“Aww, you remembered my birthday.” She took a seat in the chair across from his desk and smiled her big beautiful smile that made everyone putty. He didn't even look up at her.

After a long moment he said, “Do you require a doctor?” The hand holding the pen tightened as he pushed harder on the paper.

“Already saw one. Had a helluva time trying to get to you.”

“How awful.” He didn’t bother to hide the sarcasm in his voice. “Leave it to you to be completely inept at something as simple as making an appointment.”

She laughed and his hand stilled on the paper. She looked at him with a lazy smile. She wished she didn't hurt everywhere, this was not how she'd wanted this first day to go. She wanted to cozy up to him and start pushing all his buttons—which would make him loosen up—eventually.

“Oh please, don't act like if I'd made an appointment you'd see me.” He looked up from his paperwork, eyes narrowing on her. She was instantly taken with his eyes just as she'd been when she first saw them. Golden eyes surrounding a pitch-black pupil, and even then there were layers to the gold. It started light near pupil like sparkling sand in the sun then grew darker towards the rim like sorghum.

“It's rude to stare,” he said in a hard voice.

“It's rude to stare right back.” His mouth flattened before he went back to writing. “What are you working on?”

His silence greeted her. Lily let him have his way for a good minute before she leaned forward, planting her elbows on his desk and cradling her chin in her hand to watch him. His hand stilled then slowly his head lifted to look at her.

“You have beautiful eyes.”

His eyes widened, mouth opening in the perfect expression of shock. “You are truly mad.”

“I may be odd but that's far from mad.”

He sat back in his chair, glaring at her. “What is it you wanted to see me about?”

She shrugged. “I'm ready to move in with you, that's all.”

For a moment he looked as though he'd laugh, then his lips clamped shut, and he moved in his seat to get more comfortable. Slowly he shook his head at her.

“Ms. Bellum I know you are not well in the mind, but even you must know that you will never stay with me. I will not be your Protector no matter what your father's will said. Do you understand me? Or perhaps I should say it slower?”

Lily clinched her jaw to keep from reaching out and slapping his cheek. I do not believe in violence. I do not believe in violence. Closing her eyes, she took several deep meditating breaths until her muscles relaxed again.

“If you do not abide by my Papa's will then I'll see to it that the law enforces it.”

His jaw slowly slid left. Golden eyes twitched with anger. “You really wish to threaten me, lilit?

She smiled sweetly. “Oh, it's not a threat. Just the truth.”

His jaw dropped and she couldn't help but laugh. She sighed, he was just so much fun. Curse her wrecked body right now, she could easily be sitting in his lap if she didn't hurt like the entire NFL had used her for tackling practice.

He stood slowly until his tall imposing body created a shadow over her. She'd have stood, too, but that would take a lot of effort. He gave her a look that held so much anger. She leaned back in her seat in an involuntary reaction.

Then, without a word, he left the room. The only reaction he gave to express his anger was the slamming of the door after him which shook the frame and hurt her ear drums.

“Darn.” Bracing herself on the arm of the chair, she gingerly stood and went after him at a much slower pace. She opened the door in time to see him having a conversation with a man who had short dark hair and a set of green eyes to swoon for.

“Get a car outside, now,” Telal said.

“Going somewhere?” she said, wobbling to him.

He didn't spare her a glance. “You are.”

She made a tsking sound with her tongue. “Okay, but am I really that bad? I mean, I was in a car accident that put me in the hospital,” she said as if she were ticking off items on a list. His eyebrow cocked. “Then I woke up to find my boots missing, hence the bare feet and cute toes.” Those golden eyes fell to her feet and his full lips pulled down into a frown. “And then a nurse slams the door into my face. See item number three, my bandaged nose.” His eyes surveyed her nose with only minute interest. “And then I get here only to find your place locked up tighter than the Pentagon and I get a rifle butt to the head for all my trouble.” She touched the bump the size of a baseball at the back of her head with a wince.

He watched her with an unreadable expression. She stared right back, hiding nothing. “You were in a car accident?”

“I drove my bike into the back of some guy's car. Wasn't pretty.”

“You're foolishness apparently holds no bounds, Ms. Bellum.”

“Maybe.” She hid the hurt his words caused behind a shrug.

“Sir, should I order the car?” The guard darted curious glances back and forth between them.

When Telal watched her she felt as if she had his complete unwavering attention. It was actually unnerving as hell and almost made her want to look away. But that would be cowardly which was the last thing she was.

“Leave us.”

The guard looked at Telal in surprise then quickly left the room. Telal crossed his arms across his big chest; his cerulean blue hair was pulled back with a tie which served to make him look stricter in his suit and shiny black loafers. Too bad suits were his clothing of choice because the demon would look fine in leather...or nothing.

He looked away, his eyes lost in thought. “You've put me in a difficult position.”

“I know.”

He shook his head. “You have one night and then you're gone. Do you understand me?”

“Why of course,” she agreed, giving him her winning smile that made all the males sigh.

“I'll have Kearnyn show you to a room, and then I want you gone first thing in the morning. Zero questions. Do you understand?” He took a step closer as if he was trying to intimidate her.

Lily took a step forward too, putting them only inches apart. Something dark flared in his eyes before he narrowed them on her...in warning. She felt as though she was playing with some beast that had been caged for far too long, but that didn't stop her from running just the tips of her fingers down his shirt. She didn't press to feel his chest underneath, only lingered down along the little white buttons of his shirt enough to feel the heat from his body.

He tensed like she'd just pulled a gun on him and then she let her hand drop. The door opened behind her and the green-eyed man came back in. “It's time for the conference.”

Telal lifted his eyes from hers and the connection snapped like thread. “Fine, show Ms. Bellum to a room then gets her out of here first thing in the morning.”

He turned and disappeared back into his bedroom.

With a small smile, Lily followed the dark-haired, green-eyed soldier down the hallway to the elevators. When he noticed how slowly she walked, he slowed his pace.

“What's your name?”

He looked surprised and didn't answer for a minute as if he contemplated answering. “Kearnyn.”

“That's an interesting name.” The elevator dinged and they got in. He pressed a number on the pad and the elevator moved swiftly, quietly down.

“I'll come and get you at six in the morning. I suggest you be ready.”

She chuckled. She had no intention of doing any of that. “Sure thing.”

The elevator doors opened to show another long hallway, this one with about a dozen doors on either side of the hall. He went to the first one and opened it with a key that looked like a credit card. He stood at the door as she went inside, surveying the surroundings.

The room looked like an elegant, upscale hotel room equipped with a flat screen TV, a speaker system, and four-poster bed.

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