Telal led them to the man. “Do you have a phone here?”

The man squinted up at them as he put the gas hose back in its compartment. “Yup, but it'll cost you to use it.”

“You don't have a pay phone?” asked Lily.

He shook his head and hitched his thumbs in his overalls. “Nah, haven't seen one of them in years. Everyone has cell phones nowadays, don'tcha know? You can use Betty's cell but it'll cost you twenty bucks.”

Telal pulled a wad of bills out of his back pocket and handed a crisp fifty to the man. “Where's Betty?” he asked.

The man nodded towards the gas station. “Inside, tell her Rick sent you.”

They went inside and found Betty in a seat behind the cash register. She sat in a lawn chair with a fan blowing straight on her face and even still sweat slicked her dress to her plump body.

“Rick sent us. Said we could use your cellphone.”

The woman eyed his blue hair with growing disdain. “What are you one of them emo kids?”

Telal didn't say anything, only reached into his back pocket again and pulled out another fifty. “The phone, please.”

The woman scoffed but stood, walking with a limp into a back room then coming back with a black phone.

“You got two minutes on it.”

Lily wanted to say they could have all the time they wanted since they dropped a hundred bucks, but she kept her mouth shut. Telal dialed and she could hear the voice on the other end—Tyrian.

He hung up then pulled her outside of the gas station. Within a minute, Draven appeared with his usual grin.

“I heard you needed a lift.”

The gas station attendant blink, his eyes bulging out of his skull. “We probably shouldn't have done this in front in front of the human.”

Telal shrugged. “Get us out of here.”

Draven touched their arms and then the world faded around. They appeared in Tyrian's study. Chloe was there and she flung herself into Lily's arms before she'd even got her bearings.

“Hey, sis.”

“God, I was so worried.”

“Why?” Her heart felt strange and she fought the urge to blush at her sister's attention. Her voice sounded like she was trying to hold herself together.

“We heard about Telal's headquarters. You were attacked! Are you okay? Is anyone hurt?”

Lily shook her head. “No, but Telal was poisoned.”

Tyrian nodded. “You should see our healer, Nanu. She's very skilled. She may have something to help.”

“There is no combatting this. I just have to let it run its course and get out of my system.”

Draven disappeared without a word and came back a minute later with Willow, Lyonis, and the baby. Lily melted at the sight of her wrapped in a soft pink blanket.

Willow gave her a one-armed hug. “You okay?”

“Yeah.” Willow pulled her away from the others.

“Listen, I thought about what you said about mom.” Willow let out an unsteady breath. “We're still naming the baby Mary, and... I've come to terms with the fact that she's alive. Now I want to get her back.” Her eyes turned hard with determination—the look that said nothing could get in her way.

“We're going to get her back, I promise.” Relief flooded Willow's eyes making her look sweet.

She walked back to stand beside Telal and listened in on the conversation he was having with Tyrian. “Kearnyn went to Rosa's. I need you to pick them up. They might be after them as well.”

Draven sighed, muttering under his breath. “What am I a taxi?” Then he left and reappeared with Rosa and Kearnyn.

Rosa's face looked ashen, her clothes disheveled. Kearnyn lie prone on the floor. At once, Tyrian ordered for his healer and everything happened in a flurry of movement. Kearnyn was taken to the medical ward. Tyrian and Telal went off with Draven, Henry, and Rayn to speak in private which left Lily with her sisters.

For some reason being around them felt more uncomfortable than usual. She felt as if she'd been leading them on with a lie.

Chloe smiled a little and poked her in the belly. “Happy Birthday.”

Lily blinked then started laughing. That's right. She turned twenty-nine yesterday when the new moon hit. “I completely forget,” she said in all honesty.

“Have you been...feeding?” asked Chloe, a twinkle in her eye.

Lily blushed but grinned. “Till I'm stuffed.” They all laughed and the tension in her shoulders eased.


Telal scrubbed a hand over his haggard face. He felt as if he hadn't had a proper bath in ages. He wanted to sit under a blazing hot spray and scrub his skin until it fell off. Still, he'd get his shower later; now wasn't the time for that.

Tyrian led him down a long corridor and to another smaller room that looked like a library. “Tell me everything,” he said.

Telal took a seat because he felt weak and recapped everything that happened starting with the attack at his home.

“These sound like specially trained assassins.”

“I think they are,” agreed Telal. “They were way too good to take out all of my guards. Those humans were ex-Special Forces, Rangers, and Seals. Not as impervious to damage like we are but skilled at what they do. They dropped like flies next to these demons.”

“Why do you think he wants you dead? You already told him you'd leave him alone.”

Telal shrugged and pressed his thumbs against his eye socket. A throbbing beat stamped against him in his skull and at his temples. The pressure in his head felt tight. “I don't know. He's different. He hates me too. My mother might have put him up to it. Maybe he feels threatened and wants to ensure he doesn't lose the throne.” God, he could never have believed how his brother turned out. Physically altered from the cruel life he'd led. His chest pulled tight and he refrained from burying his face in his hands like he wanted to. He didn't want to think of Alrik, couldn't without the guilt eating away inside of him.

“What are you going to do about it?”

A knock sounded at the door then Alpha Lyonis Keelan came in looking grim. He took a seat with them and leaned forward so his elbows rested on his knees.

“I'm on board for whatever you need, Telal.”

Telal cocked a brow in surprise. After the way he'd last treated the Alpha when his mate had gone missing, that surprised the shit out of him.

“Thank you,” he said finally. The words felt strange coming from his mouth even though he meant it.

Tyrian spoke carefully. “I believe we should be prepared for an attack. I think we should head in there and take out Alrik one way or another. If we catch him, we can subdue him and imprison him. You are the eldest brother and will rightfully gain the throne.”

Telal almost laughed. Subdue his brother? It had to be a joke. His brother was demented and would only give up with a fight to the death—he'd said so himself. Telal didn't know if he could wield the final blow that would end his brother’s life.

“My powers are gone for now.”

“We'll wait until they come back. I can bring some of my people,” Lyonis said. “They are excellent fighters, especially when shapeshifted.”

Telal's head pounded even harder until it felt like his brain was trying to escape. “I don't want innocents to die.” But how could it be done without any casualties?

The aristos lived in the castle. If they planned the timing right then they could attack and try to single out Alrik while the others were in bed, but then there'd still be servants and soldiers in the way. Either way it was risky and people would die.

“Alrik has sent assassins after you and Lily. I don't think he'll stop until you die. Could you let her die, Telal?” asked Tyrian in a soft voice.

Telal stiffened, his heart pounding with a strange emotion. He'd never really thought about it. What if she died? He swallowed hard because the thought made him want to vomit and kill something at the same time.

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