The servant's door burst open and she stifled a yelp. King Alrik strode through it looking more tense and angry than usual. His brows were pulled down, his lips flat. He started towards her and she back up until her back hit the door. He stopped at the table and tossed down a packet of papers.

“There,” he said.

Her brow arched. “There what?” she asked, breathless.

“Read it.”

With no other choice, she obeyed his order. She had to come close to get the papers, and he didn't move, which put her much closer to him than she wanted to be. It was inappropriate of him to stand so close to her but then again he'd had his hand down her dress last time. Her breath caught and she quickly starting reading over the papers. She shouldn't be surprised at what she read, but she was.

“So it's complete,” she said finally, her tongue dry.


She nodded slowly then set the papers back on the table. “I am now officially...single.”

He shook his head. “No.”

Her brows pulled in confusion. “But this said I am not betrothed to anyone. Wouldn't that make me single?”

“Normally, but I have claimed you.”

She swallowed hard and closed her mouth to keep from panting. “What-what does that mean?” If he meant claim in the savage sense of the word then he certainly hadn't done that. She'd never lain with a man but she was certain she'd remember it. Especially by the dark king.

“It means that you are mine now.” He pulled out the chair beside him and dropped into it. He stared up at her with a lazy expression on his face, almost like he was bored. She tried to ignore his big legs kicked out and spread before him but she couldn’t help but notice how strong his legs were, how long. A blush crept over her face.

“But in what way? If we are not, that is, if we are not betrothed...” she whispered the last.

“Come here, Arianna.”

She stiffened but didn't move. Fear kept her immobilized.

“Come. Here,” he said again, an edge to his deep voice.

Arianna closed the space between them until she stood by his chair. His hand reached out to grab hers, then he yanked, and she fell into his lap. No lessons on manners or teachings of etiquette ever taught her how to deal with this. She stiffened awkwardly, and tried to keep her back straight but her bottom rested atop his spread thighs and her feet dangled off the side of the chair.

One strong arm slid around her back and instantly the strain in her back and abdomen lessened. His other dark hand came to rest on her stomach which clenched hard in response.

“We are not betrothed. You are mine now. I'd recommend that you don't let any males pursue you, Arianna. Now that the whole kingdoms heard what's happened, the males will come out to try to claim you.”

Her eyes darted to his gaze, and then quickly stared ahead at the wall. He meant to what, then? Keep her as some sort of concubine? The notion was absurd, degrading, and she hated him for it. A part of her wanted to say that if you don't want any males to claim me, then do it yourself, but that would only lead to huge, huge problems. Like what if he agreed? No way. No way could she be his wife.

The hand at her stomach flattened until she could feel the heat of his fingertips as though he was touching her skin to skin. “Why are you doing this?”

“I told you. I've waited a really, really long time for you, Arianna.” The hand around her back curled around her hip.

Her breath stuttered out from her lips as little zaps of pleasure shot inside her like fireworks. Somehow she found the strength to look him in the eyes. “But you've changed so much,” she said softly.

His eyes froze over, the heat in them disappearing like a receding wave on a shore. The hands on her body tightened in what felt like a warning. Then in a flash of movement, the hand at her back vanished and cupped her neck, pulling her face towards his. Wild excitement, panic, and fear all combusted inside of her. She could feel his breath on her lips she was so close. Her stomach trembled. She wanted to feel the wicked heat he lit inside her last time. Wanted to see just how far he could take her; discover what exactly he could make her feel.

His eyes narrowed on hers. “Then remember me how I was.”

His mouth came down on hers hard, demanding. Her inexperienced mouth didn't know how to keep up. One thing she did notice was the metal loop in the corner of his bottom lip. It felt surprisingly cold but smooth and not very noticeable. He deepened the kiss, his hand moving to cup her jaw, and his thumb pressed down on her chin, opening her mouth. And then his tongue delved inside, thrusting, creating a stir of riotous feelings inside her.

A fog drifted over her at the different sensations. Warmth pervaded her every cell until her clothing felt suffocating. The hand at her stomach moved, curling around her hip and squeezing gently. A soft gasp came from her, out of nowhere. He seemed to eat it up because he groaned, thrusting his tongue inside her faster, hungrily. An all new sensation came forth, like the one he'd made her feel last time.

She suddenly had the need to spread her legs and pull him on top of her. She craved the heavy weight of his body—only he could ease the needy ache building inside of her.

He pulled away from her mouth. “Kiss me back,” he ordered, his deep voice ragged with something she was starting to understand. She felt the hunger inside of her, it made her feel strange. Deep in her belly felt empty as if something was missing from there, and her body leaned closer to his to get more of his touch.

She nodded quickly then wrapped her arm around his neck. His lips parted and their tongues met. A beam of electricity passed between them at the touch. She struggled to breathe and kiss him at the same time, but somehow she managed it.

She slid her tongue against his rougher one and a burst of feelings erupted inside her. She squirmed in his lap feeling hot, needy, tight, and achy all at the same time. Her breasts felt taut, nipples hard and chafing against her dress. She parried her tongue against his thrusting one and wondered, if she asked, would he put his hand on her again.

He pulled back, breathing rough and ragged. “You are beautiful.”

She might have blushed if her cheeks weren't already flushed. “Thank you, King Alrik.”

“I told you to call me Alrik.” His thumb rubbed up and down next to her lips, distracting her.

“That's right. I'm sorry.”

He stood, taking her in his arms. “You taste so good.” His lips slid across hers, then pressed deep. When her mouth opened on a sigh, he slid deep and provoking. He set her on the table and stepped between her legs, but her long dress restricted him from pushing deep. He growled and grabbed the hem and started shoving the gown up to the tops of her thighs.

Arianna couldn't find her tongue long enough to voice her protest, because it felt thick and clunky in her mouth.

He pressed into her, his body warming her. He was just so hot. His hands settled on her waist and then, with a jerk, he scooted her forward pressing himself to the vee of her legs. She gasped, startled, as a flood of wetness escaped her. A fiery blush stole over her cheeks.

“This is inappropriate,” she whispered.

His lips found her neck, wreaking havoc with lips, tongue and teeth. Arianna couldn't hold her head up, it was too heavy, and it fell to the side. Not only that, but suddenly her entire body felt too heavy. She just wanted to fall back against the table and pull his heavy body atop hers and rub the spot aching between her legs against him. Just thinking such wild thoughts made her flush down to her toes.

His teeth caught at the juncture of her throat, imprisoning her. Pleasure bloomed from the bite, spreading to her chest, stomach, and legs. Strange things were happening in her body, tightening, heating, spasming; all from his simple touches. Her mouth opened to try to suck in more air.

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