“What that you’d break my neck and toss me into the fire? However could I forget that?” He didn’t laugh. And this man definitely had a voice that should be used to laugh—a lot. To whisper naughty things in her ear. She shivered. The man could probably make her come with just his voice alone.

He took a seat at his lonely chair in front of the fireplace. He filled up so much of that chair that he made it look small.

“Did you know you look like a bear trying to squeeze into a babyseat?” He started choking, then the sound turned to a hard cough. Cassie quickly went in front of him; she couldn’t hide the shock on her face. Pointing at him accusingly, she said, “You just laughed. You laugh!” His lips pulled into a frown and he grumbled about crazy vampire women under his breath. Ha, if he thought this was crazy....

“So is it dinner time?” She was practically hopping up in down. Her stomach tightened for several reasons when he hesitantly nodded. One, because he tasted better than anything she’d ever had before; two, because she had one hell of a surprise for him; and three, because the thought of putting her mouth on him made her panties flood with heat.

She licked her lips, then tossed one leg over his big knee and then the other. He tensed so hard it was a wonder he didn’t break.

“What are you doing?”

“Taking my snack, which by the way, I seriously thank you for.” She curled her hands in his black t-shirt and leaned just a little closer. Sitting in his lap made her feel soft and feminine. He was just so big around her.

She leaned closer until she pressed her cheek against his. Even his skin was warmer than hers. Were all lykaens like this or just him? She was dying to know. A dark growth of hair covered his cheeks and chin. It made him look a little dangerous and a lot reckless. Seeeexy.

“Get it over with, Cassie.” She looked down and saw that his hand was curled into a white-knuckled fist around the chair.

“Turn to the side,” she said gently. He hesitated, and she knew she was asking a lot from. This could be taken as a form of submission and while she didn’t mean for this to be a master/slave competition, she understood that the lykaen might view her request differently.

Slowly his head turned away from her, baring his thick neck to her. She let out an erotic purr, and nuzzled the warm skin at his neck. Of their own accord, her hands trailed up over the hard strength of his chest and curled into his thick shoulders.

Her tongue darted out, licking his skin, tasting him with flat-tongued licks. She moaned at his taste, her body growing hot and languid in response. She pulled herself closer to his heat, sensuously rubbing her breasts against him. She closed her lips over his neck then bit down on it, pulling the flesh into her mouth to tongue it, suckle it.

“Cassie!” he growled. The sound wasn’t human. Panting with an entirely different need, Cassie let her fangs drop and then she struck the thick cord of muscle at his neck.

His reaction was instantaneous. And deliriously wonderful. His arms wrapped around her just as his hips lurched up towards hers. The hard press of his cock landed at the seam of her sex and she went wild. Pressing herself as close to him as possible, she grabbed big handfuls of his hair and drank deeply. He groaned, the delicious sound vibrating straight through her and brushing by her clit.

His hands cupped her ass and frustration filled her at the clothes blocking him from touching her how she wanted. She licked around the puncture wounds and drew more and more sips from his thick, heady blood. His heart was pounding against his ribs, beating so fast.

She felt desperate. Needy and desperate to feel him come again, to see it. Please take me. She’d never ached so badly in her life. She was so empty inside. She wanted to tear her mouth away and impale herself on his cock.

She pulled her mouth away for a scant second. “Darien,” she said with all the need and desire inside her filling her voice. His breath caught as she bit him again sucking his essence into her mouth, drinking down his intoxicating taste.

He pressed her hips hard to his. Then he started thrusting, rubbing the hard steel press of his cock against her. She squealed around his throat and rubbed back against him. Liquid heat bloomed inside her, threatened to make her explode. His arms held her so tight, so hard that she had no choice but to accept the intense pleasure as he rubbed her clit through her jeans.

She struggled to breathe and draw in blood at the same time. Electricity was zapping through her sex, pushing her towards something amazing. A bright wash of heat rushed through her. Her body squeezed tight together, then burst apart like an explosion. She tossed her head back and cried out as ripples of pleasure pulsed through her. He rubbed against her, prolonging the sweet pleasure. When the last wave left her, she collapsed over him, panting.

Her mind struggled to think. She tried to say something, but her tongue was loose in her mouth. She stayed wrapped around him like a second skin until suddenly her back was pressing to the cot. Her eyes shot open and met his, uncaring if she was showing her acceptance, her eagerness for him.

But the cot dipped and he walked, taking a seat in his chair. Cassie opened and closed her mouth several times. He hadn’t even...he didn’t come. She glared at the big lykaen and struggled between wanting to slap him and stick her tongue out at him.

But his blood was a soothing, intense pleasure searing through her body. She flopped back on the cot and writhed sensuously at the feeling. It was incredible like touching a piece of heaven.

She trembled, her skin feverish with ecstasy as her body adjusted to the blood in her system. She could feel the fading bruise on her cheek heal completely, and the scrapes on her knees and hands hurt. They wouldn’t heal completely, she wasn’t a magician or anything, but his blood helped to speed along her recovery.

I’m not done with you, Darien Kategan.

Did he give her an orgasm on purpose? So that she wouldn’t take enough blood to make him orgasm? That slimy bastard...she stared a hole in the side of his head daring him to turn and look at her. He only started building a fire. When the sulfuric, smoky smell wafted over her, she sighed and collapsed against the cot.

“You sure know how to show a girl a good time. I feel like I could sleep for a week.”


She shot him a dark look. Was that his intention for making her come? He must have one. This man wouldn’t have given her an orgasm out of the kindness of his heart. Well maybe once upon a time.

“You know you can take the cot tonight. The floor won’t bother me.” She’d slept many nights on a hard floor before. Cassie clamped her eyes shut. Thoughts like that had no place in her mind right now.

“I’m not letting you sleep on the floor, Cassie.”

“Did I ever tell you that your voice makes me shiver? Seriously it’s like the sexiest thing ever.” He let out a long sigh.

“Don’t say things like that.” Too bad his warning only made her want to do it more.

“So tell me about your family then.” He sent her a surprised look then scowled.


“Because that’s what people do when they get to know each other. They talk about things like family, favorite movies—Terminator series--

and things like that. I’m sure you recall doing that, lykaen.”

“I have two brothers and a sister.”

“Are you the eldest?”

He shook his head. “Vane is. I was born a year after him. Then my brother Rome and Vera is the baby.”

“Oh my, a sister roaming in a sea of lykaen brothers. Must have been a chore to be her.” A faint smile pulled at the corner of his mouth.

“Yeah, she did get it pretty rough. Since she was the only girl we made it our duty to let her know that she was a girl at every turn.”

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