopped to her feet and scanned the area. Jacks was fighting Ariss’ guardian only twenty feet away. She started to run to him; he could never defeat a vampire, but Ariss appeared in front her. Ariss spun and landed a hard kick to Vera’s stomach, knocking the air out of her and sending her flying far down the street.

Vera landed and was already standing back on her feet when Ariss came flying at her again. Vera was quicker this time, her lykaen strength guiding her. She grabbed Ariss’ flying leg by the ankle, turned, and threw her down to the ground. Her face hit the ground with a hard crack, but just as quickly she was back on her feet. The side of her face wet and blooded.

Vera growled a feral deadly warning from a predator. Ariss hissed and moved in with a flurry of punches and elbows. Vera dodged and blocked them. She didn’t have anywhere near the speed that Ariss had but she did have strength and she used that to her advantage. She swiped Ariss’ fist away then slammed her own into Ariss’ face. She heard the crack of bones and felt a thrill rush through her.

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