“Why?” she panted. “Why did you stop?”

His hands reached for his pants and started to untie the laces. Her gut clenched. “Because we're going out together, Ari. The first time together.”

Her heart fluttered with panic...and excitement. He was going to take her? Here and now? Yes! She wanted it, she actually, really, desperately, wanted it. The ache inside her actually hurt since he left her hanging. The building surge she'd reached didn't fade but fell back into the background as she watched him. His pants dropped in a whoosh of fabric. She glanced between his legs then quickly turned her head to the side as a fiery burned blazed up her cheeks and nose. Improper, this was beyond improper!

From the corner of her eye, she watched him grip the stiff dark cock between in his legs. He wrapped his fingers around the shaft and stroked it up and down.

“Look at me,” he said. She shook her head, squeezing her eyes shut. “I said look at me, Arianna.”

She hesitantly obeyed the order, peeling first one eye open then the other. He leaned forward, resting his arm next to her hip as his wicked hand moved up and down that dark shaft.

“Do you want my cock inside of you, Ari?”

A hard pang throbbed inside her at his question, but she shook her head. He chuckled, the sound deep and husky.

“Don't lie to me. You're so wet you're practically dripping.”

Another blush blew over her, flaming her face, but she didn't look away. Instead she pursed her lips and glared at him until she saw the laughter floating in his gaze.

“Sit up, Ari.” She did. If it meant reaching that incredible precipice with him again, she'd do anything. “Now touch me.”

She froze, her fingers twitching, palms itching. She knew exactly what he meant, and she did want to do it. She wanted to know what he felt like in her hand, but she had no clue how. It didn't matter though because he took her hand and wrapped her fingers around his shaft.

Some internal, feminine response inside her made her moan at the feel of him. He was hard, thick, and long but soft as velvet. His breathing stuttered as she trailed her hand up and down him feeling the soft skin glide along her palm.

He growled then wrapped his hand around her neck and brought her in for a kiss. He kissed like a man out of control. Her reckless spirit jumped up and down that she’d made him feel so. That she’d done this to him. His tongue thrust into her mouth and she moaned as more wetness spilled between her legs. Touching his shaft and feeling his thick tongue thrusting inside her mouth created a heady sensation. Made her think wild thoughts about what it would be like to have that shaft between her lips.

He tore his mouth away and buried his face in her neck. The touch came, surprising, but sure.

A hot palm cupped her between her legs, fingers sliding, gliding across her wet flesh in stroking moves. He sucked at her neck, pulling her skin between his teeth until she shivered beneath him.

“Keep stroking me,” he growled, his words so low she barely heard him.

She followed his order and forced her hand to move up and down like she'd seen him do. But it wasn't enough and she needed to be closer to him, so she wrapped her free hand around his neck and held him close. He must have liked it because he groaned and bit her earlobe.

The hand between her legs parted her folds then circled her needy bud again and again, the touch light and gentle. It didn't matter; she quivered like a freezing woman. But she felt anything but cold, far from it. She burned inside, perspiration coated her skin from the heat of it. He slid his fingers along her, so easily from her wetness. Yet he wasn't embarrassed about it, in fact, he seemed to like it.

“Sweet, sweet woman.”

When his fingers trailed around her entrance, the place where no man had ever taken her, she tensed, her fist clasping him tightly. Another deep soul-shaking groan left him as he slowly, carefully, eased a finger inside of her.

She cried out, little moans coming again and again as she took in the sensations. It felt good, amazing, her flesh enclosed around him as he slid his finger out and back in again in a rocking motion. Her whole body loved it, wanted more of it, because while it brought something powerful out inside her, the empty ache inside her throbbed deeper. In a place where his finger couldn't reach.

“Touch me,” he demanded and his hand came up to cup the back of her head, threading through her hair and probably ruining the work she'd put into it today. But none of that mattered in the least because his thick finger pumped inside her again and again making her pant like a dog.

She moved her fist as her own passion went wild. Her grip tightened and her strokes came faster. It was as if through the pleasure she received she could give it back to him mindlessly. A sticky wetness covered her fingers, wetting them and she didn't know what it was, but it excited her.

The arm around his neck tightened, her breathing came in loud pants as her eyes squeezed closed. The finger inside her became two and she kicked out her legs, wrapping them around his thighs so she could rock her hips against him. His breathing stuttered against her neck as he came back at her mouth to claim her again.

She was lost in him. In his tongue dancing in her mouth, the hot rigid flesh in her hand, the tortuous pleasure he stirred between her legs. She must look like some kind of animal clinging to him, making gaudy noises, but she didn’t care at all. She only wanted one thing.

His palm flattened against her sex and began squeezing against her as his fingers worked—in and out, in and out. Pump, pump, squeeze.

The pleasure rose inside her like a great wave. Moans and gasps cried out from her throat and her hand worked him up and down, faster, faster. He kissed her harder and she knew they were both on the same wave length, riding the rising tide together.

And when it peaked, her entire body froze for a long moment, everything blanking, time seeming to stand still. Then it all came rushing back down in a great heave. She screamed as crushing pleasure exploded inside her. His lips pulled back and he shouted, the stiff member in her hand pumping, growing thicker, getting much hotter, and then warm wet splashes landed on her waist, her hip.

The fingers inside her slowed until they barely moved. Alrik breathed in ragged, jarring breaths just like she did.

He pulled away slowly and looked down at her legs. She followed his gaze. One brow flew up at the white substance covering parts of her hip to the thatch of hair between her legs. She reached out and touched it, finding it warm, creamy, and a little sticky.

His hands stroked up her thighs and hips. “Perfect.” She didn't reply because his voice sounded far away like an afterthought.

He pulled a white kerchief out of his pocket and wiped the substance off her stomach. After, he helped her to stand and let the dress fall down around her. As she leaned heavily against the table, her legs not quite stable yet, she watched him pull up his pants and tie them. She had to hold the top of her dress together. The table was littered with the small buttons that had held the back of the dress together.

A chill ran over her at his distant expression. She didn't know what to expect in regards to him with anything. Was he going to peck her forehead and bid her farewell now? Then call upon her when his need arose? Bitterness filled her, anger made her stiffen. If that was the case...then he'd be sorry.

He finished dressing then looked at her. Shock resonated through her core. His eyes...they looked almost violet like they used to. He cupped her cheek, his thumb rubbing her. She swallowed hard and when he leaned down to kiss her, she savored it.


Kearnyn took the company's bulletproof SUV over to Rosa's shop. The drive was short and with each mile closer he forgot about Telal and his problems and grew antsy with excitement.

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