The woman smiled at Chloe, concern bracketing her gentle golden brown eyes. She wore a white gown that reminded Chloe of the Victorian Age or something equally old-fashioned. It was tight along the breasts and pushed them up high and out. Yet the rest of the gown was almost a mockery of sexy. It fell wide to her feet nearly covering all of her slippered feet. The sleeves of her dress were cuffed around her delicate shoulders and looked like velvet.

A thousand questions raged through Chloe’s mind. “Who the hell are you?”

Of all the way she could have handled the situation, she probably didn’t choose the wisest. But dammit she was freaking the fuck out. Who was this woman? Was she his? Was she his wife? But the woman in the painting had blonde hair. Was this the child all grown up? But then why was there a baby room that looked like it hadn’t been touched in ages?

The woman’s slightly tilted eyes raised high. “I am Lucinda.” She bowed her head


“Chloe,” she replied, her mind working furiously.

“I know,” the woman said.

Chloe narrowed her gaze on her. “How do you know that?”

She smiled with her little pouty pink mouth. “Commander Tyrian informed me of your

arrival. I was hoping to meet you at some point, though not like this. Are you aware that you are not supposed to be up here?”

Chloe couldn’t keep from frowning. The woman was nice, even acted genuinely

concerned and here she was thinking of all the ways she could be related to her new vampire boyfriend. There, she’d finally thought it. She was hooked on Tyrian en Kulev, Commander of the Atal Warriors—the most badass group of warriors in the world.

He made her heart race, her mind addled, and her body heat like a growing fire. She wanted to know everything about him. She wanted to melt that ice he held so tightly wrapped around him, but first... Chloe narrowed her eyes on Ms. Pretty—she had to figure out who she was.

“Yeah, he told me I wasn’t supposed to come here. Hence why I’m here.”

Lucinda tossed her head back and laughed. She quickly covered the surprisingly rich, not-so-delicate laugh with her hand.

“You’ll be good for him, I think. He needs someone to push him. Someone who won’t

tire and back away, or run from his temper.”

Chloe puffed with pride inside. “I honestly haven’t seen him angry.”

“Commander Tyrian grows more and more resolute, impassive even, the angrier he gets, and I must admit,” Lucinda whispered stepping close to grab one of Chloe’s hands, “he’s been in a tiff lately. At first I thought it was because of the whole demon problem that you started, but now I know it’s because of you. ” Chloe decided to wait to decide if that was an insult or not.

“What demon thing? You mean what happened at the cemetery? How do you know about

that?” Oh my God was he posting tweets and Facebook posts about her every move or


“No, no. I’m friends with Draven you see. He told me about the demon you and your

sisters summoned before he went to get you. In the meantime, Tyrian has sent warriors out to find this demon and kill it, but they’ve had no luck in finding it. It has proven quite elusive.” She was talking fast and excited now; even her cheeks were turning pink.

“So at first I thought he was simply getting frustrated with whole situation. But now that I’ve met you, I can see it’s you that has him bothered. How delightfully wicked,” she said, clapping her hands together.

Chloe opened her mouth then shut it. Twice. She could easily see this woman hanging out with her and her sisters on party night every weekend. Though maybe not in that dress. She’d definitely need a pair of jeans and a tight tank top, too.

“Wait, who are you? Why are you here? Are you one of the warrior’s mates?” Chloe lit up with an idea, remembering the way her cheeks had blushed at the mention of the warrior Draven. “It’s Draven, right? He is handsome. Is he yours?” The woman’s smile dropped and she stood back a step.

“No, of course not. The warrior and I are only friends, not even that really. I just talk to him on occasion.”

“Oh my, I know that look. That’s lust, Lucinda. Have you tried going after him?” The woman’s eyes grew wide.

“Never! No, I couldn’t possibly. Ever. It would be completely inappropriate.”

“Why?” said Chloe.

“Because I am a frimar.

Chloe heart dropped through the floor at her words. Frimar meant only one thing. Blood concubine. A vampire’s blood servant.

Her voice shook. “Whose?”

The woman’s eyes lowered in a look of sympathy. “Commander Tyrian’s.”

Anger, pain, fury spun through her like a storm. “I understand,” she croaked.

And she did. Of course a powerful vampire like him had a frimar. Many did, though most of them were the warriors’ mates. Had he taken her blood when he ran from the room last night?

Had he been taking her blood since she got here? She had no idea how much a vampire needed or how often. Bitter, infuriating anger morphed inside of her.

Now she knew what Willow felt like when she threw things against the wall just to see them break. She forced back the hollow pain that spread through her chest like dead weight and smiled emptily at Tyrian’s frimar. His frimar!

“I am really sorry,” Lucinda said.

Chloe nodded at her, but from the corner of her eye, something else caught her vision.

Tyrian en Kulev stood at the top of the stairs watching her. He hadn’t been there long, she hoped.

She wanted to say something flippant. She wanted to smile, wave, and bounce back to her room but she could barely breathe past the tightness in her chest.

Lucinda said something quiet and ducked past Tyrian to go down the stairs. She so didn’t want to do this right now. She didn’t want to be anywhere near him with how she felt.

“I told you not to come here.” It was the coldest she’d ever heard his voice. This time she actually shivered and wrapped her arms around her chest.

“Yeah, well you’re an asshole.” Whatever, she was out of here. She marched up to him but his big body blocked the alcove.

“Move out of the way.”

“Why are you angry?” At least five really good reasons she was sure. Did he deserve to know? No.

“I really don’t want to talk you, oh Grand Commander. Let me pass.” His jaw tightened and she spun around, flinging open the nearest door. It was bright and feminine.

A bitter laugh escaped from her. “Let me guess, this is Lucinda’s room.” She didn’t close the door but stalked across the hall and flung open the door. Her heart skipped a beat. “Let me guess, yours?” she said looking back at him with anger and pain in her eyes. Naturally they’d keep their rooms so close together. So he could have a little snack whenever he wanted.

She marched in, taking in the simple surroundings. A bed, drawers, and a bathroom. That was it. Not a picture on the wall, a computer, or even a book.

“If you’re trying to keep yourself in the dark, you’re doing a good job, Tyrian.”

Silence greeted her until she finally spun around. She wanted to cry. She chalked the highly emotional response to the new moon and the fact that her hormones were not quite normal. He stayed in the doorway, blocking out what little light had been lighting the room from the hall.

“You’re angry because of Lucinda, my frimar.

She whipped her arms open and let her jaw drop as if to say DUH. “Uh, yeah!” He came into the room a step.

“Many warriors have one. It’s very common among us.” The icy control he had over his words practically formed frost around his lips. He’s not really my man. I know, logic agreed. But this is something he really should have told me. Preferably before he had sex with her—twice.

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