He took a deep, long breath but looked down at her. She crooked her finger at him and hesitantly he leaned down. She met him by rising on her toes.

In the sexiest voice she could manage, she whispered into the shell of his ear, “I

remember your tongue licking my sex in this very spot, Tyrian. I remember the way you felt as you thrust inside me so hungrily. I wish we could do it all over again. Right now.”

He pulled back quickly, his eyes wide and a flush darkening his cheeks. Chloe looked down, saw the start of a bulge in his military-style black pants, and wanted to do a little cheer.

Instead, she blew him a kiss just as the doors dinged open.

The same two guards waited for them. Their eyes met Tyrian’s with a mixture of blatant hostility and fear.

“I hope we will not have the same problems we did last time,” Tyrian said.

The guards spoke into their mics and eventually nodded at them before leading them

down the hall. They went into the demon’s office, but the demon was nowhere to be seen.

“He’ll be right with you,” one of the guards said. Lily’s eyes were wide and bright with excitement. She ran over to the demon’s desk and sat on it, kicking her legs back and forth as she looked over the papers and things on his desk.

“Lily, what are you doing?” Chloe whispered furiously.

Lily smiled and waved her off. “Demons have an incredible sense of smell or so I hear. I just want him to get a good long scent of mine.” She hopped down and sat in his chair, sliding back and forth on the leather. She’d just hopped back onto his desk and started reading through his papers when a side door opened and the demon came in.

His gaze locked on Lily like a sniper. “What the hell do you think you’re doing? Who are you?” Lily smiled at him, which seemed to completely unfaze him as he stalked towards her.

“Get off my desk.”

Lily hopped off but grabbed his hand and lifted it. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Telal Demuzi. I must say I hate that you’re into weapons manufacturing but all of your other work has seriously impressed me.” She brought his golden-skinned hand up to her face and then licked his palm. His eyes flared huge and he viciously yanked his hand back. He backed her into his desk, her thighs hitting it and stopping her. He crowded her.

“I said, who the fuck are you?”

Chloe watched as Lily licked her lips in the sexiest way possible. The point of her tongue darted out and licked the top of her lip slowly, as if she was licking off the last bit of ice cream.

The demon’s golden eyes watched and if possible, grew brighter in the already well-lit room.

“Lily Bellum, animal lover, spiritualist, and all around demon lover.” The demon’s

nostrils flared. “I had no idea demons were so...big,” she said, her fingers climbing up the front of his chest. “I like,” she said, practically purring. The demon snatched her hand away and brushed her off him. He took a seat at his desk with a feral scowl on his face.

“Tyrian, let’s get to business. I don’t have time for silly women and games.”

“You heard him,” Lily said to Tyrian. “Chip chop.” She hopped onto Telal’s desk and smiled at him. “Your hair is beautiful. A luscious blue—my favorite color.” The demon’s jaw flexed side to side until Chloe heard it crack.

“Get off my desk.”

“No,” she said and swung her sandaled feet. Chloe couldn’t help but grin at her sister.

This poor demon. Once Lily set her mind on something, she didn’t stop until she got it. The Bellums were a tenacious bunch like that.

“What did you learn?” Tyrian asked.

The demon cast Lily a hard look then said, “The news isn’t good. The Bellum sisters chose possibly the worst location to perform a spell, especially to say the spell wrong,” he growled, cutting Lily a look.

Lily shrugged. “We chose the location for its magical properties.”

“That you did,” agreed the demon, “but you also cast the spell above the burial ground for one of the most dangerous demons in existence. Its name is Karr gh’elic Crumanja.

According to demonic lore, the demon was once normal but craved power. Using a mixture of dark magicks, it grew more powerful and more dangerous. It was killing demon women and children for sacrifices and black worship. Dozens of demons banded together to rid Karr from the earth.”

“They didn’t do a very good job,” Chloe noted.

Telal glared at her. “They did until three foolish women stepped onto his grounds and cast a summoning spell.”

“It wasn’t a summoning spell,” said Lily. “It was to keep you men away from us. We had every right.”

Telal leaned back in his chair and drummed his long fingers on his thighs. “You were wrong and it won’t stop until it dies or it kills her.” He looked pointedly at Chloe.

“How do I kill it?” Tyrian asked. The demon cracked his neck side to side.

“Not easily. As I said, it took dozens of demons fighting it to subdue it long enough to bind it magically. They put it in a cage and buried him deep within the earth, below the rift where only the idummi live.”

“Why didn’t they just kill it?” Chloe asked. Her stomach clenched in warning. She was feeling sicker by the minute. The same sick feeling she had when the demon climbed out of the ground and roared her name.

The demon leveled his bright amber eyes on her. “Because it can’t be killed. It’s too powerful and every moment it’s free, it will grow more so. We have no idea what it’s capable of at this point or what it’s even doing. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s trying to amass a new army already.”

“That’s not true,” Lily said. She hopped off the desk and closed the distance between her and the demon. He looked appalled and shocked that she’d do such a thing. But then she turned towards his desk, giving him her back. Her bare back. The demon’s eyes glowed brightly as his gaze wracked over her.

“You know nothing about it, lilit.”

Au contraire, my soon-to-be demonic lover. It can be killed. I dreamt it. Chloe will cast a spell that puts the demon back into the earth.”

The demon stood and put some space between them. “Nonsense. Ridiculous. A dream?

You are just spouting lies now, lilit.”

“She is not lying,” Chloe said and took an aggressive step towards him. He cocked an eyebrow at her that said he wasn’t impressed. “Lily never lies. Her dreams have been known to come true. Lily, how do we get this spell so we can get it done?”

“I don’t know,” she said, shrugging. “I can do some research and write one up with you.”

“In English, please, I don’t want to summon anything else.” Lily giggled and perched herself back on the demon’s desk.

“You are on my work. Get off,” Telal said with barely controlled anger.

“Chloe and Lily, you will work on the spell immediately. If it works then we’ll kill the demon, set a trap for it. If not, we’ll wait until it attacks again. We don’t have the demonic magic to bind the demon. It will have to die,” Tyrian said.

“It’ll only amass a bigger army,” the demon warned.

“Let him.” Tyrian seemed completely unfazed at the thought, while Chloe couldn’t help the unsettling feeling sitting in her gut. “Let’s go.”

Lily whined but stalked to the demon. He took a step back and stared at her, astonished.

She whispered, but Chloe still made out the words. “I dreamt of us. Perhaps I’ll tell you all about it one day. I think you’d like it, Telal. Call me...anytime.” Then she walked away, grabbed Chloe by the hand, and they left.

“Let me guess,” Chloe said, “you like him.”

Lily fanned herself with a hand. “The demon is hot. Blue hair! And did you see his skin?

No wonder I was licking him everywhere in that dream. I’m ready to go back in there and—”

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