Some small part of her recognized the dominant marking he was leaving on her. She should protest it, but instead she rocked her hips back against his. When he sucked her neck again, over his mark, she flew apart like exploding glass. Her muscles tightened and worked the hard cock inside her.

He groaned pushing faster through the clenching muscles then pushed in one last time, as a flood of hot thick semen filled her deep.

* * *

Alison didn't even have time to catch her breath before she was pushed to her hands in knees. She looked behind her, still fighting to catch her breath when Rome knelt behind her. His eyes were dark and heavy with arousal, his hungry face intent.

"I'm not through with you, baby," he growled.

Alison couldn't believe the pulsing heat that curled inside her. Could she possibly be getting turned on so quickly?

He grabbed her hips, and the only preparation she had was a round thickness nudging her channel, stretching her wide, before he slammed in. Oh God, she was so ready to go again.

He groaned and took her in pounding thrusts that quickened and quickened. His hands were everywhere, on her back, cupping her hard-tipped breasts, petting between her legs. But where he left her, and where she came apart, was with his hand at the nape of her neck pushing her face down to the floor and his hand stuffed between her legs rubbing delicious patterns over her needy clit.

He controlled her. He owned her. She knew it and he knew it.

And she didn't care at all.

Didn't care that that she felt entirely too much for the scoundrel or that Conlin wanted her dead. All she could think about, all she cared about was the thickness rocking so fast inside her and the strong hands on her body.

He rubbed one last circle over her clit and she came in a gush of liquid heat. She heard him groan and curse above her. His hands tightened momentarily on her neck and then she felt the blast of wet heat inside her as he pulsed hard and hot, coming inside her.

He pulled out and fell down next to her, bringing her to drape over him like a fine silk blanket. His fingers teased the skin of her arm.

"I don't want to hear anymore talk about Sandra or any ex's of any kind. Unless you want to tell me about how you escaped from Conlin. Don’t think I didn’t know you purposely evaded that before."

Alison nuzzled her cheek against his hard and kissed the muscle there before answering. "I'm fine with that, but I still have questions."

His fingers paused on her arm. "What questions?"

She was afraid to ask. Her lifelong curse of asking questions and getting bad answers echoing in her mind. Yet the not knowing, the unanswered was too powerful.

"Am I going to end up like..." she started to say her, but stopped. She didn't want to start this line of questioning off with breaking the one rule they had.

She didn't have to finish the question. He sighed heavily and his fingers resumed their touch. "No, I don't think so baby." His voice was husky, thick from two hard orgasms. Her heart did a little leap at his words.

"What do you mean?" She made her voice sound only mildly curious, not eager.

"You're not like anyone I've ever know before, Ali. You make me feel, hell, make me think about things...different things. A part of me really hates it and another part...well that part wants to tie you to my bedpost and never let you go."

Alison swallowed hard. Well that was something. Such a strong wave of emotion from someone so gorgeous, so strong, so smart.

She wondered if now would be the time to tell him that she felt safe with him. It was the first time she felt safe with a male in two years. The first time she wished she could trust him with so much more than just her body.

She opened her mouth to tell him that so, but a knock interrupted her. Rome groaned and extracted himself from her, planting a swift kiss on her lips before answering the door in only his shirt.

He answered it and spoke to someone Alison couldn’t see. "Yeah, yeah, give us a minute," he said and closed the door harder than necessary. He turned to her, his eyes taking her all in.

He shook his head as appreciation filled his eyes. "Looks like the Kategans are here to visit, and they bring news of Conlin." He was already pulling on his pants and the shoes he'd toed off. "Get dressed baby. I can't think when you look like your waiting to be ravaged."

Alison smiled a soft wicked curl of her lips that had him stopping dead in his tracks. He licked his lips, his eyes falling to her hardened nipples and open legs, her pussy bared fully to him.

"God you're beautiful."

Alison smiled widely at his compliment. She stood and snatched her clothes off the floor and gave him a quick kiss before sprinting to the other room to dress.

Chapter 12

The Kategan family took up more room in the tiny one bedroom cabin than was available. It looked like some scene out of a Disney movie, Alison thought.

"So DNA results are back from our guys at the lab. The bedsheet from the apartment is a match to Conlin. Ninety-nine percent accurate,” said Sarina.

"What did they match it against?" asked Rome.

"Conlin's DNA was already in the system from four years ago. The lab guys couldn't tell me what it was for though."

A hard knock interrupted the conversation. Rome was closest to the door and opened it.

"Hey, it's about time you showed up. You need to work on your punctuality man. Something happen?" Rome stepped aside so a tall male with a short military-style haircut could come through. He didn’t just look around the room, he searched it. Alison had a feeling he was taking in everything in that one look. His eyes lingered on Rome's sister Vera for a second longer than necessary.

"I got held up at the office, sorry."

Nodding, Rome turned back to the room. "Vane, Darien, you've met my old comrade in arms, Jackson." The men came forward to shake hands. "Jacks, I don't believe you've met Vane's mate Sarina." She came forward, welcoming him with a smile and a handshake. "The lounger over there is my sister Vera and this is Alison, the reason I called you here."

The man—the very human man—stayed near the front door. The man didn't just stand, he looked ready to move at a moment's notice. His eyes seemed to see everything. He was quite unusual for a human. Alison wondered if he stayed near the front door as an emergency exit and if he didn’t it knowingly. He reminded her of a man who’d been through war.

"We were just catching up on the latest details of the situation," Rome said to Jacks. Turning back to the room he said, "I asked Jacks here because he's the best investigator I know, and more importantly, I trust the bastard. We got the DNA results back and it's a positive match to Conlin."

"Sarina also told me there was an interesting run in with a woman today," Vane added.

Alison stiffened, but Vera smiled at her and that somehow made her feel stronger.

Rome broke the new tension. "It was my ex Sandra. Right before she left she said Conlin wants Alison back."

"So she's working with him then." Jacks didn't ask a question, merely stated the information as cold fact.

Rome nodded and said, "Yeah, a man like Conlin has a lot of power, a lot of money, and too much charm.”

“How do we know the woman wasn't just saying that to cause some chaos?" Jacks asked.

"It doesn’t fit. She didn't even know I was seeing someone else. She had no idea I was with Alison until she came in the cafe," Rome said.

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