“Without a host I have nothing. I’ll have to leave this place. Where will I go?” she asked, her eyes glossy with tears.

Chloe was at a loss for words. “You don’t have to leave. You can stay right here if you want.” Lucinda shook her head.

“Never. It’s unseemly for the host’s previous frimar to stay under his care. I must go.”

She ran into the room and began pulling bags out from a closet. She started stuffing them with gowns and sashes before Chloe could say a word.

“Just hold on a second. Lucinda, I’m not putting you out and neither is Tyrian. I just want my neck to be the only one he uses.” Lucinda nodded, tears spilling down her cheeks.

“I completely understand. I really do. That is why I must go.”

“Wait, stop it!” Lucinda stopped. Chloe saw her hands were shaking as she clasped them together. “What about one of the other warriors?”

“No, they all have frimars already and those who do not have special arrangements.”

Dammit. “Listen, stay here and be calm. I promise you everything will be okay. I’m

going to be back in a few minutes. Stop packing. Just take a deep breath. If you want, go find my sister. She’s in the great hall and really wants to meet you.” The vampire’s eyes widened in shock as if she was surprised anyone would want to do that. Shaking her head, Chloe said,

“Promise me, okay?”

Lucinda nodded. “Yes, I promise.” Chloe rushed to her and hugged her tight before

running out the room.

She had to find Draven.

* * *

Chloe found the warrior Draven deep in the castle armory selecting an assortment of weapons. He had blonde hair streaked with dark brown that fell to his waist, an aristocratic nose, thinly sculpted lips, and hollowed cheeks that gave him a hawkish, devilish appearance.

He turned to her with an easy smile. “What are you doing down here? Commander

Tyrian probably wouldn’t like you being here.”

“Probably,” she agreed. “I came to talk to you about something.”

He cocked a brow. “And what’s that?”

“Do you have a frimar?” His eyes widened at her question.

Frowning he said, “That’s a private matter that most vampires do not discuss with

others.” Chloe felt a blush spread across her cheeks.

“Sorry, I didn’t know there was a protocol to this sort of thing. I just know someone who needs a host.”

“And so you thought to ask me,” he said slowly. Chloe nodded, unsure how much she

should tell him. For all she knew the warrior had a woman, or a legion of them, but she did know that Lucinda’s eyes lit up at the mention of his name. It was worth a try.

“Exactly. I’m sorry it’s private, but I really need to know. Do you have one?” He looked at her with a peculiar expression, as if he was trying to figure her out. Or like she had some ulterior motive.

“No, I do not. I have other arrangements.” Chloe clapped her hands.

“Wonderful! Because I sort of need a favor.” If anything, the warrior’s expression grew even more remote.

“Tell me all. I do not like games.”

“Well, I know a wonderful woman who is currently looking for a host. And if she doesn’t find one then she’ll have no place to go. She’s scared and I’m scared for her since it’s sort of my fault to begin with and—”

His eyes snapped to hers. “Lucinda?”

“Yes! You know her, right?”

“No, I can’t...I can’t be her host.

Chloe frowned and said, “Why not? I don’t think she minds you at all.”

“She can easily find another. Ask Rayn or one of the other warriors.” He turned his back to her and began piling weapons into a black satchel on the counter.

“Why not you?”

He was silent for a moment. “Those reasons are not any of your business.” Chloe had never heard Draven sound so serious. Usually he wore a big smile and had a sarcastic joke for everything. Even when he’d been kidnapping her out of the hostel in England, he’d had a grin.

“I’m sorry. Do you two have a history or something?”

“No, Chloe. Now, if you don’t mind, I’d like to be left alone.”

Steps sounded behind her and Chloe turned to see Tyrian headed towards her. She smiled at him but he didn’t back.

“You shouldn’t be down here,” he said. “Draven, meeting in thirty. We have some

developments on the demon.” The warrior turned back around, his smile back on his face.

“Sure thing, Commander.” His eyes flickered to Chloe’s and his smile died.

Tyrian grabbed her arm and led her down the hall. “What were you talking to Draven


Chloe debated telling him the truth. Would he be mad that she was trying to pair his ex-frimar with a new host? “I was just looking for you.” She cringed inside, hating that she just lied to him.

“How’s the spell coming with your sister? We need it soon.”

“I was just about to go work on it, actually. Lily says she’s also going to make a potion that may help to kill it in case it gets nears me.” He turned to her, pressing her gently against the wall.

“It won’t,” he promised. His fingers passed through her hair. “You are so beautiful it twists me up inside.” He sounded amazed and unhappy at the thought. Chloe wrapped her arms around his waist and pulled him closer.

“And you, my sexy Commander, make my head spin every time you touch me.” As his

eyes fell to her lips, Chloe’s heart thumped wildly. God, she loved this man.

Her entire body stiffened.

“What’s wrong?” You’re entirely too perceptive was what she wanted to say.

“Nothing, just got a chill.” Damn, second lie in two minutes. See, this is what happens, she thought. But then his arms came around her and pressed her into the heat of his body and she sighed. Maybe some lies weren’t so bad after all.

His lips came down on hers and the kiss was sweet with a trace of longing. He claimed her with a sincere passion that swept her off her feet and made her feel like she was floating.

When he pulled back, she looked up at him. Her heart raced so fast, and yes, she knew.

She loved this man.

“Come on.” Tyrian led her to the great room and dropped her off with her sister. She saw Lucinda was sitting at the edge of her seat with her spine stiff and straight, her hands folded gently in her lap.

“Finish your spell. I’ll come get you later.”

“Bye,” she whispered and gave him one last kiss before walking away. A sharp spank

landed on her ass as she turned away. Her jaw dropped as she spun around to see him laughing.

But she had no time to say anything because he spun around and went in the other direction.

Progress? Check.

“Lucinda, I’m so glad you came down.” The vampire blushed prettily and fidgeted in her seat.

“Yes, well, thank you for inviting me.”

“I was just telling Luci, you can call her that by the way, that she’d look smokin’ in a black leather jump suit. Don’t you think, sis? With those Cat Woman type boots that go all the way up,” Lily said.

“Oh, yes. You’d have all the men after you.” The vampire blushed even harder and Chloe felt guilty. She was about to mutter an apology, in fact, when a rapping sounded behind her.

All three of them turned to see Draven standing there. His smile was gone once again, and his brow was furrowed. He glanced at Chloe and swore she almost saw anger there.

“Lucinda, may I speak with you?” Chloe climbed to the edge of her seat to see this.

Draven even sounded...polite. The beautiful vampire stood and walked gracefully to the warrior.

“What’s all this about? Lily whispered. Chloe quickly rehashed what happened with

Lucinda and her conversation with Draven while they eagerly watched on.

“Oh, my God. You should have let me come. Look at that, he totally wants her!”

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