Chapter 17

"Ms. Alison Bennson to see you."

"Please send her in." Sarina closed the book she'd been reading with a snap.

The sight of her closest friend was such a relief she wanted to cry. They hugged each other for long moments. Alison was the first to pull away.

"What is going on here, Sarina? I've been calling you for a week and I get either no answer or that butler Jameson always says you're unavailable. Pfft, like I believe that. You've stopped mid-shower to answer my calls before. And what is with this security?" Alison whispered quickly, sneaking a pointed look at the guard standing in the corner of the room.

Sarina wasn't even sure where to start; she just knew that it felt great to see a friendly face. She also wasn't sure if the room was bugged for audio. The thought had crept into her mind a few days ago and hadn't left since. She knew her father installed cameras in all the rooms, but sound equipment too? She had to be careful what she said around Alison.

"There's so much to say. A lot has happened since we last spoke. But I met a man...and I love him. Oh, Alison, I do. Every day without him makes my heart bleed. It's a terrible feeling, like hands are in my chest, squeezing the life out of me." Alison reached out to clasp her hands.

" that kind of explains this," she said, looking pointedly at the camera staring down at them in the corner. "Tell me about it. Tell me all that you can."

Sarina did. She recounted her tale of going through her breeding cycle with the strong and powerful Alpha, Vane Kategan, there to help her. But along the way, she'd fallen for him, realized that he was right, that her beast fully accepted his even before she ever did.

"And I then I let him claim me."

Alison gasped, eyes wide with alarm. "You did not! You're father will kill you. You had sex with this man during your breeding cycle. What were you thinking? No, no, wait. What did your father do, what did he say?" Alison was livid now, her cheeks flushing.

"Oh, it was horrible, Ali. Vane had just," Sarina looked away, a blush stealing over her cheeks. "He'd just, taken my barrier when father and his men came in. We never...finished. Father has me taking routine pregnancy tests to ensure I'm not pregnant."

Alison's mouth fell open. "He did what? The man's insane. Oh, Sarina. I'm so sorry." She grabbed her friend and held her close as sobs wracked through her body. "No wonder you look so awful," she said on short laugh. "I didn't want to say anything, but now it makes sense. I've seen this happen to others who've lost their mate. Oh, Sarina, what are you going to do?"

Sarina pulled back, wiping her eyes on her sleeve. "I don't know, but I miss him so much. I can't even call him. Father won't let me go to him. I tried to leave, but they literally forced me back here and locked me in. I need to get out of here, Ali. I need to get out now." Then her eyes grew wide. "Let's go for a walk outside."

"What, um, now? Yeah, okay, sure.”

Once outside, Sarina and Alison strolled quietly for a few moments. The two guardsmen lingered behind.

"So now what," Alison said.

Sarina wrapped her elbow through her friend's and enjoyed the dewy wet grass beneath her bare feet. "I need you to help me to escape."

When Alison started to squeak out a response, Sarina pulled on her arm. "Not too loud now. And yes, you heard me. Now, I've already been thinking this over and now that you're here, the idea will work. Will you help me, Alison? I know I'm asking for a lot."

Alison looked up at her friend and smiled gently. "Of course I will help. I know you'd do the same for me. Besides, I owe you for not letting me sleep with Brett at that party three years ago." She gave an exaggerated shiver.

Sarina laughed for the first time in a week. It felt good. "Ok, here's what I need you to do..."

Chapter 18

"You're not going over there." Vera moved to block the doorway.

Vane normally would have laughed at her, but he hadn't the energy or inclination to do so. Her strength was nothing compared to his. Sure she was strong by human standards, but not by his.

"I'm just going to ask to see her and to talk to her father. That's it. Maybe the man can be reasoned with"

"Mmhmm and what happens when he says no and won't let you in the door."

"Then I'll punch the bastard in the face. Now get out of my way before I move you."

Vera sighed heavily and moved aside. "Fine, but I'll be here at the phone waiting to bail you out of jail, because that's exactly where he'll have you put."

Vane glared at her, then slammed the door behind him. Fuck this. He'd put this off for long enough, and he was going to get his woman back. Damn he missed her. Missed her smell, her smile, her soft hands on his body. Fuck.

He started his truck and spewed gravel in his wake. The drive took a little over an hour. That alone seemed to faze him. To think that his mate had been living so close all this time. Everything happens for a reason, his mother used to say. In time, he'd learned that yeah, it did. Everything was for reason and nothing was for chance.

He walked up the steps of the ridiculously huge mansion and banged on the door with his fist. He barely suppressed the urge to yell for her. When no one answered immediately, he hammered his fist again.

Finally, the door opened to reveal a thin, elderly man in a white shirt and black pants. "May I help you, sir?"

"I'm here to see Sarina."

The thin man didn't even blink. "And you are?"

"Vane Kategan. Her mate." This had the man's white eyebrows rising to his receding hairline.

"I see. One moment please," he said and closed the door. Vane paced around for the next several minutes, his heart racing, wondering if he'd finally get his woman back.

This time the door opened and two, barrel-chested guards loaded with guns and knives stepped out. Behind them was the king. Vane curled his hand into a fist to keep it from slamming into the smug man's face.

"Where's Sarina?" Vane commanded.

"Oh, my daughter's here, however, you will not be seeing her. Ever."

"She is my mate! You cannot keep her from me. She is mine." Vane growled. His beast was pacing agitated circles in its cage, circling and circling looking for a way out. The king might just give him that reason.

"No!" the king shouted. "She is mine. My daughter, my property."

Vane stiffened at the king's words. He noticed that even the guards seemed a little taken back. "Your property? You would treat your own daughter as property? What kind of father are you?"

The king laughed, and it was an empty sound. "I own her. I dictate what she does and who she doesn't do."

"I have already claimed her body. She has accepted me as her mate. Pack law says you must abide by her choosing. It’s her choice, dammit."

"I am the king. I don't need pack law to tell me what to do with my own daughter. Besides, you should know that she is to be married."

Vane's blood froze in his veins. He stared at the king's cold, blue eyes and could see the sneering truth in them. Vane wanted to hit something; he fought to bring air into his lungs.

"No, she wouldn't. You can't." His nostrils flared.

"Indeed I have. A fine man has decided that even though she's used now, he'll take her leftovers. He wasn't too happy about that. I must say it cost me extra in their marriage proposal to remedy that situation. I'd invite you to the wedding, but I'm sure you understand that someone of your...class isn't welcome."

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