By time she finished, Rosa was laughing so hard tears fell down her face. “You have such bad luck.”

Lily grunted. “Tell me about it.”

“So how long do you think he'll put up with you living there?”

“With my threat hanging over him—for as long as I want. He won't make it easy though. He's probably already ordered his men to keep me away from his precious office.”

“And him of course.”

“And him,” she agreed. “All right, let's get some of these brewing. My ribs are killing me.”

Together they went through the beaded curtain to a small kitchenette in the back. They began making the mixture together, one handing the herbs over, the other stirring them into a pot.

“You know this is a sign, Lily.” Rosa's voice held an edge to it.

“I don't care,” Lily said lightly, though her hand tightened around the wooden spoon.

“I'm sure you don't,” Rosa said gently, “but it's better to be cautious. Take things slow.”

Lily chuckled. “You know slow isn't my way.” She stirred the creamy substance until it came to a simmer then added crushed plant leaves, oils, and herbs.

“Patience is a great skill.”

“I bet it is. Unfortunately, I don't have any.”

“You could learn.”

“My party was great, huh?” she said, changing the subject.

Rosa didn't say anything for a moment. “Yes, I had a good time. Though that demon Rayn wouldn't stop hitting on me.”

Lily laughed, the sound forced. “Such a flirt. He's cute though. Maybe you should take him up on that date.”

Rosa looked away, a dark looking coming over her eyes. “No, I don't think so.”

Lily turned off the burner to let the remedy cool. Her ribs and abdomen ached by making even the slightest turn. This would help, though, at the very least it'd relax her nerves.

“Are you still having the nightmares?”

Lily lifted the pot over a cheesecloth covering a funnel that sat in a glass, and paused. “Not in the past few nights. Been going strong.” She gave Rosa a confident smile but Rosa's cocked eyebrow said she didn't buy it. “Okay, I didn't last night but that's all.”

“Their frequency shouldn't be ignored.”

Lily might have rolled her eyes but Rosa kept a close eye on her. “I know that.”

“Then what are you going to do about it?” said Rosa. She crossed her arms and in that green velvet dress she wore, she looked like a sorceress...or a monk.

Lily finished squeezing the liquid into the glass and tossed the cloth and funnel into the sink. “What do you think I should do?” She tried to keep the bite out of her voice but it didn't work.

“Be patient. Go slow and prepare.”

Her own patience, what little she had of it, quickly slid through the floor. “Prepare for what? I don't even know what or who it is. It's a dream about a dark man surrounded by evil sitting on a shadowy throne. Hell, it took me two months to even see that it was a throne he was sitting on. The dreams are too vague.” She grabbed the glass with the remedy and started chugging it in big gulps that hurt her throat when she swallowed.

“Are you wearing your charm bracelet at least?”

Lily pulled up the leg of her leather pants until the bracelet showed. Rosa nodded, her expression grim.

“I worry about you. You know it's out of love, right?”

Lily smiled for real this time and gave Rosa a one-armed hug. “I know. I love you, too.”

“Feeling better now?” Rosa grabbed her hand in her soft one. The touch was meant to be comforting, just a friend touching a friend, but then Rosa's pupil's dilated until the brown of her eyes disappeared completely leaving only black holes. She gasped, sucking in a breath of air, and then she stood there, staring but not seeing.

“Dammit, Rosa, are you okay?” Lily'd seen this before, but it'd never happened to her. She yanked on her hand but it was like trying to yank her hand out of an ogre's grip.

Rosa sucked in a sharp breath and her hand flexed open, fingers pointing straight. Her chest moved rapidly, then slowly her pupils receded back to small points. She blinked slowly before looking back at Lily. She opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. Her cheeks were pale like she'd seen a ghost.

“What's wrong, Rosa? What did you see?”

“You. You’re dead.”

The shrill of an old time telephone tore through the moment like a chainsaw. After the sixth ring, Rosa jerked then slowly moved to the phone. She kept an antique phone, a vertical rotary one that hung on the wall. She answered it and her shaky voice almost sounded normal.

She hung up a minute later. “I'm sorry,” she said, her voice distant. “I have to go. A special meeting's been called. I'm required to be there.”

“What kind of special meeting?”

Rosa shook her head, her eyes faraway as she moved around the room putting supplies in a brown shoulder satchel. “I'm not sure. He just said I'm required to show up.”


Rosa paused in the motion of grabbing her keys. “Telal Demuzi.”

Lily's brows shot up. “My demon? I'm going with you.”

A brisk shake of her head. “No way. He said just me.”

Lily jammed her remedy into a bag and slung it around her shoulder. “You're taking me.” She stared at Rosa until she hesitantly met her gaze. The staring contest went on for a good two minutes before Rosa finally sighed.

“Fine, you win.”

“I always do.”


“It's time,” Kearnyn said.

Telal finished putting his documents into a briefcase and snapped it closed. He nodded to Kearnyn and laid his hand on his shoulder. With a thought, the room around them disappeared. A new room slowly appeared with a long oval desk surrounded by more than a dozen leather chairs. A single door was the only way in or out and on the opposite wall was a white dry-erase board. Influential figures were already coming into the room.

Telal started around the room, shaking hands with each of the members. For all that he knew, nothing like this had ever been done, and certainly what he wanted to accomplish, had never been done. Most of the members he was familiar with, others were only an acquaintance.

Tyrian en Kulev came to represent the Atal warriors, Alpha Lyonis Keelan of the shapeshifters, Jeremiah Caine of the succubus council, and Rosa Medina a witch of incredible power. Telal glared as a small woman with dark curling hair came out from behind Rosa.

Telal stalked to her before he thought twice about it. She smiled when she saw him. He snatched her by the elbow and dragged her to the corner of the room.

“What the hell are you doing here?”

“I was already hanging out with Rosa. I figured I'd come and see what this mysterious meeting was about.”

He looked away as if trying for patience. “If you do anything to destroy this meeting...” He left the threat at that.

She gave him a haughty look. “I'm not stupid. I just want to see what this is all about. Besides, I think I already know.”

“Your level of intelligence is debatable, Ms. Bellum. Just take a seat and keep your mouth shut.” He stalked away to welcome the newest guests before he transported her out of there himself.

Others started ambling in as well. Draven, Henry, and Rayn from Tyrian's staff. Jackie and Thane Vanner from Lyonis'. Spotting Kearnyn in the corner of the room, he went to him.

“Keep an eye on Lily Bellum. If she starts anything, I want her out of here and fast.”

Kearnyn nodded and Telal almost sighed. He trusted this man more than his own mother. Hell, that was no comparison; he trusted him more than he did Lily Bellum.

“Everyone take your seats and we'll get down to business.” Telal made his way to the front of the table. He set his briefcase on the table. “I think you all know why I've called you here.” An uncomfortable silence followed.

Tyrian spoke first. His eyes were cold and distant, body stiff in his chair. “You want to open the rift.”

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