He took a step forward, but stopped when she held her palm out to him. "You are not temporary to me."

She let out a harsh, semi-hysterical laugh. "Oh really Rome? And just what did you plan on doing with me after we have enough evidence to give to the Justicars? What were you going to 'date' me? Come and pick me up at whatever apartment I can afford."

She could see that her words had struck a chord . He tensed, his eyes sparkling like a roaring fire. A hard knot of pain formed in her chest, making it hard to breathe. The look spoke clearly, as if he'd written it down and shown it to her— he hadn't thought ahead with her. Not at all.

Before he could see the wetness in her eyes, she turned and busied herself with making tea. Through shear will, she managed to erect a wall around her, mostly around her heart. She had to, or she didn't know what would happen.

She heard his words from behind her, but they sounded muted like he was speaking through a filter. She wanted to tune him out all the way but a part of her craved to know what he'd say.

"I'm not a planner, Alison. I'm sorry for that. But I'm not sorry for being with you. I might not have a plan but I did have expectations. Expectations that you'd stay here with me, that we had something good here. I hope I'm not wrong." And with those numbing words he left, the cabin door shutting quietly behind him.

Chapter 13

The past two days were the longest ones of her life. When Rome finally came back that first night, it was late. He didn't say a word to her. He kept downstairs and slept on the couch. Seeing him so angry with her tore like bullets through her heart. Each moment of silence from him, of not seeing his smile ate at her like a virus.

She came to him yesterday night, found him in his study, and apologized. She'd meant the whispered words, they came from deep in her heart. He hadn't even looked at her, just nodded, and said okay. She'd left with tears in her eyes. It wasn't until she reached the shower that she let them fall. She wept quietly, her arms wrapped around her.

She couldn't even fault him for his crude attitude. Not really. Not when she’d been pushing him away this whole time. And not when she tried to ask him for some kind of commitment.

Even though a part of her didn’t understand his reaction towards her, on the outside level, she did. When she had questioned his feelings toward her, their relationship, she had questioned his honor. Lykaen men prided themselves on their duty and honor, especially towards women.

Once again, she wished she'd just kept her mouth shut. If she hadn't said anything, everything would be fine again. For two days, she had time to wallow in her thoughts, her feelings. He came and went, but ignored her attempts at conversation and intimacy. And yet during his silence she had realized something else. He would not be so angry if he didn't care. For two years, she'd lived alone and scared. Scared Conlin would decide to come after her again, scared to date other men. But her lykaen had felt inside of Rome and it told her he was safe. He was welcome.

She had apologized, that only left her bereft and in pain, so now she knew what she had to do. In the kitchen, she dressed the table with a flowing white cloth and set two place settings with a large and small plate, a bowl, and in the middle placed a thick maroon candle from the bathroom. When she'd called Sarina to ask her about what had happened between her and Rome, her friend was more than understanding. And more than eager to help. So she'd read a grocery list of items off to Sarina and a guard had them bought and brought to her within two hours.

Checking on the bread and dinner, she made sure everything was perfect. It had to be perfect for tonight. She might be crazy but she was ready to take a chance...on him.

She ran upstairs and jumped into the shower. She washed quickly, not sure when he was going to be back. She was just pulling on that empire waist black dress that Sarina lent her when she heard the cabin door below open. He was here.

Nerves driving her moves, she slipped on the black heels with shaking hands. Checking on her reflection one last time she made her way down the stairs. Maybe her heels weren't such a good idea after all. They clicked loudly, screaming her presence to the whole cabin. She found him at the entrance to the kitchen, his back ramrod straight.

Shit. She had planned everything up until this point. She was at a loss for words. He turned around slowly and looked at her. His eyes were cold, but as his eyes dropped down her body taking in her dress, her legs, his eyes flamed with heat. The look was gone a moment later, extinguished like a bucket of water on a match.               Still, it gave her hope.

She took a few steps forward then stopped at tight expression. "I made dinner for you. Would you care to eat with me?" Her voice was steady but unfamiliar. She sounded like a stranger even to her own ears.

His lips flattened into a hard line. He turned back to look at the elaborate setup on the table then back at her. "I don't think so Alison." His words still held that layer of anger, but it wasn't as strong as it was before. God, she only hoped so.

Steeling herself, she walked up to him like she was approaching a wounded animal. She stopped just when she could feel the heat of his body. It felt so good to be this close to him. She'd missed him so much these past two days. She'd never thought that would be possible. But she did seem doomed to repeat her past mistakes.

Her mother had always told her honesty was the best course of action, so she tried it. "I miss you, Roman. I miss you so much it hurts." Tears pooled in her eyes and she fought to push them away. She didn't need them right now. They might only push him away further. "I'm so sorry for what I said, but I was wrong. I just can't help my fears. You make me feel so good, but...so did he Rome. Don't you see that?"

Her lips trembled and she looked away, all the fight taken out of her. When he didn't move away, she felt a pulse of hope inside her. Minutes passed, then finally he spoke.

"I will forgive you on one condition."

"What's that?" she asked, hope and fear flooding through her.

"You will trust me. No more doubts, no more thinking I'm like him. If you can't already see that I'm not, then we're done here."

Alison swallowed the lump in her throat. Oh God, what he was asking her... She didn't know if she could do it. But her heart was telling her to do whatever it takes to keep him.

"Ok, I will." She looked up at him, her eyes with and hopeful. "I can't promise I won't doubt sometimes or fear, but I will try."

His eyes softened, but only a little. "Why are you even bothering with me, baby? You're cycle is over, you don't need me. But I feel this thing, this whatever it is between us. I like it, Alison. I like it a lot, and I don't know if I could let it go. Ever."

She couldn't stop herself, she leapt at him, wrapping her arms around his neck and held him tight. She buried her neck and inhaled his masculine scent. God, he felt so good, so right. His arms came around her automatically and she sighed at the sensation.

"I don't want to stay away from you. I don't know if I could. I just know that I want you here...with me." Her quiet words, spoken into the heat of his neck had him tightening his hold on her with a groan.

A strong hand cupped her bottom. A gentle, reassuring touch nonetheless made her heart beat faster. Another hand in her hair, and then she was facing him and his mouth was on hers. The kiss was gentle but no less strong.

Lips swept across lips, teeth plucked her lip then licked the soft flesh. His kiss was possession. She was wrapped up in his scent, his body, his taste and never wanted to feel anything else.

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