She took a seat and thanked Sarina for the tea. The smell was strong, the color black. She was about to sip her tea when a large body took the open seat beside her. She didn't need to look to know it was him. She could have smelled him anywhere. He smelled like earth and sex. She flinched at the thought and looked away. He probably did just finish having sex.

She went to take a sip of her tea again and was startled when a strong hand touched her shoulder. She jumped, nearly spilling her cup. She turned to glare at him. She ignored his full lips, devastating smile, and dancing eyes.

"Sorry about that," he said, looking anything but. Sarina glared at him like he a petulant child.

Vane took a seat beside his wife and said, "I've alerted the sentries about Conlin. No trespassers will dare cross Kategan land. You'll be safe while you're here. Tomorrow we'll contact the Justicars."

Alison set the tea down and crossed her arms. "I don't think that's a good idea." Everyone turned to look at her with shocked expressions. She cleared her throat and looked away. "It's just that he's very powerful, and if I make him angry then..." She shook her head, unable to finish the words.

Rome leaned forward and grabbed her hand. The touch sent warmth and pleasure pulsing through her. And she was so very cold. His hand was big and warm, slightly callused and so much darker than hers was. Worse of all her stomach did a cartwheel. Why did she have to act like a fluttery schoolgirl around him?

"We will protect you. I’ll make sure of it, Alison," Rome said. She tried to pull her hand back, but he held it tighter.

“But we still need to notify the Justicars,” Vane said.

"We can do that later. Let’s give her some time to recover from today." Sarina smiled encouragingly at her friend. “Besides you have some evidence at the apartment that he was there.”

Alison tensed and flushed. Rome didn’t miss the movement. "What is it? Did something else happen?"

She shook her head no, but the movement was too quick.

"Something else did happen. Oh, Alison, tell us. That son of a bitch will pay, I promise." Sarina knelt in front of her friend looking like a knight ready to take a quest to save the fair maiden from a tower. Alison almost laughed, would of if her throat didn't feel like it was closing in on her.

"I've received letters ever since the wedding and I get strange calls every now and then." A ferocious, low growl permeated in the room like a live animal. All of them turned to Rome whose cold eyes looked ready to kill.

"Control it," Vane ordered and gradually the coldness receded from Rome's eyes, until they were warm and soft again.

Sarina grabbed her hand in her warm one. "What did the letters say?"

Alison cringed. Her past with Conlin was not something she wanted to discuss and those letters tread on her pain with him with big boots. "I don’t want to talk about it."

"Then at least let us read them. We’ll show the letters to the Justicars to prove that Conlin is harassing you. It will prove you’re in danger."

Alison shook her head. "I burned them. I burned every last one the bastard sent me. Besides, it's not like he signed them."

"How can you be certain they were from him then," Vane asked. He looked curiously at her.

She had to swallow over the lump in her throat. "Because it was about when we were together. Only he knows about...that."

Alison didn’t see the sharp glint of anger flash in Rome's eyes.

"All right, that's enough for tonight. Either you can stay here with us for now, or we have a house you can shack up in. It's safe, and you'll have an extra neighbor to keep you safe." Sarina nodded at Rome who flashed a mischievous grin.

"I don't want to intrude on you here. If you're sure about the extra place then I'll use it, but only for a little while. Only until we can get my apartment cleaned up, then I'll go back."

"Like hell. Cleaning up your apartment isn't going to stop Conlin from coming back and doing worse, and maybe next time you'll actually be home for it. What then, Alison?" Rome sat back in his seat, but he was anything but relaxed. His eyes narrowed dangerously and mouth pressed into a thin line.

Then Conlin will find me, and after he is through with me, I’ll with I was dead. "Fine, I'll stay. But only until I get things settled with Conlin."

Rome smiled then but the iciness wasn't gone from his face. He stood and picked up her duffel bag, slinging it over one very large shoulder. "Shall we go?"

She said her goodbyes and was thankful for the chill in the air; it helped to control her raging emotions.

"I don't live far from here," she heard him say and got into his black pickup truck. He held the door open for her. She didn’t want to be pleased that he did, but she was. It not be a good thing to start liking Rome Kategan, she thought.

She was a little surprised to see him driving a truck; she could just as easily see him in a sleek car bulleting down a highway. Yet he started the truck and pulled away with smooth familiarity. "You know, if you're scared to sleep alone, I'd be willing to share my bed with you." He said it so easily, like he was telling her the time.

She shook her head and didn't dignify him with an answer. Besides, his commented had surprised the hell out of her and she didn’t know what to say. Yes, please? No, thank you?

Out of the corner of her eye she saw him smile and had to look away to keep from mirroring him. Alison thanked God when they pulled into a driveway some fifteen minutes later. The cabin was a two-story with stairs leading to the front door and a small front porch, which was barren. She could easily picture a swing or a couple of chairs there to fill up the space. Oh hell, now she was trying to decorate his house. Not a good sign.

"This is my place. You'll be staying next door," he said pointing to a smaller, neighboring cabin. Alison wrapped her arms around her middle, she was a little closer to Rome's house than she would have liked. Hell, the first floor window on the side of his house matched with hers and she didn't have the luxury of two floors. "Want to see it now or would rather come inside with me?" His voice dropped low and seductive, sending a thrilling shiver through her belly. That was exactly the opposite reaction she should have to a man like him. She couldn't afford to get soft around him, especially him.

"No thank you. I just want to go to sleep."

"With me?" He smiled, crossing his arms lazily and leaning back against the truck. He looked like a sexy cowboy with his jeans, boots, and lazy smile. All he needed was a Stetson to finish the picture.

"Never with you." The words were harsher than she’d intended. She flushed and marched to the small cabin. She heard him following, but stared straight ahead. He didn't say anything, for which she was glad. Really, she was.

Chapter 2

Rome showed her around the single floor cabin. It was simple, quaint, but homey and warm. A brick landing went down to the living room where a loveseat and recliner faced a brick-layered fireplace. The bathroom was clean with a shower and tub, and the bedroom had the same queen style she had back at home.

Looking down at the bed, Alison had a brief flash of the white stain awaiting her on her sheets at home. Her stomach tightened and bile rose in her throat.

"You all right?"

Rome came into the room, his eyes serious. Her breath stalled in her lungs just looking at him. She always wanted to be mated, have a few babies, and spend her life cooking and running her little cafe. But since Conlin, none of that was possible.

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