It wasn't until the glow of the rising sun that Vane finally let Sarina sleep. He'd shown her no mercy. He took her in every room and made her come twice in each. It was only after her eyes grew soft with exhaustion, and after she claimed him as the "Master of her Body" that he tucked her close to him, and let her sleep.

While she still floated between consciousness and sleep, she muttered words almost too soft to hear. Words that made his heart tighten painfully in his chest.

"I love you."

Chapter 25

Butterflies danced in Sarina's stomach, and her heart fluttered so fast she was sure the butterflies were performing a STOMP routine. And wouldn't that just be perfect on the day of her bonding? After Vera and Alison helped her to get dressed in a sky blue, lace-embroidered gown, they gave her their best wishes and left to join the rest of the waiting pack.

Oh, how she wished in this moment that she still had her mother with her. She would love to have her blessing, to have her meet the man she loved. A dark voice intruded on her happy thoughts. Did father murder mom?

God, she just wished her father was different, that he could be here, hugging her and wishing his daughter the best in life. Instead, he had tried to sell her to an abusive, horrible man that belonged in prison. A part of her hoped desperately that her father wouldn’t show up at the ceremony, but she knew her father and his deadly determination. He would still try to marry her off to the prince. She didn't know how he planned to do it, but Vane and the pack were ready for it. The Justicars were waiting in the pack. Vane said they were dressed in their plain clothes so they wouldn’t be spotted.

Taking a deep breath, the front door of the cabin opened. It was Darien, ready to lead her to Vane. Normally a parent from the father’s side would walk with her, but since that wasn't a possibility, and Vane's parents were deceased, it left only the next eldest sibling. Darien's eyes held a haunted glow to them even as he smiled down at her. She wrapped her hand around his arm and they walked together.

The night was beautiful, perfect. The moon was a full, shiny circle glowing brightly, its force keeping away the puffy clouds for just this night. The air was warm with a light breeze and the smell of rose, lilac, and lavender flowers wafted in the air as they entered the large garden. The garden was an acre in length. It held an expanse of trimmed, green grass and patterns and rows of colorful flowers, bushes, and trees.

The butler, Alfonse, came by earlier to meet her. The older man had her laughing so hard tears rolled down her cheeks. It helped to ease the knot of fear and worry inside her. He told her about this garden. About how Vane had it made with his own money for the pack. It was beautiful. Just looking at it, she could imagine children running in the field playing and squealing with laughter. Tonight the garden was filled with Vane's pack members and the Justicars. The lykaen community’s personal law and order.

Upon seeing her new pack, she took another unsteady breath as the butterflies in her stomach danced faster.

"Relax," Vane's brother said gently. "You’ll be fine." His deep voice, so much likes Vane's, but gruffer helped to ease her nerves. Darien stopped her as they reached the front of the pack. Looking across the distance, she saw Vane and instant relief coursed through her. It wasn't until that moment that she realized she was worried he wouldn't show.

Alfonse, the pack’s ceremony elder stood in the middle between her and Vane. Alfonse nodded at Vane then at her, then looked out over the pack.

"You may all bow in honor of the Alpha, Vane Kategan and his selected Queen, Sarina Brunes." Together, with fluid grace, the pack fell gently to their knees. In that moment, Sarina forgot all about her father, the Justicars, and Prince Conlin.

Her eyes watered, and she mouthed a thank you to her new pack. Several members saw it and smiled at her encouragingly. Bowing before the selected mate was a sign of complete acceptance in the pack.

"Alpha Kategan and Queen Brunes, if you wish to bond to each other, to fuse your souls and hearts as one on this very night, then please proceed to meet." Sarina let go of the breath she'd been holding as Vane confidently took a step forward, then another. Soon she did the same, and then they were standing before each other. He looked ridiculously handsome in a black suit with a white shirt and no tie. The top button was undone enough to see the tan skin of his chest. His eyes were soft and dark as he looked down at her.

"Vane Kategan do you wish for Sarina Brunes to be your truemate and Queen in the unbreakable bond?"

"I do so vow."

"And do you Sarina Brunes wish for Vane Kategan to be your truemate and Alpha in the unbreakable bond?"

"I do so vow." Sarina trembled as the elder lifted the ceremonial ribbon, made of fabric and a lock of hair from her and Vane, then sewed together. The sight of it had her lip trembling as she struggled to reign in her tears. As the elder started to place the sanctified ribbon over their clasped hands, the roar of engines cut through the air.

With cold dread, Sarina turned to see her worst nightmare. God, how could she have forgotten so easily?

Her father and the prince had just arrived.

* * *

Vane growled deep in his throat as rage quickly boiled and exploded. He pushed Sarina behind him and stalked to her father as he and the prince approached him.

"You dare to interrupt our bonding ceremony. You are truly honorless, King."

The king snarled in return and stepped into Vane's face, uncaring that the Alpha was more than ready to let his beast out and was a good foot taller.

"She is my daughter. I own her, and I'm taking her back, mutt."

Vane moved so quickly, it was blur of movement. He shoved the king back hard then followed the move with a brutal right hook that would have sent him on his ass if his guardsman hadn't caught him. Vane moved to finish the job but was stopped by a wall of muscle as a guardsman slammed into him.

Vane let the action take him to the ground, but he latched onto the guard’s chest, taking him with him. They rolled and Vane came out on top, the sounds of screams and shouts rang in his ears as he pounded his fist hard into the man's lean face, stopping only when blood coated his fist like a glove. Rage. There was only rage now.

Standing in a rush he turned to find the prince dragging Sarina by the arm towards his limo as a dozen guardsmen ambushed his pack members. His brothers swooped in and cut through the bastards with hard fists and sharp elbows.

"Sarina!" he shouted and lunged through the growing crowd, knocking people out of his way in his haste to get to her. Vane froze when he saw the glint of silver at her throat. The prince had easily just signed his death wish.

"No more, Alpha Kategan," the prince sneered. "She's coming with me. Come any closer and I'll start taking nicks out of her pretty skin."

Vane stayed frozen to the ground, an unnatural, threatening growl escaped him. The prince eyed him wearily, but continued to back up step by careful step. Vane looked at Sarina's scared eyes and gave her a reassuring look. There was no way she was leaving here, he didn't care who he had to kill to keep that promise.

"Why looky here, isn't it the little dick, Prince Conlin." Alison sauntered up to the prince with a confident stride. She stopped with laughter in her eyes and a grin on her lips. "Did you know that the prince's dick is so little that even at his hardest he's no bigger than a tube of lipstick?" She threw her head back and laughed.

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