Only after he watched her play with her breasts with that hungry gaze for a minute did he go back down. He licked her everywhere, tasting every inch of her; even sucking her lips into his mouth in one of the most erotic sensations she'd ever felt.

Her clitoris felt so tight and needy like the barest of touches would set her off. He growled and set his mouth over it, flicking slowly, drawing little circles and zigzags across the nerves. Her breath raked in and out hard. Her hips pumped, her skin burned hot.

The climax hit her hard in a bright explosion that blinded her, robbed her of breath. Everything pulled tight then released in an instant. He never had to move his tongue fast, just that slow swirling brought a scream from her, made her hands squeeze her breasts hard. It faded slowly, leaving her feeling incredibly warm and almost numb. If he asked her to lift her arm it would take great effort to do so.

As her mind drifted back down to earth, she felt his finger thrusting inside her. She was so wet, so much more now from her orgasm, that he easily passed inside. Another finger entered and widened her in an incredibly way. Lily felt a hard pounding ache inside her and she realized the orgasm was only the tip of the iceberg. She needed his cock, needed him to appease the emptiness.


“Dreenaru gina slinah.”

He slid up her body, pulling one leg onto his shoulder as he did. He looked feral, possessive, and so sexy it hurt. His strong hand ran down her thigh then slapped her bottom. He sat on his knees, his cock dark and golden, hard as steel between them. He gripped his cock in a fist, his other hand massaged the cheek he'd spanked, then he pushed it against her entrance and pushed inside on a hard thrust. All of her muscles eased around him, fitting him like a glove.

He groaned, his head tossing back and then he took her. His thrusts were hard, punishing. Her wet pussy took him easily, smoothly. She felt spread open from his thick cock, the little nerves shooting sparks of pleasure throughout her from the tips of her hair to her toes. Each thrust landed against her clitoris spiking the erotic sensation even more.

His face was drawn in a mask of sensual pleasure. His eyes swept to her breasts and then, as if watching them jiggle with each thrust was too much, he reached forward and cupped one, tugging the nipple.

“I cannot take much more,” he gritted out.

Lily couldn't either. He released her leg then came over her, crushing his mouth to hers, tongue thrusting against hers. She held him tight, her nails digging in at his shoulders. Noises left her throat, muted by his lips and her hips rocked harder, faster as his pounding thrusts built to a crescendo. Her pleasure spiked and she had to tear her mouth away to scream as her entire body jerked against him. He groaned long and hard as her pussy squeezed him trying to wring his release from him. His teeth found her neck and bit down and then he slammed inside and held himself there as a hot wash of liquid jetted inside her.

They stayed locked together for some time. When he started to doze off while still inside her, she shook him and he rolled over, pulling her on top of him. With a soft smile, she fell asleep in his arms feeling good for the first time all day.


Arianna stroked the petal of a blood-red rose. The scents of sultry, sweet, and earthy flowers rose from the garden, teasing her senses. She cut the sharp pricks off the stem of the bloom then cut the stem.

Holding the big bloom to her nose, she pushed her nose into it and sniffed. The delicate scent always brought a smile to her face.

Celine strolled towards her holding several white and pink roses in her grasp. She hadn't smiled in days, not since the theatrics in the throne room. Since the Queen was declared a traitor and banned from the lands. But now a smile covered her face and her eyes glowed. Being around flowers always had that effect on her.

“You seem to be feeling better,” said Celine.

Arianna's brow flew up. “Me? You're the one who's been all dreary these past couple days.”

Celine laughed, shaking her head. “You've been depressed. Sure I've been shaken with all the drama going on. I mean how could I not be?” She ran a finger down the stem of her roses. In a quiet voice she asked, “Have you seen him lately?”

Arianna grimaced. She didn't want to speak of Alrik. She felt so conflicted about everything going on. The news of the Queen’s treachery had been like a blow to everyone. Even Arianna hadn't seen that coming. In a sick, demented way it made sense, though. All the dark changes in Alrik that had taken place after the rift closed made sense now.

“I haven't seen him since he banished the Queen. He hasn't called upon me.” She didn't know how to feel about that. She had wanted to go to him to see how he was. A part of her had wondered if his hair would be that beautiful reddish brown again, his eyes that vibrant violet. But she'd stayed away because what if it wasn't? What if he looked the same, was the same? She wasn't sure she could handle that.

“Do you think her spell is why he's changed so much over the years?”

Arianna shrugged. “I think so. It would explain it. I thought he had just let his anger consume him. Maybe I was wrong.” I hope I was wrong.

Celine watched her closely. Arianna shifted, discomforted under her scrutiny. “You care for the king, don't you?”

Arianna exhaled a shaky breath. “I...I might. I don't know.” She felt torn between the passion he stirred in her and the cruel streak he carried. She wanted to tell Celine about how he'd stolen her journal but kept her lips shut. For some reason, the thought of making him look bad didn't feel right with her.

A tinkling noise brought Arianna around. A servant came forward carrying a silver tray laden with a kettle and tea cups. Arianna directed him to the table and chairs besides the flowers and he set it down.

“Thank you.” The servant bowed then started back towards the house.

“It's all right if you care for him,” Celine said, taking a seat. “Perhaps you can help to change him back to how he used to be. With his mother gone, the black magic around him should fade.”

Arianna nodded in thought. “Perhaps. I think...I think I'd like that,” she admitted. Celine set a saucer and teacup in front of them then poured the tea.

“It could benefit everyone if you did.”

“How so?”

“He might be more lenient. More...right-minded, don't you think?”

Arianna had thought about it. To have the kingdom feeling healthy and positive once again almost seemed impossible to achieve. But maybe. There was always hope. Arianna took a sip of her tea. She recoiled, the burning hot tea stinging her tongue. Hissing, she quickly set the teacup down, sloshing some of the mixture on the saucer.

Celine patted her on the back. “Are you okay?”

Suddenly a stifling energy filled the air. Arianna turned slowly to see Alrik striding for her, his expression almost violent. She flinched at the look in his eyes. Black energy swirled like twining snakes in a bowl in his irises.

“King Alrik?”

He grabbed her arm hard and jerked her to a stand. “Who hurt you?” She blanched at his voice. It was so much deeper than it normally was, almost garbled together.

“No one. No one hurt me.” Her eyes were wide with fear, her breaths coming in pants. The urge to yank her arm back and try to run, even knowing she'd never get away from him, was almost too strong to deny.

“I heard you gasp. You're in pain.”

Celine stood and even her voice trembled. “She burnt her tongue while drinking tea. It was too hot, your highness.” Arianna didn't spare her a glace; she was too caught up in the sight of his eyes. Something was wrong—very wrong. Her heart deflated as hope dried up. She'd really hoped he'd be different, like his old self again. He almost seemed...worse.

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