“I understand that. I was married.”

An eyebrow flew up. It shouldn't surprise her, but it did. She didn’t analyze the spark of jealous that flared up. “What happened? I mean where is she?” She didn’t know him well but she didn't figure him for the kind of man to just end something easily. He was a fighter by heart; he'd deck it out until the end.

He sighed softly. “It was a long time ago. Her name was Moira. We were married for a long time, but that ended a long time ago.”

She shouldn't probe, but she was dying to know. “May I ask why you aren't with her anymore?” she asked in a quiet voice. She wanted to make sure he knew he could back out of this line of questioning if he wanted to.

“She was killed,” he said, his voice thick with emotion. “She fought in The Great War. She was a great fighter. Got killed when we were outnumbered.”

Rosa processed that like a snail. A warrior? A female warrior fighting for the Atal Warriors. She'd never heard such a thing. Though her death happened a thousand years ago, she could still hear the pain in his voice. Her heart panged with guilt at having brought it up.

“I'm sorry.” The useless words sounded incredibly insufficient in the context of things.

His big shoulder lifted in a shrug. “It was a long time ago. I've moved on, Rosa.”

The way he said her name made her breath catch. He said it softly, like a man who really liked something. Rosa quickly diverted her gaze out the window to hide another stupid blush. If this kept up she'd end up with permanent pink cheeks. Ridiculous how she was acting. She was a grown woman; she could control herself better than this.

“We're here.”

Nodding, Rosa reached for the door handle. Warm fingers wrapped around her arm, stopping her in her tracks. “Don't,” he said.

As he walked around the car, her heart started pounding faster and faster.

I'm going to kiss you today.


Because I really, really want to.

Her breathing couldn't stay even as he reached the door and opened it. Her lips, her body, everything tightened in anticipation. He took her hand and helped her out of the car. For a moment they were so close she could feel the blazing heat radiating off of him. She swayed a little on her feet and bravely met his gaze.

Strong, sure eyes met hers, glowing with barely-contained heat. His arm reached by her and she tensed, a small gasp left her, but he didn't wrap his arm around her as she thought he would. Instead, he closed the car door behind her and nodded toward the shop.

“Come on, let's get you inside.”

Rosa blinked several times to clear the foggy haze around her. It worked—somewhat. It took her two tries to get the key in the lock and turn it. The welcoming scents of coffee, incense, and fresh herbs greeted her making her smile. It felt good to be home. While she'd never admit it, she didn't really like leaving her shop. It was her home. She knew she was somewhere between mildly agoraphobic and reclusive, but luckily not quite that severe.

She made it halfway through the shop to the little sitting area before she turned back around. “Can I get you anything?” Like the kiss you promised me? She wanted it. Badly. She wanted to try it, to feel (hopefully) sensual excitement rush through her blood and make her heart race in the way that only a certain kind of man could do. She frowned as she saw he still stood at the doorway.

His head jerked to the side and she frowned with disappointment.

“I need to get back to Telal actually. I kind of left things when maybe I shouldn't have.” He sounded different, hesitant.

“Yes, of course.” Her chest suddenly felt hollow like several key pieces were missing.

He must have seen her disappointment because he cursed. “Ah, hell.”

He strode towards her, one of his long steps eating up what two of hers made. With each step closer, her heart beat faster, harder, louder. Her chest shuttered, trying to draw in air, and then he stopped before her. One strong arm swept around her waist and smoothly pulled her against him.

“I told myself I wouldn't do this because you looked so nervous.”

“Not nervous!” she said, her voice high.

His eyes softened, darkened, and then his mouth pulled into a wicked grin that curled her toes. He didn’t make her wait long but gave her exactly what she'd been thinking about since he warned her.

He pulled her up against him until she felt like she could roll around in his scent, in his strong chest. His head lowered, her lashes fell. Just a hint of his touch passed across her lips, the touch so light it could have been a number of things. But she knew it was his lips because his breath blew gently across hers. As if he'd asked her something not communicated by words, her lips parted.

Only then did he kiss her. But “kiss” didn't adequately describe it. His lips molded against hers and his tongue took advantage of her parted lips and swept inside. A hot rush imploded inside her. All at once, she needed so much more.

With a needy sound, she flung her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. Licking, thrusting, and learning his mouth, his heady masculine taste, the raspy touch of his tongue. But what caught her off guard, what made her core melt in need, was the fangs. She'd already forgotten, maybe because he didn't look like a vampire, maybe because he didn't run around hissing and showing them off like a teenager. But as she dipped her tongue inside she passed his fangs, two sharp points that could easily penetrate her.

He groaned a deep husky sound that came from deep in his chest. One big arm wrapped around her shoulders and lifted her until only her toes touched the floor. Even then he had to lean down because he was so much taller than her. But his other hand slid down her back and cupped one cheek in a possessive touch. She squirmed, her hold on him tightening as every part of her body burned for more. To be in a man’s arms again was thrilling, made her blood quicken. She felt needed, wanted, desired as a woman should be.

She grew wetter, hotter. Their uneven breaths panted against each other as they both fought to find the best angle, the best means of penetration. The need in her core grew to distracting levels. She needed relief, so she arched forward and caught his erection with her hips.

He groaned, pumped his hips once. And then he thrust away from her, and bent over his knees breathing like he'd just run a race. Rosa took a step towards him, her hands reaching. He'd started something and she needed him to finish it, finish her.

He held out his hand and she froze. “Don't come any closer. Damn.” He dragged in a deep breath and stood. “That was amazing. I have to go before I do something...” His smoldering gaze trailed over his body. “Yeah, before I do something.”

He stalked to the door, his hand pausing on the door handle, and then he turned it and left.


Lily awoke feeling groggy but not too bad considering her night. She had to remember to call her sisters and tell them about the woman in prison...her mother. She still couldn't believe it. It seemed impossible that she was even alive after nearly twenty-nine years, but strangely, it had to be true. And that gave her hope. If Rosa's vision proved true then at least she could try to free her mother before she died. And if she had any say in it, she wouldn't be dying.

That bitter thought sent her scurrying across the room to her potions. She made up her special juice and chugged. As the pervading warmth and happiness spread through her, she checked her injuries but decided the dull pain in her arms wasn't worth another pain potion. She felt a thousand times better after the juice filled her system, like a hot air balloon floating high in the sky.

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