That light slap helped to get his mind moving and he pulled off his clothes like he was trying to win a race. Naked, Lily leapt into his arms, mouth slanting across his, limbs wrapping around his body.

Telal couldn't wait to have her; his cock felt like he'd been building up for her his whole life. It didn't matter that he kept her “fed” every day because she always managed to make him eager and hard.

He flattened her against the mattress and took the tip of her breast into his mouth, rolling the hard bead around and flicking it with his tongue. Her hands dove into his hair and he got the pleasure of watching her body transform. This part he loved. The writhing of her hips, the scissoring of her legs, and the sound of her hard breathing teasing his ears. She was so lovely it hurt. Her hands pulled him to her other breast and he went, pulling that hard bud into his mouth and sucking on it.

He touched her leg, running his hand up and down her smooth skin before passing his thumb over her sex. He touched hot, creamy wetness and groaned, delving his finger in deeper, spreading her open so he could find her bud.

He rubbed it, gently. She went wild in his arms, panting and bucking against him. He wanted to jerk her legs open and fill her up with his cock, spend himself inside of her but he at least had to give her one orgasm first.

He licked his way down her undulating stomach, his hands flattening against her ribs and pressing her down. Her eyes met his, wild and aroused. “Telal,” she breathed.

He nipped at her hip then pushed her legs open, not bothering to be gentle. His mouth found her clitoris and licked around the pleasure center. He thrust a finger inside her and both of their groans filled the air. He thrust inside of her, loving how her walls enclosed around his finger, hot, wet, and squeezing. God, he wanted his cock in there so badly. It took everything in him not to ghost hump the bed as he teased her clitoris.

He could have made it fast, could make her explode in a matter of seconds, but that wasn't fair just because of his impatience. So he built her up. Switching between slow, fluttery licks, and fast, harder ones that bowed her back off the bed. His fingers worked inside of her, pumping, then he added another one and felt her muscles twitching around him. She was going to come. God, his cock felt like it was about to blow right along with her.

Her cries teased his ears, her fingernails scratched his shoulder, mussed up his hair as her body rocked and bucked under him. He danced his tongue on her faster, circling, pumped his fingers in faster and she screamed. Her tight pussy clamped around him, throbbing and pulsating with rhythmic waves that he'd die to feel around his cock right now. She screamed his name, yanked on his hair, then went limp.

He dragged himself up her body, bringing one of her legs over his elbow, then he thrust inside. A harsh groan left him. Her muscles still twitched and squeezed around him. Her channel felt even hotter, even wetter now from her orgasm. He pumped inside of her, filling her with his cock until she wrapped her arms around him and panted in his ear. Nothing had ever been so perfect in his whole life.

He closed his eyes and gave her everything he had, and she took all of it. Meeting him thrust for thrust. She trembled harder, faster as she came onto another climax. He was right there with her, his balls pulled heavy and tight, his cock swelling, and his rhythm faltering.

Her scream sent him over. Her pussy started its delicious, erotic ministrations. Gripping and squeezing, coaxing and pumping around his cock until he couldn't hold it in anymore. He shoved himself inside on her quieting scream and shouted as his cock jerked, spurting hot and long inside her. She wrung everything from him, pulling pleasure from deep within his body.

He felt like he was coming down from a high. Drifting somewhere in space. His lips found hers and whispered words of love were shared.

He started to pull out but her sweet sex stroked his cock, so he thrust back in. His cock started to harden again, her soft breaths turned to soft moans. Then he was taking her again, riding them both up and up until their sweaty bodies clung together in a release that blinded him.

Their lips clung together, neither having enough energy to actually purse their lips to kiss. “Tomorrow, we mate,” he said.

“Okay,” she said, breathless. Her eyes never opened.

He found the energy somehow to pull out of her and spoon against her. He heard her breathing deepen and spoke up before the thought left him.

“Maybe purple.”

“Huh?” she whispered.

“Maybe our children will have violet hair. A mixture of both of us.”

She sighed, a smile curling her lips up. “I like that.”

He thought of the color his brother's eyes used to be. “Yeah, I'd like that too.”


The next morning Lily didn't get to see Telal at all. He was whisked away by peers early in the morning and all he told her was that they would prepare for the mating ceremony and see each other later.

Her stomach danced with butterflies but excitement too. Someone knocked at the door and she answered it, relieved to find her sisters.

“I'm so happy you're here! Come in!” Her sisters tugged her into a hard hug.

“God, we're so happy you're all right,” Chloe said, tears in her eyes. They'd talked over the phone since the big fight in the rift but she hadn't seen them yet.

“Yeah, me too.”

“We're proud of you,” Willow said.

Lily blushed and waved her off. “Don't get all gushy on me or you'll make me cry. So how's mom doing?”

Chloe looked grim. “Better, I guess. She won't leave her room but she talks every now and then. We've brought her some of dad's things. Old pictures, his journal and such. She just started crying when she saw them. I don't know if it'll help or make it worse to be honest.”

“She just needs time. This is a huge change for her. Is she...coming?”

Chloe looked away. “I asked her to come but she wouldn't say anything. I'm sorry, Lily.”

Lily nodded, her lips pulling into a tight smile. “It's okay. I understand.” She did even though it still hurt her. She was content with just having her mother back one way or the other. Maybe in time, who knew, she'd be able to have a normal conversation with her.

A soft knock came at the door. “Aren't I famous today?” Lily opened it to a dark-skinned stunner of a woman. The woman smiled politely and held a white box in her hands. It shined like it was made of opals.

“Hello, I'm Celine. I'm here to begin the ritual.”

Lily let her in and took a seat by the fireplace. “Ritual? This doesn't involve bloodletting or tattooing?” She laughed a bit nervously. Her sisters sat around her on the floor. Their nearness comforted her, eased the butterflies in her stomach.

“No bloodletting, but a form of tattoo, yes.”

Lily's eyebrows shot to her hairline. “Hey, I'm all for skin art, but it's not for me. What is this?”

Celine smiled in understanding then knelt before her, lifting the opal box with a small golden latch up. “This contains the ritual instruments.”

“She said instruments, this doesn't sound good,” muttered Willow.

“Shh!” Chloe said.

Celine opened the latch and pulled the top up. Lily squinted at the objects inside. Inside was a glass container the size of an ink well with a paint-like substance inside the color of chocolate and a cone-shaped object that looked like it was made out of parchment paper.

“What is all this?”

Celine picked up the ink well object. “This is the sacred bowl or durku. Inside it contains a special ink that I will use to paint onto your body. This cone, the lathu, will hold the ink so I may draw precisely onto your skin. It will look very beautiful on your paler skin.”

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