Lily caught his expression and smiled, knowingly. “Yeah, you like it.” She crossed her arms with a satisfied expression.

He sighed. “I do.”

She came up beside him, a little smirk on her face. “Now you just need to learn to ride so I can go with you.”

“How would we fit on there?” A part of him was surprised he'd even asked. But then he remembered his plan had been foiled; there really was no reason to push her away anymore. Besides, not that he'd ever admit it to her, but he wanted her again. He hadn't touched her nearly enough since their first time. He had so much more to explore with her. Plus, he'd had a lingering hangover at the time and hadn't been able to etch into memory everything like he wanted to.

She moved to stand in front of him and he had to crane his neck down to look at her. Her eyes were warm and inviting. Or maybe he just saw what he wanted to see?

“By me holding real tight to you.” The image flashed in his mind. Him driving her on a dark night, the wind flying past them, the vibrations of the roaring bike rocking between them. She’d wrap her dainty arms around him, squeezing him tight with her legs pressed against the back of his.

Suddenly, he was grabbing her hand and hauling her back through the lobby.

“Hey, what're you doing?” She sounded breathless and he wanted to roar. She wanted him. He made for the elevator then thought better of it and practically ran down the hallway to the stairs. Once inside the stairs he tugged her up about two flights before he stopped and pushed her back against the wall, his body crashing down on hers.


Her wide eyes were beautiful. He'd hated her when he first saw her. She had lush, dark curling hair, a ripe young body, and eyes the color amber and golden brown around a black pupil. The way she'd pursued him without qualm to his history, his demonic ancestry had surprised him, and angered him. He'd taken out his anger by calling her on her foolish actions. He could still remember the night she'd slapped him in front of Lyonis Keelan's cabin. So he'd been late. He still managed to save Lyonis' life.

“Where did you go?” she asked softly.

He blinked and remembered he had her plastered against the wall in the stairwell.

He looked down at her supple body in that flowing pink dress and all of his instincts flared to life.


And then he kissed her.

* * *

Lily moaned at Telal's kiss. If this was how he thanked her for buying him gifts, then she'd remember to buy him one for every day of the week.

His kiss awakened need deep in her belly. Her core ached and grew wet as his tongue slid along hers.. She felt a desperate urgency in his strong hands, in the hard bite of his kiss.

He pulled back. “Are you sore?”

She did feel something lingering inside her. It didn't quite hurt but it felt like she had just learned how to use a muscle that had been inactive all her life. She shook her head and then his mouth crashed back down on hers.

Urgent hands gripped the bottom of her dress, pushing it up roughly to her waist. The cool air on her did nothing to cool the rampant fire burning inside her. His hands fingered the lacy material of her panties then tugged them down with ruthless pulls. Her pulsed raced, roaring in her ears drowning out all other sound. Her skin pulled tight at his touch, awaiting his next caress as if she were made for him.

“Step out of them,” he said, his voice husky and deep. She shivered as she obeyed, kicking the panties away.

His mouth came back on hers but only for a second before diving down to cover her breast over the dress. Her hard nipple easily poked through the material and he found it, teeth tugging on it, sending needy spikes of pleasure straight to her sex. He made her wet, made her squirm, with just the smallest of touches.

“I hope you don't care about this dress,” he said.

“Why?” she asked, her hands spearing into his hair.

He answered her by grabbing the collar of her dress and ripping it nearly down to her waist. Her braless breasts spilled free and he groaned a deep, feral sound like an animal's.

“Beautiful,” he groaned then licked her nipple before sucking the hard tip into his mouth.

She shivered at the raw sensation, her hips starting a rocking rhythm. One hand came up to mold her other breast, to hold it, then his mouth devoured that nipple in a sucking rhythmic fashion that made her legs tremble.

“Telal,” she moaned.

The sound of a door opening brought them both to a standstill. They both looked up at the staircase that wrapped up to the upper floors. They listened to the footsteps going up another floor and then the door opening and slamming closed.

Telal wasted no time going back to her breast. When a long low moan escaped her, he tore himself away, and kissed her hard. “I could stay there forever. You have perfect tits.”

Her eyes could only widen at the words 'tits'. She didn't recall that term ever being used to her before, but then her shock faded as his hands latched onto her bare ass and he lifted her against the wall.

“No more waiting.”

He pressed his hips against hers to keep her upright and she held on to his shoulders for leverage as he heatedly ripped opened his button and zipper. His beautiful cock sprang free, strikingly hard and a deeper more golden color with his excitement. She licked her lips and knew she wanted him in her mouth. To taste and feel him sliding between her lips.


He looked at her as his pants slid to the floor and his hands once against captured her cheeks. “Soon,” he said in reply as if he knew exactly what she was thinking, and then his cock nudged her wet entrance and pushed inside.

Their choked moans rang out in the stairwell, echoing back at them. Her tight muscles made him work to fit all the way in and he did, pushing, and rocking in and out until he buried himself all the way in. And then he did it again until he had a pounding hard rhythm inside her.

“Fuck,” she moaned, her eyes unable to stay open at the exquisite, erotic sensations he touched inside her. Each thrust hit her clitoris, making the little bundle of nerves tingle and tighten the muscles in her body.


His lips found her swaying breasts and he didn't stop taking her for a second. And that's exactly what he was doing—pounding, hammering into her with hungry, hard thrusts.

She managed to keep her mouth shut for all of five seconds before the pleasure was too much for her. Her jaw fell open and cries, moans, desperate sounds escaped, escalating higher and higher as he moved faster, harder until her ass bounced off the wall.

She held on tight to him, pushing more of her breast into his hungry mouth. He groaned and the sound vibrated over her sensitive nipple down to her sex that he worked in hungry thrusts.

The hot need inside her curled in a tight ball of pleasure. He sucked hard on her breast and landed deep, and that was all it took. She choked on a scream, some sound between a moan and his name. Crashing waves pounded inside her. She shook wildly, her hips rocking against him, her nails biting into his scalp as erotic, pulsing pulls trembled raged inside her like a storm.

Telal was right there with her. Burying his face in her neck, he shoved through her milking muscles and then growled, the sound so deep and sensual, her body pulled tight. With a hard thrust, he held himself deep and jetted how and wet inside her.

Breathing hard, they slowly fell to the ground together, him still buried deeply inside her. Using her weak hands, she pulled his face up from her neck and kissed him slowly, gently. He didn't respond at first, still struggling with his labored breathing but when his lips claimed hers, her heart pulled so tight she thought she might cry.

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