She pressed her lips to the heated pulse at his wrist. He was thick and hot under her lips. Breathing grew hard as a languid passion consumed her. His warm blood teased her beneath the pliant press of his skin.

She rubbed her cheek against him, suppressing a moan, and then her tongue darted out to taste his skin. She felt the tension build up in his arm and leg as she leaned her side into him.

More licks across his hot skin. Her eyes closed in ecstasy. He tasted...amazing.

Pleasure tugged at her, lulling her into a desire-filled fog as she passed more and more licks over his wrist, wetting his skin and simply, tasting. She couldn’t stop the moan that left her lips anymore than she could keep her fangs from dropping. She pressed her lips to his rapid pulse one more time then pulled back and struck.

She felt his fingers curl into a fist. She ignored it. Had only one rampant thought in her mind—hunger.

He tasted unlike anything she’d ever had before. His blood was raw, untamed just like him. It was rich and thick, almost sweet as he went down her throat.

He filled her too quickly and already she was nearly done. She could feel his power filling her, dizzying with its power. She opened her eyes to see his reaction as she took him now in soft, gentle pulls. Did he feel this incredible sensation like she did? Whatever she was feeling, she knew he felt it a thousand times more powerful.

She moaned around his thick wrist. She was right not have warned him about the vampire’s bite. He needed this release. Her eyes tracked over him, memorizing this moment into memory. His head was thrown back, his long thick throat swallowing hard as he breathed deeply, fast. She wanted to bury her teeth into that thick neck and feel the rush of his blood against her tongue. Eyes hooded now, she trailed them down to his spread knees; his cock was a hard press against his zipper. Any second now and she expected to see it burst through the zipper.

He must have sensed her eyes on him, because he languidly pulled his head down to look at her. His eyes were so raw with desire that an answering wave of wet cream escaped her sex. She twirled her tongue around the puncture wounds and sucked more, gently pulling his life essence into her mouth.

He growled, the sound so wild and untamed, her nipples beaded in answer. The hair on the back of her neck stood on end. Then he did something that surprised the hell out of her.

His free hand jerked down that zipper she’d been eyeing so curiously a minute ago, reached in and pulled out his thick, long swollen cock.

Cassie moaned at the sight of it and sucked harder on his wrist. He groaned too and wrapped his big hand around his cock. Cassie nearly climbed over him at that point but something made her stay.

She watched entranced as he squeezed the swollen head, creamy with his arousal, and then started pumping himself fast. With each pump of his hand, Cassie felt an answering pull deep within her wet sex. She was going to come, just from watching him.

Her eyes flicked up to his and butterflies danced her stomach at the unwavering heat she saw in his gaze. He looked not at himself, not at the ceiling, but straight at her with eyes so raw with pleasure, she wanted to peel off her clothes and open herself to him. He would master her body, own her, push her. She could see it in every inch of his body, in the power he exuded.

She wanted to do this for him, make him feel good for once. She twirled her tongue around his wrist and drew quick sucks from his wrist--knowing what it would draw from him. His eyes glazed over, his fist worked faster, and then he groaned--the sound deep, rough, and unused as thick semen spurted from his cock and dripped down over his jerking hand and shaft like a waterfall.

Her core wet with excitement, Cassie pulled her mouth away and licked her lips at the sight. She’d never seen a man come before. It was the most erotic thing she’d ever seen in her life.

His breathing slowed and his eyes never left hers. She gently pulled back from his wrist and let her fangs recede back into her gums.

The space between her legs was wet and hot, craving something long and hard from him. She licked her lips and couldn’t stop her gaze from falling to his semen-covered cock. Was he sticky? Creamy? What would he taste like? Would he be warm or hot against her tongue?

She started to move closer, her tongue longing for a taste, but he stood abruptly and went to the sink. He washed his hand clean and put himself back in his pants. She could see the stiff tension in his back; it radiated off him in angry waves. Surely he wouldn’t be angry for having an orgasm. Right?

When he turned back, all hint of desire was long gone. Rage filled its place. His deep voice was cut short with anger. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Tell you what?” she asked nervously, scooting back against the cot—as far away as she could from him in the small cabin.

“You knew that my body would respond that way. Why didn’t you tell me?” He spoke in a moderated voice as if he was trying hard to keep from shouting.

Apprehension had her crossing her arms across her chest. She smiled though, the pain already lessening in her face from his healing blood. “I wanted it to be a surprise. Besides I thought you might already know what a vampire’s bite feels like, or rather, does.”

He looked like he was about to say something but then he turned and left the cabin, the door slamming shut behind him.

Cassie’s shoulders slumped and guilt nagged at her. She shoved it back though. She didn’t think he’d be that upset about it, after all. God, he’d looked so gorgeous when he was coming. All the tension from before had disappeared in those precious moments leaving only him and her. Even the lines around his eyes had eased.

It seemed like forever before he came back. He took his stew off the fire and poured a bowl. She watched him eat in silence for all of thirty seconds.

“So, Darien Kategan, what are you doing all the way out here by yourself?” He finished chewing before answering.

“That’s none of your business.” The anger was there but nearly as bad as it was before.

“Oh, come on now, don’t be so shy.”

Suddenly he looked at her, his eyes dark and serious. “Why don’t you tell me who gave you that?” He said nodded pointedly to the bruises on her face. “And I’ll tell you why I’m out here.”

Cassie looked away and nibbled her lip. There’s no way she could tell him. Not that. Mutely, she shook her head and he went back to eating.

God, something must have been knocked loose when she passed out earlier because she was actually disappointed he didn’t pursue her. Wasn’t he curious? Didn’t he want to know why she was bruised and out here, wherever this was, alone? Well not enough to push her apparently. She sighed and crossed her arms. She wouldn’t tell him anyways.

“Just what I thought,” he said in that rich, velvety voice of his.

“Do you have to talk like that?” she asked angrily.

A dark brow lifted. “Like what?”

“Like that,” she waved her hand at him. He glared at her, then turned back to his food. She’d never seen a man look so lost and yet here at the same time. It must be hard.

“Listen I’m sorry, okay? I didn’t know you’d be so angry about the whole orgasm thing.” His eyes, dark like hot chocolate, peered at her with an intensity that took her breath away. If someone told her that this man could read her every thought, she’d believe it. Unable to take his gaze anymore, she stood and started pacing in front of the cot.

“I mean come on. Anyone who knows anything about vampires knows that when we drink it’s an orgasmic experience.” He frowned and looked away. The connection between them lost and she wanted to go back to it. Trying for truth instead, she rushed to say, “I wanted to make you feel good.”

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