She had to get out of here. Lifting her gaze to the night sky she watched with growing terror as the moon was nowhere to be seen. How could she have forgotten? The new moon. Her body was on fire like her blood was made from lava.

Sweat formed and flew off her face in the wind. Her hair plastered to her wet skin. Where was she even at now? Germany? Switzerland? She couldn’t even remember. She’d been on the run hard and fast since she met the Alpha.

He was still after her. He’d been so close in Spain, but she’d outmaneuvered him, not without a little dirty handed trick though. Running back to the train station, she found a group of cops and told them he was an angry abusive boyfriend. At seeing the big shapeshifter charging in after her, they tackled him to the ground, letting her quickly buy another train ticket and squeeze onto a train to Frankfurt, Germany.

But that was two days ago or was that just yesterday? She could no longer tell the


Why the hell did succubi reach sexual adulthood at 29? What a random fucking age. She vaguely recalled her father saying something about how the 29th year was the year the succubus stopped growing completely and became fertile, and that was why they were given to a man on their 29th birthday. To be ready for the new moon.

“Fucking misogynistic bullsh—” Willow’s foot caught on a fallen tree branch. She

yowled and went flying through the air. She barely managed to put her hands out in front of her before she was skidding along the grass.

Breathing hard, she groaned and turned herself onto her back. The dark circle of the moon taunted her. Dragging in gulps of air she wearily lifted her arm and extended her middle finger to the dark circle.

A twig snapped in the distance. Willow sat up in an instant, scanning the area. Hoping—

no dreading—to see the man she’d been running from. Never had she felt a more potent challenge in all her life. Never had she wanted to both win and lose. The very thought of the Alpha and what he stood for had her hair standing on end, yet there was no denying the way he’d melted her from the inside out. Some part of her wanted to test the waters and see what it would take to bring him to his knees before her.

“Shut up, Willow,” she growled.

Oh, God. What was going on with her body? This must be what it feels like to take the drug ecstasy. Even the blades of grass beneath her felt sensual, like a lovers touch.

She clamped her eyes shut and saw one man’s face there, taunting her. Mentally she

flipped him off, while realistically she slid her hand beneath her shorts. Her fingers found her creamy soft lips easily. Her body had been burning up all day. Just a quick release, that’s all she needed. The exertion from running had helped her to resist doing this, but now.... Now she let her knees fall open, her imagination go wild, and her fingers thrust inside her.

Alpha Lyonis Keelan was the biggest man she’d ever seen. Incredibly wide shouldered and tall enough to make her above-average height feel very short. Even his walk wasn’t just a walk, he swaggered with the gracefully gait of a confident man. A man whose mere presence dared weaker men to challenge him.

Her tongue darted out to wet her suddenly dry lips. His body was superbly built; she’d seen it through the outline of his clothes. He’d be a dominating lover. Would he push her down to her knees and make her taste his cock? The thought shouldn’t thrill her but her pussy walls tightened around her thrusting fingers.

No, she’d never let him do that to her. She’d put the big Alpha on his knees, make him spread her legs open and lick her until she tasted oblivion. Again, her finger clenched on her tunneling finger. She moved it faster, pushing her body closer to a tight, much needed release.

Then she’d make him lick her clean and lie back down. Maybe she’d even tie his hands so he couldn’t move. Her stomach fluttered at the idea and a moan escaped her as she pictured the big shapeshifter sprawled out, tied up to a bed, his cock long and thick, and waiting just for her. She’d toss her leg over his waist, grab him in her fist, and slowly sit down on his length.

Only after she thoroughly worked him up, coated his cock with her cream, only after he begged, would she grant him release. Would she see anger glittering in his eyes or dark acceptance? He would hate to be tamed by a woman. He’d fight the release. Try to stop himself from coming. She would run her hands over his chest, through his hair, and pump her hips faster.

Until unable to deny himself, he’d roar and shake against his chains, and jet himself inside her.

Willow moaned as her fingers darted out to furiously rub her bud. The orgasm swept

through her fast. She came in hard, wet waves, the vision of Alpha Lyonis coming inside her floating through her mind.

The release was over too quickly and left her feeling even emptier than she had before.

Her nipples hurt, her breasts felt tight like twisted leather, and her sex kept pulsing and pounding like a techno beat.

“I wonder what you were thinking of, Willow. Did you picture some man bending you

over and taking your body?” Willow shot to her feet and came face to face with Alpha Lyonis Keelan. “Or perhaps laying between your legs and taking you close and dear while staring into your fiery eyes?”

The one man she wasn’t supposed to let close to her no matter what was a mere ten feet away. He’d seen everything.

“No, no, not for you. Not for my Willow. You’re too strong for that, aren’t you? Too proud to let some man use your body for pleasure. No, you would think about him pleasing you.

Did you imagine your dream boy tasting your nipples, cupping your breasts? No? Ah, I see. You saw him tasting your wet pussy, licking you until you screamed. And then what, pretty Willow?

Did you reciprocate and come thinking about him spilling between your sweet lips? Again no. I underestimate you. Your looks speak everything. Did you ride him in your dream?”

Willow’s jaw flexed hard and she glared burning daggers of hate at him. How could he even guess so much? How could he read her so easily?

“You did, didn’t you?” His eyes traveled down over her legs and hips in admiration.

“You are strong. I could easily see your muscles pumping and working as you took his body. Did you let your dream man come or did you just use him? Did you let him touch your soft body or did you control that too?” Burning heat rushed to her cheeks. Hearing him talk about it was worse than the fact that he saw her touching herself.

“Fuck you,” she snarled. He took several steps towards her, arousal and something else flickering in his eyes. She took as many steps back and he stopped following, a sardonic grin playing at the corner of his mouth. A kissable mouth, lips neither too thin nor too full but somewhere perfectly in between. One dimple popped in his cheek. She glared harder.

“Tell me pretty Willow, does your dream boy have a name, a face? Do you have some

little human waiting for you back home?”

Willow’s pulse stammered at his words. She didn’t know what shocked her more, the

jealousy that clouded his words, that he thought she had a boyfriend, or that he thought she was pretty. Well why shouldn’t she have a boyfriend?

She squared her shoulders at him, lifting her chin another inch. The fact was guys

practically went running in the other direction when they saw her. Or at the first glint of anger or even her laughter, which her sisters had dubbed “evil doctor laughter.” The guys always went running to much sweeter, softer women. Women like her sisters.

Not that he needed to know any of that. “As a matter of fact, I do and yes I was thinking about him.” She took a step back from him, ready to hightail it out of there, when her foot caught on something and she went falling back in the air.

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