Chloe’s feet stopped moving, and she could only gape at his back, stunned. The Great War was legendary among supernaturals. It was the battle between supernaturals and demons.

One thousand years ago, the rift that now separated the two worlds was open and demons rampaged among the earth, wreaking havoc and destruction. Though now some argue that that wasn’t the case. Only certain demons harmed anything, the idummi. Others were honorable and family-oriented.

The infamous Atal Warriors was an organization that was created just to combat these magical, strong demonic beings. While not alive during the Great War, Chloe had heard enough stories and even epic poems written about the event. The war lasted for eighty-five years. When it was over, the Atal Warriors had prevailed and driven the demons into the rift that lead to the nether-realm, a space beneath the earth from whence the demons were born.

In the last several hundred years there have been many beings whether vampire,

shapeshifter, or even succubi who have spoken out against the war. These people stated that the war was a huge injustice, that the demons were not at fault, but we were; that the war was all lead by one man for vengeance. And that man was Tobius en Kulev, Tyrian’s father and the original commander of the Atal Warriors.

“Wait, my father was never in that war.”

Tyrian stopped walking and turned around to face her. “I do not lie, Ms. Bellum.”

Chloe shook her head to clear it. “Just call me Chloe. Listen, my father and I were close.

He never once mentioned anything like this. You must be wrong.”

“Ms. Bellum, I did not just fight in the war with your father, I fought beside him. He was one of our Generals. A fine fighter.”

Chloe was shaking her head. “Impossible. Papa always said that the war was wrong. That he believed what the Atal did was wrong. That the idummi demons were the only problem, not all of them.”

Tyrian’s brow furrowed, a small show of emotion. “I am not surprised by that. People do change, especially when one has lived as long as Francis did. I assure you that we fought alongside each other. How else do you explain my debt to him?” He turned around and started walking. Chloe stalked after him.

“Wait, what does that mean? Did he save you or something? How is it that he never told me he was a general in the organization? That’s huge. Oh my God, I can’t believe he never told me.” Something in her voice had him turning back to her. His hand rose as if to touch her but dropped back in place.

“What would it have changed if he had told you? Perhaps he did not want you to know about something so ugly. You are his daughter, after all. And the Great War is not something one tells a delicate daughter. Everyone has a dark side.”

Shock and dismay were quickly replaced by anger. Delicate? She was too delicate to be told bad news? It wasn’t even that bad really, just shocking. She stalked to him, bumping into his chest, which pushed her back rather than him.

“Listen here, Commander. I am not some delicate thing that has to be coddled. I don’t whimper, and I don’t whine. No, I’m not some tough as nails warrior vampire like you, but that doesn’t make me some simpering female who needs a man to protect her—”

“Obviously your father felt differently seeing as you are here under my protection now.”

Her mouth fell open. A second later, her palm shot out towards his face. He moved so fast she didn’t see it. His hand caught hers easily. She was breathing fast, each gasp brushing her sensitive breasts against his hard chest. Anger diffused quickly into something darker, wetter.

She licked her dry lips and his eyes fell to the movement. Something dark and toe curling unraveled in his dark eyes.

She had no idea how many moments passed, maybe even minutes, which they just stared at each other with her wrist held in his hand up in the air. She knew her breaths had deepened to languid pulls that slowly, achingly grazed her hard nipples up and down across his chest. A blooming, wet heat pooled between her legs. Never had she wanted a man to kiss her so badly in her life.

Suddenly he let go of her wrist and stepped away from her. His steps were just as sure and slow as before. He wasn’t even breathing hard. Now she wished she’d gotten in that slap.

Chloe followed him. He showed her clearly, even making her repeat after him, the areas of the castle she was not to wander into, and which ones she could. When it was done, she saw that he had her marked off into the living area, the tiny kitchen, her bedroom, and a couple of hallways. Considering how big this place was, he was being stingy. She kept her mouth shut, though, and nodded at him as he looked expectantly at her.

One thing Tyrian didn’t know about her was that she’d always been a poor listener, and even worse at obeying the rules. Obviously her papa had left out that little bit of info.

She had only a vague idea of where he slept so as he went into elaborate detail over how she couldn’t leave the castle, she debated over searching and exploring his bedroom first or the entire wing he’d said was off limits. Office first, then the bedroom, she thought and gave him a big smile.

He faltered for the barest of seconds in his speech then continued. The fact that he wasn’t immune to her didn’t go unnoticed. Perhaps this vampire commander was not so cold. Maybe he just needed to be warmed up and she had just the heat to do it.

Chapter Eight

Henry paused. Dammit, there was that sound again. Closing the door to the training room harder than necessary, he stalked down the hall to find out what it was. Quieting his steps as he neared the door to the study, he leaned close to the door and sniffed. As he swung the door open, an easy smile broke out over his lips.

The succubus spun around with a gasp, a quick blush creeping over her cheeks. Her eyes were big and round. She peeked behind him as if searching for someone else.

“Don’t worry the Commander isn’t here. You’re lucky I caught you and not him. He

doesn’t allow anyone in his study unless he’s in here and usually then it’s under orders.”

“Yes, well, I was just bored and wanted to take a look around the place.”

“I thought the Commander showed you around earlier today?” He cooled his smile into a flat line, though inside he was laughing. Several emotions flitted over her face as if she was quickly trying to come up with a lie.

“Yes, well, he did take me around but he didn’t really let me stop to enjoy anything. I couldn’t sleep and thought I would explore the castle.”

Henry jerked his head to the hallway. “Come on, out with you. If I leave you here

knowingly it’ll be my arse on the line.”

She stumbled out quickly and he shut the door behind her. She was a pretty one, he

thought looking at her. Her hair was brown with just a hint of copper in it, and her gray eyes sparkled from excitement.

“Okay, I’ll just be going to bed.”

“Be sure you make it there. You’re safe from the Commander and anyone else here

but...” he hesitated over his words then said, “he isn’t the kindest of men.”

Chloe nodded quickly and started away. She turned back, “Wait. Do you know when the next new moon is?”

His face pulled into a frown. “Why?”

“It’s important. It’s a...succubus thing.” She might as well have said it’s a feminine matter. He literally took a step back.

“Two days.”

“How sure are you?”

He thought about it. “Very sure.”

“Okay, thanks a lot. What’s your name?”

“Henry.” She poked out her hand and he shook it.

“Chloe,” she said. “Well goodnight, Henry. Thanks for the info.”

“Stay out of trouble,” he warned and a devilish grin broke out over her face.

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