Just in case he thought to back away now, she squeezed her limbs tighter around him.

His hips retreated, dragging sweetly along those tender unused muscles. An incoherent moan followed from her lips. Then he struck her again, harder, possessively. Her barrier felled in the single thrust and he buried himself all the way inside, reaching so far, spreading her so far around him. He seemed rooted deeply inside her, and he stretched her so wide that surely he was meant to fill her.

Her lips parted at the unusual, erotic sensation. Beneath her fingertips she felt the muscles tremble in his shoulders and back. A wicked smile curled her lips. She lifted her hips, rocking against him and another moan came. The initial sting from the barrier breaking faded leaving only this incredible perfect feeling inside her.

“Dreenaru finishama slinah,” he growled.

She couldn't stop rocking her hips against him. “What does that mean?” She mumbled the words, they sounded dry and hoarse from the lack of saliva in her throat. All the liquid in her body seemed to pool around his cock inside her to make his movements glide.

He didn't answer her, but pulled his hips back, dragging his hard shaft through her, then pushing back in again. That started the rhythm that would sweep her up and making her see stars.

Incredible, powerful feelings swept over her. The need in her belly grew bigger, hotter, tighter. He pushed in and she rocked her hips against him, again and again. They created a sensual rhythm. His breathing grew heavier, faster and she swore his cock grew bigger inside her, or maybe she'd tightened around him?

Cries left her that she'd never heard herself make and he was right there with her, moaning, groaning, and thrusting into her with powerful strikes that worked her inner tissues so wickedly.

Her cries grew deeper, more guttural as he hit a spot inside her that pulled everything she felt into a tight ball in her belly. He pumped faster, his sleek cock spearing through her, sending them both toward ecstasy.

His name fell from her ragged lips again and again.

“Come, come for me,” he panted in a pained voice.

And just like that she did. The hands cupping her ass squeezed tighter and his thrust landed hard, pounding against something that detonated her orgasm. She screamed a strangled, hoarse cry as waves of hot, burning pleasure raced through her, shaking her, burning her down to her curled toes.

His long cry echoed hers as he pulled up and grabbed her hips in his hands then thrust into her with a fierce determined passion. It only took a few thrusts before he landed deep, groaning, and spilled himself.

She jerked, hands twisting in the sheets at the sensation that was unlike anything she'd ever felt. She could feel him shoot inside her; it was a rhythmic sexual thing that made her breasts arch towards him and her hips rock against him to prolong it for him.

He collapsed on top of her, breathing like he'd just run up Mount Everest with a hundred pounds of gear on his back. Their flushed skin stuck together with a hint of sweat but she didn't mind. Her entire body felt like it floated ten feet off the bed. Every muscle in her body felt more limber than it'd ever felt.

Closing her eyes, she rubbed her hands up and down his back and simply enjoyed the moment, the feel of a man in her arms. Her heart felt funny at the thought, and she scolded herself. Now wasn’t the time to get sentimental. That'd scare him off faster than she could say the word “love.” Which, she corrected quickly, she did not feel. Though there were definitely some strong emotions she felt for him. Maybe that's what an orgasm did to a girl though?

With a sigh, he slid off her and rolled onto his back, his eyes trained on the ceiling.

“How do you feel?” she asked.

His lips almost pulled into a smile. “Shouldn't I be asking you that?” he countered.

“I've never felt better.” It was the truth.

She felt as though if she looked at herself in the mirror right now she'd be glowing. Her body burned with simmering warmth, her muscles felt loose but strong. A thought struck her. It almost felt like when she drank her juice. She frowned and quickly forced the thought away. She didn’t need that shit right now.

She got up and started pulling her clothes on. She had to see her sisters and tell them about everything that happened, about their mother. When she came back from the bathroom she found him still lounged on the bed, his arms behind his head like a pillow, his legs kicked out long and slightly open.

Her eyes strayed to his cock and her lips suddenly felt dry. Her tongue darted out to wet them.

Lazily he said, “I wouldn't look at my cock like that. Unless you want to taste it.”

His deep voice sent chills down her body and just like that butterflies danced around in her stomach again. Hell, she even felt a blush color her cheeks. So much for keeping her cool.

“Um, I'd love to. Another time, I promise.” Even as she said it, she really meant it. She'd never tasted a man like that, and the thought of having him slide hard between her lips sent a thrill straight to her clitoris. “I just have to meet up with my sisters. It's important.”

Without a word, he started to dress too. Only he grabbed a clean suit from the closet, which was neatly pressed and ready to wear. He seemed a little distant from her but she'd expected that. To make a connection so fast to someone, especially to her, had to be hard on him. She almost chuckled. God, a penny for his thoughts though. She really wanted to know what raced around in the clever cogs up there. Did he plan to never sleep with her again? To force her out of his building once and for all? How would he react in a few weeks when her new moon hit?

A wave of arousal floated over her and she actually wobbled on her feet. She had no doubt that if he wanted to, he'd make her new moon experience incredible. But would he be her Protector for real? Would he pleasure her nearly every day like she'd need? The thought sent her mood spiraling down so quickly she plastered on a smile and strode to him, wrapping her arms around his waist.

He looked hesitant, but when she stood on her toes he came down and kissed her, his hand sliding along her jaw, his thumb caressing her chin. She thought the touch felt completely possessive but she was sure her mind made that up to improve her mood.

With a little smile she said, “I'll see you later.”

He nodded without a word and she left feeling torn in two extremely different directions. God she hoped her sisters could help.


Alrik paced in the study. Back and forth, back and forth.

He didn't turn when the door opened. He knew who it was. The swishing of her dress against the floor gave her away. The door closed then the soft clicking of heels approached.

“Well, this has all been interesting,” his mother said.

Alrik almost snorted. That was putting it lightly. “I'm having trouble grasping it myself.”

His mother took a seat and smiled up at him with painted red lips. “Please son, take a seat and relax.”

He shook his head. “I can't relax. Too much on my mind.”

“Oh?” Her eyes widened then she opened her reticule and pulled out a slender vial plugged by a cork. “Why don't you take some of this? You know it always helps you to relax.”

He waved her off. “I don't need that.”

She didn't say anything for a moment. “How did it feel to see Telal after all these years?” Her voice was calm and inquiring but he knew her better than that. Rather she realized it or not. He knew she must be fuming at Telal's unannounced encounter the other night.

Sighing, he went to the sidebar and started to pour himself a stiff drink. Then he cursed and just took the whole bottle with him. He paced, interchanging his steps with swigs of the strong brew.

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