He blinked quickly then his eyes snapped up to meet hers. “No.” He couldn't hide the gruffness in his voice any more than he could the erection in his pants.

Her eyebrows rose. “Oh?”

She took a little step forward and the stupid organ in his chest started pounding like a ceremonial drum. Fuck, she was nothing but trouble. It took incredible willpower to keep his eyes from straying downward like they wanted to. Still, it didn't really matter, he now had the image of her naked wet body stamped in his mind forever.

“Get dressed.” He turned while he still could and slammed the hotel door behind him. He leaned against the wall, taking long deep breaths.

Get a hold of yourself.

If she wasn't a succubus then it wouldn't be a problem. That had to be what it was. Succubi had a sexual air to them that made a man think about things he didn't want to—like sex.

A moment later, the door opened. She came out wearing that ridiculous leather outfit and no shoes. He shouldn't be surprised that her toenails were painted something fit for a human sorority girl, but he was. Pink with a sparkle of a glitter.

“Are you ready?”

She smiled, but it held a hint of a secret to it. Dammit, she was up to something. “Yeah, I'm good.”

He led her back to the elevator and jammed his finger on the button for the lounge. He stood with his arms crossed, jaw clinched while she leaned back lazily against the wall.

He glared at the numbers as the elevator went down. He shouldn't have bought such a big building. This would take forever.

“You know, I think this is the same elevator Chloe and Tyrian had sex in.”

He choked, turning to her with wide eyes. “What?”

Her eyes turned contemplative. “Yeah, I think it is. She said they had sex in the elevator at your place. This is probably it.”

The elevator door dinged as it finally opened and Telal rushed through it with long steps. He reached the entrance and threw open the door.

“Out,” he said.

She stopped in front of him, facing outside. “Sure, just tell the driver to take me to the nearest council headquarters. I have a complaint to file.”

His voice turned cold. “What for?” He knew the answer, but had to be sure.

She looked up at him but didn't smile this time. “I'm going to file a complaint that my Protector has stated he will not do his job. Isn't that what you want?”

Telal saw red. He wanted nothing more than to grab her by the neck and shake her like a ragdoll. He controlled himself though, only letting his hands curl into fists. “You can't do that.”

Now she did smile. “Yes I can and I will. Bye, Telal.” She started to the black car waiting at the curb.

She reached it before he could finally utter the words. “Fine, you can stay.” She would interfere with his plans, but he could keep her out of the way and never see her.

She turned around to give him a hard look. He had to admit her eyes watched him with a smart tilt. “Promise?”

He let out a harsh breath. “I am not a child who makes promises—”

“Then I'll just go to the court and see what they have to say about this.” She nodded to the driver waiting at the car to open her door. He darted a look to Telal then opened the door. She got in, staring straight ahead, her arms crossed in defiance.

He'd rather pull his own teeth out than say the words, but she had him in a bind. “I promise.”

She put her hand to her ear as if she couldn't hear him. “What was that?”

The muscles in his back and neck tightened viciously. “I'll only say it once.”

Nodding, she got back out and whisked back to him. “I'll need some things so I'll see you later. Can I get you anything while I’m out?”

He watched her, trying to judge her level of sanity. When she didn't make a joke or smile he finally shook his head. She wiggled her fingers at him and got back in the car. The car pulled away with a slow rumble of the engine.

“What's the news?” Kearnyn said from behind him.

“She'll be staying here...for now. I don't want her anywhere near my office. Hell, keep her locked down on her floor. I don't want to see her face.”

Telal stormed back up to his office, but he couldn't get the naked image of Lily out of his mind.


“Bring the prisoner forward,” ordered the king.

The room grew quiet as two guards dragged forth a disheveled woman. Her long blonde hair clung to her skin matted with dirt and sweat. Arianna watched the scene unfold with growing foreboding. The king was in a dark mood today.

The king lifted his goblet and took a big drink, swishing the bitter alcohol around his mouth before swallowing. He laughed at something his councilman told him. Arianna barely contained her hatred being this close to the man she despised. The king’s mother, the queen, having already imbibed too much drink, giggled high as the guards shoved the prisoner to her knees and watched the scene with hard eyes.

The king's chuckle died as his eyes leveled on the prisoner who slumped forward on her knees as if she could barely sit up straight. Her gaunt cheeks and bony arms had Arianna looking the other way.

“You wish for an appeal, I hear, again.” The king's low voice held a vibrant edge to it. He never had to raise his voice to be heard, when he spoke all talking ceased.

The woman swallowed hard, her throat muscles sticking out with the motion. She wet her chapped lips then said, “Y-yes, my king. Please let me free. I didn't steal from you I—”

The king slammed his hand on his thrown. The loud boom echoed throughout the great hall like thunder. “If you didn't steal it then that means that my mother, your queen, is lying. Are you going to sit there and tell me the queen lied?” he said in a quiet voice.

Arianna gripped her goblet in her fist and downed the last of the drink. It became harder to hide her disgust as the woman's eyes filled with tears and big fat droplets fell down her dirty cheeks in streaks. It was clear to see she was desperately trying to hold back sobs. Arianna could never understand why these prisoners came forward to beg for an appeal—it never worked. Even though she knew for a fact that the queen was the kind of narcissistic woman to get a measly peasant into trouble for laughs...or entertainment.

Arianna glanced at the queen from the corner of her eyes. Her blue eyes glowed brightly and borderline mad against her golden skin. Her midnight black hair shined like raven's feathers in the light. Sinister beauty all rolled into one twisted package.

Her friend Celine sitting beside her nudged her with an elbow. In a low whisper she said, “So do you think she actually stole it?”

Arianna always saw to it to keep a close eye on Celine whose family had all been killed in the Great War many years ago. They'd bonded when they were mere children, before the war started, and had never turned back. The only reason she wasn't in a similar position to the trembling prisoner right now was because she came from the royal line.

“Of course not. She wouldn't risk it.” No one would. The sentence for stealing from the king or queen, or any royalty, was to spend the rest of one’s days in a cell with barely enough food or drink to survive. Starving and dirty for the rest of their lives. Many times the women, and even the men, were susceptible to...cruel acts in prison. Arianna grimaced and refilled her goblet. She couldn't wait for this to be over and it would be—soon. Whichever way the pendulum would swing, it wouldn't bode well for the prisoner.

“Is that all you have to say for yourself?” said the king.

The woman nodded, her entire body trembling now. “Y-yes, your highness. I didn't...I didn't...” She gave up and bowed her head down. She rocked up and down as if she couldn’t keep still.

“I'll tell you what. I will allow you more meals and a bath once a week if you admit to the crime and tell me how you came to be here.”

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