An excited energy floated in the air. The men wore no shirts. They stretched their arms and bounced on their feet in anticipation. They actually wanted to do this.

A part of her hoped that maybe they wouldn’t really want to participate in the events. Maybe they’d realize how crazy this was or that she wasn’t all that attractive. Maybe.

As a simultaneous roar whooped from the men, her hopes were quickly dashed.

“Abbigail,” her gaze went to Aidan. He was speaking to her and no one else. “Today we will fight but not to the death.” That didn’t relieve her in the least. “The winner will become your new master.”

She shook her head in denial. “I won’t do it. I won’t touch any of you.”

Anger flashed in his eyes. “You must.”

She crossed her arms and took a step back. “Unless you plan to force me, I won’t take any of you. Ever. And I’ll fight every single moment of it.” She said it with every bit of energy inside her.

Her words must have registered because unease flickered in his gaze. “And just what would it take for you to accept us?”

Her eyebrows rose. He gave her an option? She thought quickly. Then it hit her. “If you win me will you let me go? I don’t belong here. I want to go home.” She left out the part about Alrik kidnapping her. For some reason she didn’t want to say anything that might make him look bad. Right now, he was the better choice by a long shot.

He slowly shook his head and her hopes crashed to the floor. He wouldn’t let her go. “I can’t do that,” he said almost gently, “we need you. More than you could ever know.” Her breath caught. Maybe if things were different, if she was someone different meeting him under different circumstances, she could like him. But he wasn’t Alrik and he would never free her.

“Then let Alrik fight in the challenge.” The words burst from her mouth before she thought twice about it.

Aidan jerked in surprise, and then he laughed low and deep. “Never.”

“That’s my choice. Let him have his chance. Without him, I wouldn’t even be here. Let him have his chance to win me.”

He ground his jaw, irritation creasing his forehead. “Why should I do that?”

It hurt to say it. Her body physically rebelled at the idea. “Because if you do then I’ll willingly let the winner take me.” Her voice nearly broke saying it. It was a huge promise to make.

His eyes flared, lips flattened as he contemplated it.

A demon standing on the side stepped forward. “What is taking so long? I wish to start this and claim my prize!”

“Silence!” commanded Aidan.

Other demons started speaking out until the entire room filled with an aggressive, hostile energy. Aidan eyed his men, his jaw working hard, and then he looked back down at her.

“I will do this for you under one condition.”

Her breath caught. “What’s that?”

He didn’t answer, just grabbed her hand, and pulled her towards a door behind him. To the room he shouted, “Give us a minute. She needs to be convinced.” That didn’t sound good.

She had a feeling he was lying but didn’t say anything. The door shut behind them, muting out the bellows of rage and anger shouted after them. Aidan led her deep into the castle until they came upon another door. Inside he locked it with a piece of wood barring the door by two metal rungs.

He turned to her and she balled her hands into fists. “And what exactly do you want?”

He let out an uneasy laugh. He reached for her and though she flinched, he grabbed her shoulders. His eyes bore into hers. She had no choice but to look back at him. “You swear to follow through with your promise?”

“Yes,” she said though her voice wavered.

He released her and walked in an agitated circle, running his hand through his shaggy black hair. “I am not like the others.”

She’d noticed but didn’t say so.

He faced her, his eyes locking on hers. “I am not a demon.”

One of her eyebrow’s rose. “Then what are you?”

The corner of his mouth quirked up but it wasn’t quite a smile; more a sad, mocking look. “I am a vampire.”

She swallowed hard. Her suspicions had proven right. She didn’t feel particularly good about being right on this. “Okay.”

“I haven’t drunk from a fresh so long.”

She heard the longing and the agony in his voice. It pulled at her heartstrings. Maybe she was too nice for her own good because it didn’t bode well for her to feel anything positive for her captor. Shoot, she’d already royally screwed that up with Alrik. She felt way more for him than a captive ever should about her captor.

“What do you normally drink?”

His smile turned bitter but his gaze roamed over her face with hunger before settling on her neck. Even hidden by her hair she felt his gaze scorch her. “Blood of animals. The men know what I am. You give me this and I’ll let the fallen king participate in the challenge.”

She tensed but her heart started racing. “Give you what exactly?”

His voice almost gentled. He tucked her hair behind her ear pushing it over her shoulder to reveal her neck. A body part so common had never felt so vulnerable until now. His gaze found her neck and she swore he could see her pulse pounding wildly. “Your vein this once,” he said, his voice thick. “Give me this and I’ll abide your wish.”

Abby squirmed under his stare. Let him drink from her in order to have Alrik participate in the challenge? It could work to her advantage—if he won. If he didn’t—she’d be screwed, royally.

“Okay,” she agreed.

His mouth parted in surprise. A look that could almost be described as gentle hunger came over him as he stepped into her, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her flush against him. He cupped her cheek forcing her to meet his gaze. They were so close, the moment so intimate she felt as though she was standing naked in his arms. This moment felt more intimate than their kiss did. She felt bared down to her bones.

“You won’t hurt me?”

He shook his head slowly and for some reason she believed him. Maybe it was the sincerity in his eyes or just her instincts but in this she trusted him.

Gulping, she nodded and tilted her head to the side. “Then do it.”

His breathing turned heavy and loud. His lips touched her throat and she jumped, her eyelids squeezing tight. His tongue darted out to lick a warm wet path up her neck. She shivered, unable to stifle it. The sensation was pleasant, might have been nice if coming from someone else. Someone like Alrik.

His hands were gentle on her as he wrapped himself around her as if trying to get as close as physically possible. He cupped her jaw, tilting her head back. She felt so exposed and weak in his grasp. His lips pressed a soft kiss to her neck. His warm breath sent a shiver racing down her spine.

Panting, she waited for him to make his move. But he seemed to be savoring the moment, taking his time. His tongue passed over her and then two hard points pressed against her. She heard him inhale her scent.

She stiffened just as he struck. A fleeting moment of pain as her skin broke then a warmth built in her beginning at the bite then radiating outwards to all points of her body. She could feel the sucking sensation working at her neck and it was more erotic than she could ever have guessed. But it was all wrong, coming from the wrong man. She didn’t want to like anything he did to her.

Moisture flooded between her thighs and her hands flew to his shoulders to hold on. Her lips parted and he groaned a deep, vibrating sound that shivered over her skin. Time seemed to speed up because he broke away too soon. Her hands still held him. She didn’t want to let him go. Her eyes were slow to open but when she looked at him, she saw barely restrained desire lurking in his eyes.

“If I don’t stop now, I’ll take your body right here.”

She shivered, the idea now actually sounding quite good. His bite had done all that? She was practically a quivering puddle of need. Wet and needy, nipples hard and wanting to be touched. She pressed fingertips to the wound and looked at them only to find no blood. She gazed at him in question.

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